German, Latin, and Church Slavonic in the language and text of the Smolensk trade treaty of 1229 [In Russian] (original) (raw)

About the language of the Slavonic-Moldavian documents of the 14th-17th centuries

Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Filologiya, 2016

В статье представлен краткий обзор изучения языка господарской канцелярии Молдавского княжества. Большинство исследователей придерживалось мнения, что языком молдавской средневековой дипломатики был западнорусский (южнорусский). Автор приходит к выводу, что в основу официального языка Молдавии с момента ее образования (вторая половина XIV в.) до начала XVIII в. лег язык русинов-коренного населения Карпато-Днестровских земель. Он оказал большое влияние на развитие молдавского языка.

О новом источнике для исследования русского языка Петровской эпохи: русский перевод торгового соглашения, заключенного между Францией и Любеком, Бременом, Гамбургом

Коркина Т.Д. О новом источнике для исследования русского языка Петровской эпохи: русский перевод торгового соглашения, заключенного между Францией и Любеком, Бременом, Гамбургом // Славянская историческая лексикология и лексикография. 2021. Вып. 4. С. 137–165., 2021

Публикация вводит в научный оборот в полном объеме ранее не исследованный текст рукописного русского перевода торгового соглашения, заключенного между Францией и немецкими городами Любеком, Бременом и Гамбургом во второй половине 10-х гг. XVIII в. Рукопись хранится в собрании Библиотеки Петра I в Отделе рукописей БАН. Небольшой по объему текст перевода содержит ценный материал для изучения русского языка первой половины XVIII в., а также для пополнения Картотеки «Словаря русского языка XVIII века». Публикация снабжена кратким предисловием, в котором описана структура перевода, выдвинуты предположения, касающиеся оригинала источника, отмечены некоторые особенности языка (текст документа содержит лексику разных регистров), выделены основные функциональные сферы лексики «Трактата». За текстом перевода приводится указатель слов.

Russian-Belarusian dialect correspondences (on the material of Smolensk, Vitebsk and Mogilev dialects)


The article deals with dialect nouns that occur in three groups of closely related dialects of the Russian-Belarusian borderland (Smolensk, Vitebsk and Mogilev) and its function in particular dialect systems as lexical parallels . All found words were di-vided into two large groups, taking into account the characteristics of their productivity and non-productivity. Non-derivative dialect nouns demonstrate greater variability of lexical meanings due to their expansion or narrowing in semantics, while derivative nouns demonstrate stability of lexical meanings. This observation made it possible to establish such a criterion as the productivity to characterize the stability of dialect units in different groups of closely related dialects.

Charters of the Hungarian King Andrew II Granted to the Teutonic Knights in Transylvania: Latin Texts, Translations into Russian, and Commentaries (in Russian)

This article contains Latin texts, translations into Russian, and comments to four royal charters granted by the Hungarian king Andrew II (1205–1235) to the Teutonic knights, respectively, in 1211, 1212, 1215 (approximately), and 1222. These historical documents contain valuable information about the period of the Teutonic brethren stay in Transylvania. In 1211, the Hungarian king granted to the Knights the Burzenland in southeastern Transylvania in the unlimited possession, where they remained until their final expulsion from the Kingdom of Hungary in 1225. The text of the first royal charter contained in this article shows that the Andrew II’s decision to invite the Teutonic brethren in Transylvania was caused by the frequent Cuman raids on the Kingdom and that the principal aim of the Hungarian monarch was to prevent these attacks by establishing lasting control over the Burzenland. The degree of importance of the task entrusted to the Knights was emphasized by a number of privileges granted by the Hungarian crown, that helped to create favorable conditions for increasing the local population in order to ensure a constant flow of material resources and manpower to the Teutonic brothers, which they could use to organize the defense of Burzenland against the attacks of nomads. The content of subsequent royal charters shows that the Teutonic brothers not only fully used granted privileges in establishing durable control over the Burzenland, but also began to expand their landholdings in the Cuman territories. In particular, the last charter of 1222 gives an idea about the extent of the Teutonic knights’ conquests at the expense of the Cuman possessions beyond the Carpathian Mountains. At the same time, the contents of the royal charters can partially identify the reasons for the deterioration in relations between the Teutonic knights and the Hungarian crown, which led both to the first attempt by Andrew II to confiscate the Teutonic brethren landholdings at the end of 1221 and, possibly, to the final expulsion of the Knights from the Kingdom of Hungary in 1225.


Прилогот што следува подолу содржи белешки за словенски ракописни книги и за граѓанско, правно-канонски текстови со потекло од Струмица и Струмичко, евидентирани од наша страна како дел од неколкумесечниот истражувачки проект за реконцепција и осовременување на постојаната музејска поставка при Националната установа Завод за заштита на спомениците на културата и музеj - Струмица. Ракописното културно-историско наследство од Струмица и Струмичко денес се чува во повеќе институции во земјата и во странство и тоа: Националната и универзитетска библиотека „Св. Климент Охридски“ - Скопје, Хрватската академија на науките и уметностите - Загреб, Националната библиотека „Св. Св. Кирил и Методиј“ - Софија, Р Бугарија, Историскиот музеј во Москва, Русија, во струмичкиот црковен храм Св. Кирил и Методиј и на други места. Во истражувачкиот труд се застапени конкретни сознанија за сочувани словенски ракописни книги и граѓанско правно-канонски текстови од XIII до крајот на XIX век.

Руськомовные и церковнославянские переводы польского произведения „Żywoty świętych“ ректора Вильнюсского университета Петра Скарги в кириллической рукописной традиции Великого княжества Литовского и Польского королевства: язык и текст в свете этно-конфессиональных контактов

Vilnius, Lietuvių kalbos institutas, 2023

The dissertation is devoted to the poorly studied and extensive handwritten tradition of Ruthenian and Church Slavonic translations from the printed Polish-language hagiographic book „Żywoty świętych“ by the famous Jesuit, the first rector of Vilnius University Piotr Skarga (first edition 1579, Vilna). The volume of texts translated from the Skarga's book by the Eastern Slavs of the GDL and the PC can be compared, perhaps, only with biblical translations. In the study of tradition, a source study approach was used. In the context of general information about the number, language and volume of the corpus of translations, using the methods of textual criticism, the history of the text of the lives of Sts. Procopius of Caesarea (18 copies), Athanasius the Great (16), Pelagia of Tarsus (15), reflecting the linguistic and cultural features of the “Cyrillic” translations of „Żywoty świętych“. To establish the translatable nature, the Ruthenian and Church Slavonic texts were compared with the Polish-language ones: the condition for identification was the correspondence in language and content. The genealogy of numerous lists of lives was established by comparing data on the textology of the lists with information about their orientation to a specific of the seven editions of „Żywoty świętych“, published during Skarga's lifetime. Researched tradition, in the 17th-18th centuries which existed among the Eastern Slavs of the territories of the Commonwealth is an example of inter-confessional redirection of texts: lives and sermons, which were popular in the Catholic environment for a long time, became widespread among Orthodox and Uniates. The creation of "Cyrillic" versions of Polish hagiographies dates back to no later than the beginning of the 17th century (during the life of the compiler). The Eastern Slavs translated 232 texts out of 422 (or 55%) contained in the Skarga vault. Most translations are contained in collections of the menaean type and collections made entirely of translations, which indicates a special need for long reading texts. Ruthenian was the main translation language: 44 Church Slavonic translations are also known in this language. Life of the st. Procopius of Caesarea and st. Athanasius the Great was twice translated into Ruthenian, the life of the st. Pelagia of Tarsus — once. Church Slavonic translations of the lives were made through the mediation of the Ruthenian. Localization of the place of transfer — the territory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The tradition under study was probably not, like the creation of the Reading Menology of Metropolitan Macarius in Muscovite Rus', centralized. Translations from Polish and rewriting of reading books could be done by parish priests, who had a need for edifying literature.

Additions to the list of polonisms in the 17th century Russian Chancellery Language


The article examines the history of the four words found in the Muscovite diplomatic correspondence: mevati ‘to have’, menovati ‘to call, to name’, metsja ‘to feel yourself; to live’, meskaniec ‘inhabitant’. The author aims at proving that these words are lexical borrowings from Polish language. The study is based on a careful comparison of data of various types of dictionaries of the Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and Polish languages, which made it possible to prove the insincerity of these tokens in the Russian language and to establish the source of borrowing, as well as to identify the intermediary role written language of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Polish-Russian language contacts. The materials in this publication can be used to supplement and clarify the information of the etymological and historical dictionaries of the Slavic languages.



The article deals with the three patterns for an interpretation of language in its relation to the cultural hegemony, i.e. Gramscian, Voloshinian, and Pasolinian ones. As was shown, analysis of the language problem is the necessary precondition for justifying the unity of theoretical and practical elements within Marxist philosophy. The common feature for the aforementioned patterns was an attempt to answer a fundamental question: how it is possible to make explicit the relationship between ideology and relations of production by means of the materialist dialectics. A refusal to make language a fetish or an abstracted essence, a revealing that any sign systems are mediated by political ideologies, and an elaboration of the non-Saussurian structure of language was the core result of the suggested analyses. У статті розглянуто три моделі тлумачення мови в її стосунку до культурної гегемонії: ґрамшіанську, волошинівську та пазолінівську. Показано, що аналіз проблеми мови є необхідною передумовою обґрунтування єдності теоретичного й практичного компонентів філософії марксизму. Спільним для зазначених моделей був пошук відповіді на засадниче питання про те, як можливо експлікувати зв'язок між ідеологією та виробничими відносинами, послуговуючись засобами матеріалістичної діалектики. Наслідком цього аналізу стала відмова від теоретичної фетишизації мови як окремої сутності, виявлення ідеологічної опосередкованості знакових систем та розробка несосюрівської моделі структури мови.