La veu de Déu: campanes de les Pitiüses. (original) (raw)
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Joan Boer, mestre dels fonedors de campanes olotins
Annals del Patronat d’Estudis Històrics d’Olot i Comarca, 2020
Durant gairebé 500 anys, Olot ha estat un dels centres productors de campanes més importants de Catalunya. Tot i que ja es té constància d'algun fonedor anterior, aquesta activitat arrenca al segle XVI i, encadenant tres grans nissagues (Calsa, Coromina i Barberí), s'allarga fins a les acaballes del XX. L'artífex d'aquesta tradició és un mestre campaner de la Conca d'Orcau, Joan Boer. És una figura poc estudiada i la seva obra encara és molt desconeguda. Aquest article dona les claus per reconèixer-la i reivindica Boer com un dels grans fonedors de campanes catalans: un mestre de mestres.
Els tocs de campanes. La música col·lectiva del poble
Sense el Rellotge, 2013
"This article is about the tradition of bell ringing in a city close to Valencia (Spain), Paiporta. It explains the importance of the bells, the belfry and the original sounds of the bells, the enumeration of the ancient ringings of the bells, so different from the others in the area. It focuses in the importance of restoring the original ringings, modified by the aggressive electrification, as they are part of the sound landscape of the place, the intangible sense of bell ringing. (It is written in Valencian-Catalan, as I am working on an English version of it)"
La Voz de dos Monasterios a Examen: Santes Creus y Santa Maria de Poblet
This paper presents some of the studies that are being made to acoustically characterize the Cistercian monasteries of the Santes Creus and Santa Maria de Poblet, both in the province of Tarragona, builds at the beginning of the second half of the XII century. Acoustic measurements are made at an early stage. Until now, they have obtained values of equivalent continuous sound level of background noise to the enclosures where the silence encourages meditation, Sound pressure level and reverberation times for those in which the word is critical. The reverberation time values have been measured experimentally by the methods of sound rose and the shooting stopped, although they have used both methods simultaneously to all enclosures. Results are presented and compared with each other and with the theoretical values calculated using the usual equations.