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The law enunciated by Charles Coulomb, in 1784, giving force of repulsion or attraction between two charges, is the most important principle in physics. However, this law is not complete as it does not include force of gravity between charged particles and does not incorporate radiation from accelerated charged particles. This paper proposes an extension of Coulomb's law by adding a term for gravitation and invoking aberration of electric field to incorporate radiation. It gives an extended law where accelerating force depends on velocity in an electric field. The law is applicable to a charged particle, accelerated by an electric field, to the speed of light, with emission of radiation and constant mass, contrary to the theory of special relativity. It is found the relativistic mass-velocity formula is correct in circular motion and Lorentz factor is the result of a charged particle moving perpendicular to an electric field. It is shown that relativistic mass is not a physical quantity but the ratio of electrostatic force to acceleration, in circular motion, which becomes infinitely large for motion in a straight line. An important outcome of the paper is showing that Rutherford's nuclear model of the hydrogen atom is stable outside quantum mechanics. The property of aether, as a balanced electric field medium for gravitation and radiation, is identified.
Radiation of an Accelerated Charge
International Journal of Electromagnetics, 2016
Rethinking the dynamics of an accelerated charge from classical concepts. From the idea that radiation comes from kinetic energy and managing the problem of the auto-energy of a point charge, a system of non-linear dynamic equations are found and results amenable to experimental verification. In developing, a relationship between the principle of causality, which affects the direction of time, and the constancy of mass appears. Another consequence are the fluctuations in the motion of particles, compatible with Brownian motion and Heisenberg´s indeterminacy principle. The case of gravitational acceleration is also analyzed, concluding that no electromagnetic radiation is possible and there is no electric field that can produce a constant acceleration on a point charge. Thus the constant acceleration is an exclusive feature of gravity.
Motion of an Electron in Classical and Relativistic Electrodynamics and a Radiative Electrodynamics
For an electron of mass m and charge –e moving at time t with velocity v and acceleration dv/dt in an electric field of magnitude E, the accelerating force is proposed, in accordance with Newton’s second law of motion, as vector F = eE(c – v)/c = m(dv/dt), where c is the velocity of light at which the electrostatic force is propagated and (c – v) is the velocity of the force relative to the moving electron. The electron moves in a straight line to the speed of light c as a limit or it revolves in a circle at a constant speed v. It is shown that the relativistic mass-velocity formula is correct for circular revolution and that the “mass m” in that formula is not a physical quantity but the ratio of electrostatic force (–eE) to acceleration (–v^2/r) in a circle of radius r. This ratio becomes infinitely large for revolution with zero centripetal acceleration, which is motion in a straight line. A radiative electrodynamics is developed for an electron accelerated to the speed of light with constant mass and with emission of radiation, contrary to classical and relativistic electrodynamics. Radiation occurs if there is a change in the potential energy or kinetic energy of a moving electron. Circular revolution of an electron, in Rutherford's nuclear model of the hydrogen atom, is stabilized outside quantum electrodynamics. Keywords: Aberration, acceleration, charge, field, force, mass, radiation, relativity, speed, velocity
An Alternative Electrodynamics to the Theory of Special Relativity
An electrical force is propagated with the velocity of light c. The velocity of transmission of an electrical force, relative to a charged particle moving with velocity v, is (c – v). The accelerating force F on an electron of charge –e and mass m moving at time t with velocity v and acceleration dv/dt in an electric field of intensity E and magnitude E, is proposed as vector F = eE(c – v)/c = m(dv/dt), where m is a constant and c is the magnitude of velocity of light. The difference between the accelerating force F and the impressed force –eE is the radiation reaction force R and radiation power is the scalar product –v.R. For θ = 0 or θ = π radians, there is rectilinear motion with radiation reaction force –eEv/c and radiation power eEv^2/c. In the alternative electrodynamics an electron is accelerated to a maximum speed c with constant mass, in contrast to special relativity. If θ = π/2 radians, there is stable revolution at constant speed v in a circle of radius r with centripetal acceleration v^2/r. Keywords: Acceleration, electric charge, energy, field force, mass, radiation, velocity
How wonderful that we have met with a Paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress." Niels Bohr Niels Bohr satisfaction was concerning the statement he had made some years before, that a gyrating electron around a proton nuclei cannot emit radiation. In fact, if it were, the electron will fall down on the proton, which is not what is observed! This statement was in total contradiction to what Joseph Larmor had demonstrated mathematically in 1897. And when general relativity theory was adopted, Larmor's formula induced the "Paradox of radiation of charged particles in a gravitational field". With this Paradox, Bohr was hoping that resolving it will theoretically justify his statement. The derivation of the radiation of an electrostatic field emitted by an electric charge moving with constant velocity, done by Oliver Heaviside, was puzzling since it suggested that the field propagates faster than light. The resolution of this issue shows that the wave propagates at the speed of light and that there is no aberration phenomenon when a charge is moving. This conclusion about the aberration of a moving charge can be extended, surprisingly, to any pushing gravity theory, like the one of Nicolas Fatio or Le Sage. But, more than that, the creation of a dynamic electric field leads us to pose the issue of the existence of an absolute universe, which has been denied by Mach and Einstein, for inertia. Also, the radiation by electrons circulating in a circular ring at high constant velocity, like in a synchrotron facility, which radiation is observed everyday, is not so clear a situation to state if an uniformly accelerated charge does radiate or not. By addressing these issues, we will demonstrate, following Feynman's proposal, that a charged particle can create a photonic radiation (and not a wave as too often said) only when the charged particle is subject to a variable acceleration. Therefore, since there is no radiation when an electron is uniformly accelerated, it resolves both the Paradox and the case of the Niels Bohr hydrogen atom model. We will also show that the electrostatic field is an emergent phenomenon induced in the vacuum by the sole presence of electric charges (electron and positron only, no quarks! [1]).
The unified theory of gravitation and electromagnetism
This article considers the processes of radiation and movement under the action of gravitational and electromagnetic forces. We find close links between these phenomena. We construct a mathematical model of radiation. Based on this model we build a unified theory of gravitation and electromagnetism. This theory explains such phenomena as the redshift, openness of the orbit of Mercury, the results of observations of double stars, the Michelson experiment, etc.
An electron of mass m and charge-e moving with velocity v at an angle q to the accelerating force, due to an electric field of intensity E, is subject to aberration of electric field. Aberration is due to relativity of velocity (c-v) between the electrical force, transmitted with velocity of light c and the electron moving with velocity v at time t. The accelerating force m(dv/dt) is less than the electrostatic force-eE, the difference being radiation reaction force. Energy radiated is the difference between change in potential energy and change in kinetic energy. Motion of the electron with constant mass and its radiation power are treated under acceleration with q = 0 or deceleration with q = p radians or at constant speed v, in a circle of radius r, with q = p/2 radians. It is shown that circular revolution of an electron round a central force of attraction, as in the Rutherford's nuclear model of the hydrogen atom, is without radiation and stable outside quantum mechanics, contrary to classical and relativistic electrodynamics.
A comparison of important equations is made in classical, relativistic and radiative electrodynamics. The main difference is emission of radiation. Motion of a charged particle, such as an electron, in an electric field, is treated under acceleration or deceleration or circular revolution. At low speeds, the equations of relativistic and radiative electrodynamics converge to classical electrodynamics. Equations of classical electrodynamics are incompatible with those of relativistic and radiative electrodynamics at high speeds near that of light. Equations of relativistic and radiative electrodynamics show agreement for accelerated electrons, but there is divergence for decelerated electrons. Considering aberration of electric field, equations of motion in radiative electrodynamics are derived for a charged particle moving up to the speed of light, with constant mass and emission of radiation. An equation for radiation power of an accelerated electron shows that revolution of an electron, round a central force of attraction, is stable, outside quantum mechanics. An extended equation for Coulomb's law is given, incorporating radiation and gravitation, to make the relativity and quantum theories unnecessary.
Electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetism and gravitation (unified theory
In this article, based on the analysis of the properties of space and time we built a unified theory of gravitation and electromagnetism. An integral part of the theory is a model of electromagnetic radiation. This theory explains phenomena such as the openness of the orbit of Mercury, the results of observations of double stars, the Michelson experiment, etc. In the world around us are known phenomena such as gravitation and electromagnetism. Gravitational interaction of two bodies at a distance from each other is expressed in their mutual attraction. The electromagnetic interaction of two bodies at a distance from each other is characterized not only by their mutual attraction, but also by repulsion, and also by rotation. It is obvious that gravitation and electromagnetism are interrelated. In addition, in the world around us there is electromagnetic radiation, a kind of which is light. The radiation particles move at a constant velocity c, which is called the velocity of light. Let us try to construct a theory that would explain gravitation, electromagnetism and electromagnetic radiation. First of all, it is necessary to establish the cause, which initially causes matter to move. This cause cannot be matter itself, because for this it must move, but it has not yet been set in motion. It is evident that this cause lies in the properties of space and time. The theory will be based on the principles of classical physics. The properties of time in classical physics: 1. The quantity that characterizes time is a variable, which is denoted by t. 2. Time flows continuously, so the interval between adjacent moments of time is an infinitesimal. It is called the differential of time and denoted by dt. 3. Time flows evenly, so the differential of time dt is constant. The properties of space in classical physics: 1. The quantities that characterize space are distance r and angle í µí¼. 2. Space is continuous, so the interval between adjacent points of space is an infinitesimal. For distance, this quantity is called the differential of distance and denoted by dr. For angle, this quantity is called the differential of angle and denoted by í µí±í µí¼. 3. The radius of the Universe is an infinitely large first-order quantity í µí± ∞. Imagine a rectangular system of coordinate axes X, Y and Z. A distance deferred on one axis has zero projections on the other axes. If there were no relationship between the coordinate axes, a distance deferred on one axis would not have even zero projections on the other axes. Consequently, the coordinate axes have a decreasing to zero relationship. As it is known, a decreasing to zero quantity is a differential. For an angle, this differential is í µí±í µí¼. It is generally accepted that the angle between any two coordinate axes is í µí¼ 2 , and this is in principle true. But taking into account the decreasing to zero relationship between the axes, this angle should be taken equal í µí¼ 2 − í µí±í µí¼. On the X axis, from the origin, we plot a segment of a finite length í µí± 0. Since the angle between the X and Y axes is í µí¼ 2 − í µí±í µí¼, the projection of the segment í µí± 0 on the Y axis is í µí± 0 sin í µí±í µí¼ = í µí± 0 í µí±í µí¼. Thus, the distance í µí± 0 on the X axis is projected onto the Y axis as a distance differential. Since a distance differential characterizes a motion, the origin must move along the Y axis, passing the distance í µí± 0 í µí±í µí¼ in time dt. Therefore, the velocity of the origin along the Y axis is í µí± 0 í µí±í µí¼ í µí±í µí±¡
Atom in a New Light: orbiting electrons do not radiate and Rutherford atom is stable
—Long held belief that the Rutherford atom where electrons orbiting the nucleus was unstable and the electrons would spiral down due to radiation is incorrect. Charge particles moving at constant speed on circular orbits do not radiate. Rutherford atom is stable. Object and its inverse square law fields are a single entity; they have no independent existence. Inverse square law fields exist relative to the object, and they are independent of the motion of the object. Inverse square law fields are not waves, they do not propagate, and they do not satisfy Maxwell's equations. Gravitational and Coulomb electric fields are time invariant. Magnetic field of a charge moving at constant speed on a linear path or on a circular orbit is time invariant. Not all accelerating charge particles radiate; charge particles at stand still under gravity are at acceleration, yet they do not radiate. Only the charge particles with non-zero speed along the accelerating force radiate. A Moving charge particle with time varying velocity relative to the current position of the particle generates a magnetic field of independent existence, which in turn generates its electric field counterpart resulting in an electromagnetic wave burst that satisfies the Maxwell's equations. Radiation is real, not relative. Reality is not relative. If the radiation is relative, existence of matter is not possible. It is not possible to make charge particles radiate just by running away from them, as it is not possible to move a mountain just by running away from it. Charge particles cannot lose energy by riding on a passenger seat of a vehicle. The net force on a charge is observer independent. Time and Radiation is observer independent or absolute. Any phenomenon that is observer dependent is an observer perception that is not real. Only a motion of a charged object relative to its current position leads to radiation, and observer independent real physical contraction. Physical reality is independent of observers. Moving charged object with non-zero speed along accelerating force radiates, and moving object contracts in all directions; they are observer independent physical realities.