Zdravko Lackovic, Darko Richter I Vladimir Borić: Selfmedication and home pharmacies. (Samoliječenje I kućne apoteke). Pharmaca 16; 1978;195-210 (original) (raw)

Opioid analgesic consumption in Serbia during two years period: Opioid analgesic consumption in Serbia

Serbian Journal of Anesthesia and Intensive Therapy, 2016

Zaključak: Poređenjem sa podacima zemlje iz regiona, možemo zaključiti da se u našoj zemlji opioidni analgetici nedovoljno koriste u terapiji bola. Neophodna je detaljna analiza potrošnje opioida na nacionalnom nivou i faktora koji su povezani sa njihovom ređom primenom. Bazirano na ovim analizama, mogle bi se primeniti mere koje bi omogućile adekvatnu primenu opioida kod pacijenata sa jakim bolom, kada je njihova primena neophodna.

Bibliografija Šefketa Arslanagića (Nastavak)


Sažetak. U broju 19(1)(2013) časopisa MAT-KOL (Banja Luka) publikovali smo tekst ''Šefket Arslanagić-70 godina života i 45 godina rada'' u kojem je izložena njegova bibliografija Ovim tekstom dopunjavamo informacije o publikovanim tekstovima ovog bosansko-hercegovačkog matematičara.

Suicide in Serbia: Most Common Methods

Демографија, 2017

The method of suicide is an important determinant of the outcome of suicidal behavior, and the reduction of the availability of the most frequently used methods has significant preventive potential. This paper analyzes the dynamics of the total number of suicides in Serbia according to method used in the period of 1990-2014, with an emphasis on structural differences by sex and age. The relative participation of certain age groups in the most commonly used suicide methods is indicated based on the calculated values of the relative risk referred to as the age ratio of method of suicide (ARMS). The analysis is based on the data of the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia, mostly unpublished. The results of the analysis show that in Serbia, in the period of 1990-2014, hanging was the most commonly used suicide method (61%). The next in number, but with a significantly smaller share, were suicides by a firearm (13%) and poisoning (8%).The biggest changes were registered with reg...