[How to read critically a scientific paper] (original) (raw)

Replikovatelnost českého psychologického výzkumu


Východiska: Bezdicek, Preiss a Dockalova (2009) a Preiss a Macudova (2012) sledovali pocet publikaci ceských docentů a profesorů psychologie a zhodnotili ji jej jako nedostatecný – samotne množstvi publikaci vsak neřika nic o jejich kvalitě. Jednim z ukazatelů kvality výzkumu je jeho replikovatelnost, ktera je přitom jednim z nosných temat soucasne světove psychologie. Ukazuje se totiž, že přinejmensim cast psychologickeho výzkumu replikovatelna neni (zejm. Open Science Collaboration, 2015; Klein a kol., 2016) a že nalezene efekty ve skutecnosti neexistuji. Naopak efekty, ktere existuji, mohou zůstat skryty v důsledku spatně naplanovaneho výzkumu a nizke sily testů. Cile: Představime statisticke postupy pro odhad replikovatelnosti výzkumu a aplikujeme je na ceske psychologicke publikace. Soubor: Vzorek byl nahodně vybran ze vsech ceských casopiseckých publikaci indexovaných na Web of Science, u nichž bylo možne ziskat full-text a ktere testovaly alespoň jednu hypotezu. Ke každe publ...

Excelence a genderové předsudky v praktikách a vnímání přírodních vědců ve vedoucích a rozhodovacích pozicích

Gender a výzkum, 2017

How to assess quality has become one of the central concerns for contemporary research, not least because of the proliferation of research assessment systems around the globe. Concomitant with this has been the growing attention to factors that compromise the credibility of assessment, especially gender, ethnic, racial and geopolitical bias. In this paper I analyse how lab leaders and research managers in the natural sciences specifi cally construct excellence and relatedly the demands of the research profession, and how gender bias plays out in these imaginaries. The material for the study comes primarily from two highly successful public research institutes of the Czech Academy of Sciences and specifi cally from individual and group interviews with lab leaders and research managers on topics of research governance, assessment, and quality. The focus is on the natural sciences because the discipline has driven the introduction of research assessment in the country as well as research and innovation reforms more broadly since the new millennium. Building on the distinction between the logic of choice and the logic of care developed by Annemarie Mol (2008), I explore the limits of individual choice for conceiving excellence and the gendered outcomes it produces.

Analysis of the Use of Multimedia in Science Education


Digital literacy is one of key competencies for lifelong learning. Although implementing multimedia (i.e. ICT) into the educational process has a global perspective, the curricular documents for compulsory school attendance in the Czech Republic (Rámcový vzdělávací program), Slovak Republic (Štátny vzdelávací program) and Germany (Bildungsstandards) do not emphasize this need. A review of the above mentioned documents indicated, that the general need to develop digital literacy of pupils across all school subjects is not formulated by these documents. Therefore, the personal opinions and beliefs of the teachers, their enthusiasm to use ICT, their level of computer literacy, school facilities and the approach of pupils to ICT, play the most important role with regard to the implementation of multimedia in the educational process. Accordingly, the combined research conducted by questionnaires and structured interviews, is aimed towards beliefs, opinions and experiences of pre-service ...