Investigation of the correlation of academic motivation and music performance anxiety levels (original) (raw)

Music Performance Anxiety in an Education Environment

This research asks whether music students would benefit if Musicians Performance Anxiety (MPA) and coping strategies were included in the education syllabus. To assess the demand for MPA education within a music program, music students from three tertiary institutes were asked about their experience with MPA via an online questionnaire. Furthermore, case studies were done via one on one interviews where participants were encouraged to discuss their experiences with MPA in greater detail. A significant amount of music students suffer from medium to severe MPA and have considered giving up their dream job because their anxiety is so debilitating. It is hoped this research will open a dialogue about MPA within tertiary music institutions and provide possible coping strategies for those students that struggle with the condition.

Development of a performance anxiety scale for music students

In the present research, the Performance Anxiety Scale for Music Students (PASMS) was developed in three successive studies. In Study 1, the factor structure of PASMS was explored and three components were found: fear of stage (FES), avoidance (AVD) and symptoms (SMP). The internal consistency of the subscales of PASMS, which consisted of 27 items, varied between 0.89 and 0.91. The internal consistency for the whole scale was found to be 0.95. The correlations among PASMS and other anxiety-related measures were significant and in the expected direction, indicating that the scale has convergent validity. The construct validity of the scale was assessed in Study 2 by confirmatory factor analysis. After several revisions, the final tested model achieved acceptable fits. In Study 3, the 14-day test-retest reliability of the final 24-item version of PASMS was tested and found to be extremely high (0.95). In all three studies, the whole scale and subscale scores of females were significantly higher than for males.

Coping with the Performance Anxiety Among Music Education Students : A Method Trial

Asian journal of social sciences and humanities, 2013

It has been perceived as a problem by both the students and the teaching staff that in music education, students experience low performance during the performance exam. In this research, it has been aimed to find out whether the performance anxiety that the music education students suffer could be reduced by the techniques such as proper breathing, relaxation etc. or not. Randomly chosen 48 (forty-eight) students having education in the Department of Music Education took part in the first stage of the research. 36 of those 48 students took part in the second stage of the research. Saliva samples of the students which were taken just before, during and at the end of the piano exam which the students performed before a jury at the end of the term in June 2011 in order to determine the cortisol level that increases with excitement were analyzed. Thus, the ideas of the students about how they felt physically and psychologically just before and during the exam were obtained via a questio...

Motivation Levels of Preservice Music Teachers in Turkey


Individuals need motivation in their work, this motivation makes individuals more efficient. Considering that music education is a long way, individuals become more successful with certain discipline and motivation, and the pleasure in the work done increases. This study was conducted to examine the musical motivation levels of prospective music teachers in Turkey. In this study, survey design, which is one of the quantitative research methods, was used. The sample group of the study consisted of 4th grade students by using the easily accessible case sampling method, which is one of the purposeful sampling methods. The first data collection tool is the «Personal Information Form» developed by the researcher to obtain the demographic characteristics of the students, and the second data collection tool is the «Motivation Scale» developed by Asmus in 1989 to measure the musical motivation of the students. Percentage, frequency and independent t-test analysis techniques were used in the analysis of the research data. According to the results of the research, it was seen that musical background affected motivation in the gender variable, while environmental factors and individual music interest in the family did not affect motivation. Regarding the age variable, it was found that musical background and environmental factors had no significant relationship with musical motivation, but individual musical interest in the family affected motivation.

Music performance anxiety and higher education teaching: A systematic literature review

Journal of university teaching and learning practice, 2022

This systematic review includes a search of the literature covering the period 2005-2021 to understand what preventative teaching approaches and interventions have been developed in higher education to reduce music performance anxiety (MPA). The focus here is on identifying interventions that are applicable to higher education teaching practice, in an attempt to support music educators to reduce the negative effects of MPA, and, by so doing, support better learning outcomes. A systematic review of the literature on MPA (2005-2021) was undertaken to explore the teaching strategies that are used to help students in higher education. The researchers performed independent assessments of the literature based on the inclusion criteria. Discrepancies between the two reviewers were resolved through discussion. Each of the articles that met the research conditions was classified using four treatment modalities: cognitive interventions, behavioural interventions, pharmacological treatment and complementary. The initial scoping resulted in a total of 116 research articles. This was reduced to 18 articles that fully met the inclusion criteria. There is a wealth of literature exploring MPA; however, very few teaching approaches or interventions have been found that can easily be embedded in music education. The findings indicate that interventions deriving from promising reactive treatment have been developed, but that these are rarely generalisable to typical teaching practice. Practitioner Notes Practitioner Notes 1. Higher education music teachers should be aware of the potentially disastrous outcomes of music performance anxiety (MPA) on performing students. 2. The impact of MPA is well researched, but there are very few papers that offer practical interventions to address it. 3. Higher education music teachers should engage in action research-type investigations to develop practical solutions to address MPA. 4. Higher education music teachers may wish to encourage performing students to regulate their emotions by writing their thoughts and feelings before performing.

An Examination of the Performance Anxiety Levels of Undergraduate Music Teaching Students in the Instrument Exams According to Various Variables (Case of Tokat Province


Quantitative descriptive method was used in order to examine the state-trait and total anxiety levels of the students in the Undergraduate Music Teaching Program by gender, instrument difference, school year and academic achievement scores of students. The study has been conducted in the fall semester of 2018-2019 academic year in Turkey with Tokat University Faculty of Education, Fine Arts Education Department Music Education Program students (n = 77). For data collection, "The State-Trait Anxiety Inventory" developed by Spielberg et al. (1964) and adopted to Turkish by Öner and Le Compte (1983). The trait anxiety inventory was applied in a time period when the students were away from exam stress. The state anxiety inventory, on the other hand, was conducted just before the final exams. According to the results of the study, when the state-trait and total anxiety of the students receiving musical instrument education in Music Teacher Education Program is examined, it was found that there is a significant difference between trait and state anxiety, that female students' trait and total anxiety levels are higher, and the male students' state anxiety is higher; when it is considered in terms of instrument differences, it was seen that students playing stringed instruments have higher anxiety than those who play bow and wind instruments, A significant difference was found in terms of academic achievement scores in undergraduate freshman and senior students who have higher anxiety .

Validation Evidence for the Elementary School Version of the MUSIC Model of Academic Motivation Inventory

Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology

Introducción. El objetivo de nuestro estudio fue evaluar si la versión del Modelo MUSIC® de Inventario de Motivación Educativa para Escuela Primaria era válida para uso con estudiantes de primaria en aulas con maestros regulares y maestros en práctica matriculado en un programa de formación docente universitaria.Método. Los participantes incluyeron 535 estudiantes de primero a quinto grado de 29 clases con diferentes maestros de seis escuelas. Los estudiantes completaron la versión del Modelo MUSIC® de Inventario de Motivación Educativa para Escuela Primaria que evalúa las percepciones de los estudiantes del empoderamiento (eMpowerment), la utilidad (Usefulness), el éxito (Success), el interés (Interest), y el cuidado (Care) en relación con sus actividades de clase. Se calcularon los valores alfa de Cronbach para cada uno de las escalas del Inventario del Modelo MUSIC, se calcularon los coeficientes de correlación de Pearson para las escalas, y realizamos un análisis factorial confi...

Measuring Students’ Motivation: Validity Evidence for the MUSIC Model of Academic Motivation Inventory

International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

This study provides validity evidence for the MUSIC Model of Academic Motivation Inventory (MUSIC Inventory; Jones, 2012), which measures college students' beliefs related to the five components of the MUSIC Model of Motivation (MUSIC model; Jones, 2009). The MUSIC model is a conceptual framework for five categories of teaching strategies (i.e., eMpowerment, Usefulness, Success, Interest, and Caring) that were derived from research and theory as ones that are critical to students' motivation (Jones, 2009). Participants included 338 undergraduate students who provided questionnaire responses in reference to 221 different courses at a large public U.S. university. Our analyses included classical item analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, the calculation of Rasch measurement scales, and Pearson's correlation coefficients. Results support the validity of scores produced by the MUSIC Inventory for use with college students. This inventory could be useful to instructors and researchers interested in assessing the effects of instruction on students' motivational beliefs.

Conservatory Students’ Music Performance Anxiety and Educational Expectations: A Qualitative Study

Asian Journal of Education and Training

Music performance anxiety (MPA) can seriously and negatively affect musicians’ performance and quality of life—physically, mentally, and behaviorally. In the present study, factors related to the MPA of students receiving classical Western music education in the conservatory in a holistic framework were examined to ascertain the physical, mental, and behavioral symptoms; temporal processes; environmental factors; coping strategies; and educational expectations and desires related to this condition. In addition to investigating causative factors in such a framework, the content analysis method was used on data collected from semi-structured interviews with conservatory students. The results show that the main causative factors of MPA included a jury’s negative evaluation, attitudes, and/or behaviors; their symptoms included trembling, muscle contraction, and distraction. The main coping strategy among participants was positive self-talk; remarkably, they had no theoretical knowledge ...