Sustainable Knowledge Economy Index (original) (raw)

Indicators System as a Measure of Development Level of Knowledge Economy

Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage, 2018

Scientific and technological advances and economic globalization impose new requirements on the organization of domestic economy. Knowledge economy development principles were formulated in order to understand current processes. Special attention was paid to specific features of the knowledge economy. A comprehensive approach proposed by the World Bank was studied under a special Knowledge for Development Program (K4D) to assess country's economic readiness to shift to the knowledge economy model. Countries were ranged based on the Knowledge Economy Index and top-10 countries were selected. Such indices as the Global Innovation Index, the Human Development Index and collections of analytic works also indicate a transfer to the knowledge economy. The development of the Global Innovation Index was studied and top-10 countries having the highest indices were selected. A research was made into the Human Development Index and its dynamics in Russia and in G20 countries was analyzed o...

Knowledge-based Economy, an Appropriate Response to Organizational Change Pressures, with a View to Sustainable Development


The sustainable development of organizations within knowledge-based economy, in which knowledge represents the main priority, should focus on finding solutions for the intelligent management of the limited resources, especially through organizational change and its constant assessment as a long-term impact solution. The transition of organizations to the principles of knowledge-based economy involves a major change in organizational culture. The dynamism and complexity of the new type of society, which implies a higher and more diverse level of training, together with a continuous superior training of the workforce, increasing investment in research and development and, not least, a growing volume and a diversification of information, all these represent, chained together, an element of well-being for the future generations. The introductory section summarizes the concept of sustainability and places the development of companies and economies they aggregate, in a contemporary context of organizational change pressures, on the principles of the knowledge-based economy as the only resource, virtually inexhaustible in the long-term, and which leads to a sustainable development. There follows a methodological section, consisting in the instrumental description of the method of work and in reference to the database, thus providing the theoretical and practical foundation for the confrontation between the sustainable development index (SDI) in Romania and in the European Union (EU). The results and discussion section of the paper includes a confrontation between the sustainable development of Romania and that of the European Union, drawing on the SDI for each case. This statistical tool was calculated starting from the values of several statistical indicators (available in EUROSTAT statistics), issued from four information subsystems (an economic one, a social one and an environment one as major subsystems of sustainable development, to which was added the institutional environment). The SDI confirms a considerable gap between Romania and the EU-27 average, and the organizational change on the principles of knowledge-based economy is emerging as the optimal solution and gradual recovery of these gaps.

Assessment of knowledge economy

Journal of Science and Technology Policy Management, 2015

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to describe the current status of the knowledge-based economy (KBE) in Iran in comparison to Turkey, the challenges encountered and the appropriate policies toward Iran’s Outlook 2025 based on which the country is expected to be ranked first in science and technology within the Middle East region. Design/methodology/approach – This study is a descriptive research. The methodology used for this study is qualitative/quantitative secondary research. The method will be used for two main goals. First, we used the World Bank’s Knowledge Assessment Methodology, and the data are mostly collected from secondary sources such as the World Bank’s Development Indicators for Iran and Turkey. Second, desktop research will be used to summarize and synthesize available studies on the consideration of policy-making toward KBE, especially among developing economies. Findings – The paper provides policy considerations around four pillars: information and communica...

Knowledge-Based Economy as a Foundation for the Economic Development of Countries

Management Dynamics in the Knowledge Economy, 2017

This paper highlights the relationship between knowledge and economic development. The study considers nine countries grouped in three different development models: 1) the Asian model includes Japan, the Republic of Korea, and Singapore; 2) the Anglo-Saxon model includes the United Kingdom, the United States, and Canada and 3) the European model includes Germany, France, and the Netherlands. The data was sourced from the Global Competitiveness Report of the World Economic Forum, the PISA reports, the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) and the Global Innovation Index of the World Bank. The Asian group ranked highest for innovation as shown through the application of patents; they also obtained the highest scores in the PISA test. The Anglo-Saxon group stood out by having a good institutionalized knowledge system. From the European group, Germany is recognized by its innovation capabilities and the Netherlands by the quality of its higher education.

An Instrument for Measuring National Readiness and Capacity to Participate in Global Knowledge Base Economy

Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies

An important question often asked is what are the determinants of science, technology and innovation (STI)? Is STI a measurable quantity? How can it be measured in quantitative terms? To answers these questions, a Science, Technology and Innovation Index (STII) has been developed for top 100 economies of the world on the basis of GDP, to evaluate, determine and measure the overall scientific, technological and innovative capacity and readiness of a country. The STII relies on four dimensions, each built around two or three pillars, each of which is composed of individual indicators, for a total of 44 STI indicators. The STI index is the average of aggregate of four dimensions. The economies are ranked on the basis of STII values and classified into six groups: i.e. leaders, potential leaders, dynamic adopters, slow adopters, marginalized and laggards. For more meaningful assessment of the STI capacities of nations, it captures...

Impact of knowledge management on sustainable development in the innovative economy

innovative economy. Knowledge processes in innovative economy seem to open up new and varied avenues to be explored in the direction of sustainability. Innovative economic theory in contrast to neoclassical is derived from the hypothesis that the accumulation of capital is the main driver of economic growth in the knowledge-based economy in the 21st century. This new business logic assumes that the rate of economic growth in the innovation economy depends on the products or services that are incurred as a result of knowledge. The emergence of the internet in the early 90s affected the growth of online businesses and the emergence of the third wave of capitalism. In the current economic crisis and recession, the consequences of low economic growth will further affect the changes in the global markets. This is reflected in the different behaviours of consumers and resulting in the development of new business models, which includes sustainable development in the innovative economy. The paper examines critical factors that influence the role of new innovative technologies in organizational change to ensure sustainability. Focus on sustainability directs company behaviour towards the environmental protection, which presumes the fulfilment of organizational and human needs. Therefore, current demands can be satisfied in the present, but the resources for their fulfilment will be preserved for future generations. In order to realize this goal, the company must invest in assets that provide sustainable development. Thus, it is necessary to be aware of how the final products or processes impact the environment. Assuming that the company complies with sustainable components can be expected to create value added of this item. This added value is not only better society reputation that affects the consumers and, is important for investors but also fulfils the legal obligation. The conceptual paper contributes to the ongoing discussion about the increasingly important rule of sustainable development as a major concern for the European Union, companies and NGO’s that have to develop the policies that will enable sustainable growth of the society.

The Knowledge Economy and Sustainability

The Knowledge Economy and Sustainability, 2021

Article: A knowledge-based economy is an economy in which the means of production are largely or entirely knowledge, information, and intellectual driven.

Relationship Between Knowledge Economy Performance Indicators And Selected Macroeconomic Variables: an Application for OECD Countries


Bilgi, tarih boyunca toplumlarin zenginliginin en onemli kaynagi olmustur. Daha fazla ve daha nitelikli bilgiye sahip olan ve bilgiyi etkin bir siyasal, ekonomik ve sosyal orgutlenme ile dogru bicimde kullanabilen toplumlar digerlerinin onune gecerek daha yuksek bir refah seviyesine erismistir. Bu calismada bilgi ekonomisi performans gostergeleri ve secilmis makro ekonomik degiskenler arasindaki iliski tespit edilmeye calisilmistir. Bu amacla ele alinan OECD uyesi 34 ulke icin derlenen veri seti kanonik korelasyon analizi ile degerlendirilmistir. Yapilan analizler sonucunda degisken setleri arasinda anlamli ve guclu bir iliski oldugu gorulmustur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Bilgi Ekonomisi, Bilgi ve Iletisim Teknolojileri (BIT), Kanonik Korelasyon Analizi.

The Readiness of the Selected European Countries for the Development of Knowledge Economy

Ekonomika, Journal for Economic Theory and Practice and Social Issues, 2014

The country's readiness for the development of knowledge economy was measured using the Knowledge Economy Index (KEI) and the Knowledge Index (KI) of The World Bank Institute's Knowledge for Development Program, 2012. The assessment of the position of the observed countries for the development of knowledge economy is based on the use of a number of analytical procedures. Cluster analysis was used first in order to check for the level of differences according to the KEI parameters and to group the selected countries into clusters, aimed at detecting the deviation of the observed European countries from the remainder of the group. Then we used the radar cart analysis of the four KEI pillars and their key variables in order to identify the current situation with respect to the values of partial indicators of the KEI pillars and establish the relative positions of the selected countries. Finally, over time comparison of the current values of the KEI pillars with the 2000 data was used to illustrate the dynamics of the development of the KEI pillars in crisis conditions. Research results have indicated that there is a prominent lag in the

How to Measure Knowledge Economy

Electronic Journal of Knowledge Management

The paper’s primary goal is to analyse the development of Knowledge Economy (KE) measurement methods ranging from those based on national income to indices identifying and combining the relevant indicators. The paper focuses on four current global and European KE level indices: Global Innovation Index (GII), Global Knowledge Index (GKI), European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS), and Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), highlighting persistent significant differences in the perception of the very essence of KE, as there is no clear interdisciplinary definition of the initial concept of knowledge, leading to further problems with ambiguous and insufficiently specific definitions and measurement of KE. Tacit aspects of knowledge are rarely part of KE definitions or measurements, excluding a large part of the knowledge system from KE measurements. The results of the analysis show that the set of KE indicators used by the individual KE indices is heterogeneous, with the set of intersect...