Challenges and Way Out of Cyber Security Issues in Nigeria

Villanova Journal of Science, Technology and Management, 2020

Cyber-space is a platform where you can process, receive and send information. It includes phone set, computer system, network, information stored on the network, network devices, all this constitute what is being called Cyber space. This cyber space is not secure, and the process to make it secure is known as Cyber Security. Cyber-crime refers to the series of organized crime attacking both cyber space and cyber security. The Internet is one of the fastest-growing areas of technical infrastructure development. Google, Wikipedia and Bing to mention a few, give detailed answers to millions of questions every day. Cyberspace is a world that contains just about anything one is searching for. With the advent of these advancements in information accessibility and the advantages and applications of the internet comes an exponentially growing disadvantage-Cyber Crime. Cyber security has risen to become a national concern as threats concerning it now need to be taken more seriously. This paper attempts to provide an overview of Cybercrime and Cyber-security. It defines the concept of cybercrime, identify reasons for cybercrime and its eradication. It looks at those involved and the reasons for their involvement. Methods of stepping up cyber security and the recommendations that would help in checking the increasing rate of cyber-crimes were highlighted. The paper also attempts to name some bottleneck of cybercrime and present practical and logical solutions to these threats.


While Cyberspace is the boundless space known as the Internet, Cyber security is the body of rules put in place for the protection of the cyber space. Cybercrime refers to the series of organized crime attacking both cyberspace and cyber security. The Internet is one of the fastest-growing areas of technical infrastructure development. Over the past decades, the growth of the internet and its uses afforded everyone this opportunity. Google, Wikipedia and Bing to mention a few, give detailed answers to millions of questions every day. Cyberspace is a world that contains just about anything one is searching for. With the advent of these advancements in information accessibility, the advantages and applications of the internet comes an exponentially growing disadvantage known cybercrime. Cyber security has risen to become a national concern as threats concerning it now need to be taken more seriously. This paper attempts to provide an overview of cybercrime and cyber security. It defines the concept of cybercrime, identify reasons for cybercrime and how it can be eradicated. It also talked about those involved in cybercrime and the reasons for their involvement, methods of stepping up cyber security and the recommendations that would help in checking the increasing rate of cybercrimes were highlighted.

Cyber Crime and Challenges of Securing Nigeria's Cyber-Space Against Criminal Attacks


The growing menace of cyber-related crimes in Nigeria is giving the government and other stakeholders in the information and communication technology sector a cause to worry. Apart from taking a toll on the nation's economic sphere, it has also affected the image of the country negatively especially when viewed against the backdrop of the recent ranking of Nigeria as third in global internet crimes behind United Kingdom and the United States. This scenario, no doubt, requires urgent attention. This chapter, therefore, proffer solutions and recommend ways to make the country's cyberspace free from incessant criminal attacks.

The Challenges of Cybercrime in Nigeria: An Overview

AIPFU Journal of School of Sciences (AJSS), 2017

Cybercrime involves using computers and Internet by individuals to commit crime. Cyber terrorism, identity theft and spam are identified as types of cybercrimes. The study identified some of the causes of cybercrimes to include urbanization, unemployment and weak implementation of cybercrime laws. The effects of cybercrimes on organizations, the society and the country in general include reducing the competitive edge of organizations, waste of production time and damage to the image of the country. With Nigeria venturing into cashless society, there is a need for cybercrimes menace to be minimized if not completely eradicated. This paper x-rayed various types of cybercrimes and what motivate individuals into indulging in such crimes. Firms should ensure that their IT infrastructures like Networks and computer systems are properly secured. Government should ensure that cybercrime laws are formulated and strictly adhered to and individuals should observe simple rules by ensuring antivirus protection on their computer systems.

Cyber-crime in Nigeria: Sociotechnical Implications, Preventive and Counter Measures

NIPES Conference Proceedings, 2021

The Internet platform has created unlimited opportunities for a vast array of human activities, more so in the areas of commerce and social interactions. However, correspondingly there has been an upward increase in security threats to such activities. Internet crimes are committed daily all over the world and in Nigeria as well. According to (Ibrahim, 2019) cybercrime was responsible for 43% of monetary loss in the country in the year 2016. Some reports show that Fraud-related crimes cost Nigerian banks N3.5billion in losses from July to September 2020. This work focuses its analysis on crucial cybercrimes committed per sector the world over and compares with that of Nigeria including an investigation of key cybercrimes committed in Universities in Nigeria with a focus on Edo State. At the end of this paper reasons for as well as detection, prevention and counter techniques are presented in order to combat cybercrime for not just the crime fighting bodies and the government but all related stakeholders in the country.

Cyber Security in Nigeria: Appraising Cybercrime, the Existing Legal Framework, the Challenges and the Way Forward

The Erudite Journal of Leadership and Development, 2022

“Cyber security risks pose some of the most serious economic and national security challenges of the 21st century” -President Barrack Obama ABSTRACT Cybercrime has continuously posed a global threat to human existence and survival. Particularly, the spate at which the Nigerian cyberspace is subjected to daily attacks from unscrupulous minds and criminals is alarming. Cybercrime has taken its dangerous tolls on individuals, businesses, institutions, governments and the economy. If the issue of cybercrime is not urgently addressed, it can wreak a greater havoc on the nation, than corruption and poverty would do. In light of this, this paper appraises the status of cyber security and cybercrimes in Nigeria; the extant legal framework set up to combat cybercrimes in Nigeria; the challenges faced in curbing cybercrimes; and the way forward – pathways to attaining a cyber secure Nigeria. Keywords: Cyber security, Cybercrimes, Cyberspace, Legal Framework, Challenges, Way Forward.

A Situation Analysis on Cybercrime and its Economic Impact in Nigeria

International Journal of Computer Applications, 2017

Nigeria has begun to experience one of its difficult times when cybercrimes started to escalate day by day and causing loss of billions of dollars since then. The need to address this issue has become paramount before more damage is done. Nigeria being one of the countries whose economic infrastructure is at the peak of developing has to do more in terms of fighting cybercrime before it damages the economic growth of the country. Foreign investors are finding Nigeria among the suitable places to invest and build IT industries due to its sudden growth and acceptance of information technology and other technological advancements. Thus, the critical objectives of this research work are to find out and discuss the trending cyber-crimes that have surfaced in Nigeria's financial dealings from the last few years to date as well as the impact they make Nigeria's economy. Based on that, this paper has covered a range of contemporary cyber threats and attacks that are crippling Nigeria's financial institutes and other agencies whose services rely on the internet platform. Furthermore, recommendations on how to identify these threats are enumerated as well as the countermeasures or approaches to mitigating them.

Combatting the Threat of Cybercrime in Nigeria: Examining Current Laws and Policies


Cybercrime has been a major global criminological challenge in recent years. Regarded as one of the epicenters of international Internet fraud, Nigeria is gaining notoriety as a cybercrime hotbed. With the continuing advancement in technological innovations and the growth of terrorism in Nigeria, cyberattacks are also a continuing threat. Efforts to tackle the threat of cybercrime have mainly been ineffective. Even though the Nigerian government has introduced measures to tackle the danger posed by cybercrime to economic and social growth, the piecemeal approach it has used in the past has yielded no tangible results. In this paper, we argue that cybercrime cannot be confronted by the Nigerian government alone without a comprehensive, holistic approach, including international cooperation. We examined the various strategies employed by the Nigerian government to curb cybercrime and why cyber criminality has been a malignant tumor that has refused to subside. We also outline some policy measures and recommendations


The advent of globalization facilitated by information and communication technology (ICT) launched Nigeria into the 21 st century. As a consequence, Nigeria's socio-cultural space today is one where local events are being shaped by external forces at varied spheres. Cybercrime is one of the low sides of the introduction of ICT transactions, which today encompass all sectors of the nation's economy. The scourge of cybercrime has festered for some time, growing in leaps and bounds to become a major source of concern for corporate governance and planning in Nigeria. The need, therefore, for corporate security strategies to stem the menace cannot be overemphasized, especially in the banking sub-sector of the nation's economy where transactions are being encouraged through e-payment and cashless mechanisms. This paper takes an overview of the phenomenon of cybercrime in Nigeria. It takes cognizance of the age bracket of the culprits involved, its victims and the likely implications of the trend for national development and indeed, the image of the country as an IJSER


Unimaid Journal of Private & Private Law, 2019

Cyber criminality presents unique problems of investigation for prosecution due to the global nature of the internet. The transnational nature of cyberspace poses significant difficulties for law enforcement and prosecution which ordinarily must take place within national borders. Unfortunately, an adequate global uniformity or harmony needed for fighting cyber-crime is not available even as anti-cyber-crime laws are still lacking in many developed nations. Added to this is the near anonymity of offenders. This paper looks into the problem of cyber-crime within the context of Nigeria. The focus is particularly on the efforts of the Nigeria Police in tackling the problem, the challenges, the surrounding issues and the prospects; with due cognizance given to the Anti-Cyber Crime Law enacted in the country in 2015. The study advocates for the establishment of a functional, well-equipped and effective computer forensic department within the Nigeria Police Force.