Extreme Light Infrastructure: nuclear physics (original) (raw)

The Extreme Light Infrastructure Nuclear Physics Facility: Towards Experiments with Brilliant gamma\gamma gamma-Ray Beams

Acta Physica Polonica B, 2014

The Extreme Light Infrastructure Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP) facility which is being built at Bucharest-Magurele aims at utilizing extreme electromagnetic fields for nuclear physics and quantum electrodynamics studies. Two ten pentawatt high-power laser systems and a brilliant γ beam are the main research tools of the facility. Here, we present the current status and the perspectives for experiments with intense γ rays at ELI-NP.

The extreme light infrastructure—nuclear physics (ELI-NP) facility: new horizons in physics with 10 PW ultra-intense lasers and 20 MeV brilliant gamma beams

Reports on Progress in Physics, 2018

The European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) has selected in 2006 a proposal based on ultra-intense laser fields with intensities reaching up to 10 22-10 23 W cm −2 called 'ELI' for Extreme Light Infrastructure. The construction of a large-scale laser-centred, distributed pan-European research infrastructure, involving beyond the state-of-the-art ultrashort and ultra-intense laser technologies, received the approval for funding in 2011-2012. The three pillars of the ELI facility are being built in Czech Republic, Hungary and Romania. The Romanian pillar is ELI-Nuclear Physics (ELI-NP). The new facility is intended to serve a broad national, European and International science community. Its mission covers scientific research at the frontier of knowledge involving two domains. The first one is laserdriven experiments related to nuclear physics, strong-field quantum electrodynamics and associated vacuum effects. The second is based on a Compton backscattering high-brilliance and intense low-energy gamma beam (<20 MeV), a marriage of laser and accelerator technology which will allow us to investigate nuclear structure and reactions as well as nuclear astrophysics with unprecedented resolution and accuracy. In addition to fundamental themes, a large number of applications with significant societal impact are being developed. The ELI-NP research centre will be located in Măgurele near Bucharest, Romania. The project is implemented by 'Horia Hulubei' National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering (IFIN-HH). The project started in January 2013 and the new facility will be fully operational by the end of 2019. After a short introduction to multi-PW lasers and multi-MeV brilliant gamma beam scientific and technical description of the future ELI-NP facility as well as the present status

Nuclear physics with advanced brilliant gamma beams at ELI–NP

EPJ Web of Conferences, 2016

The Extreme Light Infrastructure-Nuclear Physics facility is dedicated to nuclear physics studies with the use of extreme electromagnetic radiation. One of the main research system to be installed and operated in the facility is an outstanding high brilliance gamma beam system. The Gamma Beam System of ELI-NP will produce intense, quasi-monochromatic gamma beams via inverse Compton scattering of short laser pulses on relativistic electron beam pulses. The gamma beams available at ELI-NP will allow for the performance of photo-nuclear reactions aiming to reveal the intimate structure of the atomic nucleus. Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence, photo-fission, photo-disintegration reactions above the particle threshold will be used to study the dipole response of nuclei, the structure of the Pygmy resonances, nuclear processes relevant for astrophysics, production and study of exotic neutron-rich nuclei.

Experiments with combined laser and gamma beams at ELI-NP

AIP Conference Proceedings, 2017

We briefly describe in this paper some of the proposed experiments for the E7 and E4 experimental areas at ELI-NP. Our experiments tackle fundamental problems in physics, taking advantage of the unique configuration (high intensity laser plus gamma/electron beam) at ELI-NP in Magurele, Romania. We discuss the gradual approach from a complexity point of view, from "commissioning" or "day 1" experiments to the ones needing key results from the previously proposed ones and R&D advances in fields such as laser wakefield acceleration of electrons, extremely high vacuum or synchronization at tens of femtoseconds level between the pulses. The high repetition rate of the ultra-short laser pulses at E4 is a key factor for the success of the proposed experiment.

ELI-NP Gamma Beam System - Current Project Status


The Gamma Beam System at the ELI-NP (Extreme Light Infrastructure – Nuclear Physics) under construction in Bucharest-Magurele, Romania, aims at producing high brilliance gamma-rays, based on the laser Compton backscattering, up to 3.5 and 19.5 MeV out of two interaction chambers. The design of a warm radio frequency linac is optimized to meet a unique source specification i.e. high brilliance, small relative bandwidth, tunable energy, and high spectral density. Together with the technological development in the field of high energy/high quality lasers it will open new opportunities for nuclear physics research in fields like nuclear photonics, nuclear astrophysics, photofission, and production of exotic nuclei, applications in industry, medicine, and space science. The S-band laser driven RF gun and two accelerating sections constitute the injector. Then the beam is accelerated by C-band linac up to 350 and 720 MeV. The GBS was designed and is being constructed by the EuroGammaS Ass...

Technical Design Report EuroGammaS proposal for the ELI-NP Gamma beam System


The machine described in this document is an advanced Source of up to 20 MeV Gamma Rays based on Compton back-scattering, i.e. collision of an intense high power laser beam and a high brightness electron beam with maximum kinetic energy of about 720 MeV. Fully equipped with collimation and characterization systems, in order to generate, form and fully measure the physical characteristics of the produced Gamma Ray beam. The quality, i.e. phase space density, of the two colliding beams will be such that the emitted Gamma ray beam is characterized by energy tunability, spectral density, bandwidth, polarization, divergence and brilliance compatible with the requested performances of the ELI-NP user facility, to be built in Romania as the Nuclear Physics oriented Pillar of the European Extreme Light Infrastructure. This document illustrates the Technical Design finally produced by the EuroGammaS Collaboration, after a thorough investigation of the machine expected performances within the...

Forward-looking insights in laser-generated ultra-intense γ-ray and neutron sources for nuclear application and science

Nature Communications, 2022

Ultra-intense MeV photon and neutron beams are indispensable tools in many research fields such as nuclear, atomic and material science as well as in medical and biophysical applications. For applications in laboratory nuclear astrophysics, neutron fluxes in excess of 1021 n/(cm2 s) are required. Such ultra-high fluxes are unattainable with existing conventional reactor- and accelerator-based facilities. Currently discussed concepts for generating high-flux neutron beams are based on ultra-high power multi-petawatt lasers operating around 1023 W/cm2 intensities. Here, we present an efficient concept for generating γ and neutron beams based on enhanced production of direct laser-accelerated electrons in relativistic laser interactions with a long-scale near critical density plasma at 1019 W/cm2 intensity. Experimental insights in the laser-driven generation of ultra-intense, well-directed multi-MeV beams of photons more than 1012 ph/sr and an ultra-high intense neutron source with gr...

New insights in laser-generated ultra-intense gamma-ray and neutron sources for nuclear applications and science


M. M. Günther,1, ∗ O. N. Rosmej,1, 2, 3 P. Tavana,2 M. Gyrdymov,2 A. Skobliakov,4 A. Kantsyrev,4 S. Zähter,1, 2 N. G. Borisenko,5 A. Pukhov,6 and N. E. Andreev7, 8 GSI-Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Planckstraße 1, 64291 Darmstadt, Germany Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Max-von-Laue-Str.1, 60438 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Helmholtz Forschungsakademie Hessen für FAIR (HFHF), Campus Frankfurt am Main, Germany Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics named by A.I. Alikhanov of NRC «Kurchatov Institute», B. Cheremuschkinskaya 25, 117218 Moscow, Russia P. N. Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Leninsky Prospekt 53, 119991 Moscow, Russia Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Universitätsstraße 1, Gebäude 25.32 Etage 01, 40225 Düsseldorf, Germany Joint Institute for High Temperatures, RAS, Izhorskaya st. 13, Bldg. 2, 125412 Moscow, Russia Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University), Institutskiy Pereulok 9, 141700 Dolgoprudny Moscow region,...