Efficacy of Weed Management Practices on Weed Dynamics and Productivity of Blackgram (original) (raw)
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Effect of different weed management practices on weed dynamics of blackgram in Northeast India
During the kharif season 2022, a field experiment was carried out at the College of Agriculture, Central Agricultural University, Imphal, Manipur. The experiment consisted of 8 treatments i.e. T1 (hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS), T2 (rice husk @ 10 t/ha), T3 (pendimethalin @ 1 kg/ha), T4 (imazethapyr @ 0.07 kg/ha), T5 (imazethapyr @ 0.08 kg/ha), T6 (pendimethalin @ 1 kg/ha fb imazethapyr @ 0.07 kg/ha), T7 (pendimethalin @ 1 kg/ha fb imazethapyr @ 0.08 kg/ha), T8 (weedy check/control) was laid out in randomized block design replicated thrice. Blackgram variety Pant U31 was sown with the spacing 30 cm x 15 cm utilizing 20 kg of seed per hectare fertilized with the recommended dose of N:P2O5:K2O i.e. 20:40:20 kg per hectare. The treatment pendimethalin @ 1 kg/ha fb imazethapyr @ 0.08 kg/ha followed by treatment T1 (hand weeding at 20 and 40 DAS) which was statistically on par with each other were found out to be most effective weed management practices for blackgram in respect of obtaining the lowest weed count/m2, highest WCE as well as lowest fresh and dry weight of the weeds.
An Integrated Effect of Weed Management in Blackgram
International Journal of Plant and Soil Science, 2023
during summer season (March-June) of 2023, to study the effect of different weed management practices on weed flora, weed growth and yield of summer irrigated blackgram (VBN11). The field experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with nine treatments and three replications. Treatments comprised of power operated weeder at 15 DAS and 30 DAS with 40 × 7.5 cm and 45 × 7.5 cm plant spacing; pre-emergence application of pendimethalin 30% EC @ 1 kg ha-1 fb (followed by) power operated weeder at 20 DAS with 40 × 7.5 cm and 45 × 7.5 cm plant spacing; pre-emergence application of pendimethalin 30% EC @1 kg ha-1 fb early post emergence application of Imazethapyr @ 100 g ha-1 + Quizalofop-ethyl @ 50 g Original Research Article-1).
Afield experiment was conducted on sandy clay loamy soil during the rabiand summer season of 2011-2012 at Agricultural College and Research Institute, Madurai, Tamil Nadu to evaluate the effective weed management practices in blackgram. The experiment comprising of eleven weed management treatments were conducted in a randomized block design and replicated thrice. The treatments involving pre-emergence herbicide viz., pendimethalin and post-emergence herbicide viz., imazethapyr, quizalofop-ethyl and in combination with hand weeding once. In addition, hand weeding twice at 15 and 30 DAS were tested with unweeded check. The results revealed that higher seed (1431 kg/ha in rabi and 1493 kg/ha in summer) yield and higher weed control efficiency were recorded under application of pendimethalin (0.75 kg/ha) as pre emergence at 3 DAS followed by (fb) mixture of imazethapyr (50 g/ha) + quizalofop-ethyl (50 g/ha) as post emergence at 20 days after sowing (DAS) and which was comparable with pre emergence application of pendimethalin fb half the dose mixture of above mentioned post emergence herbicides. The control treatment, more weed growth observed throughout the crop growing period caused 62 and 58 per cent reduction in seed yield during both rabiand summer seasons respectively. Based on the results, it can be concluded that application pendimethalin followed by imazethapyr + quizalofop-ethyl enhanced the weed control efficiency and also an effective weed management practice with respect to yield and cost for the blackgram.
Weed management in blackgram under rainfed conditions
Indian Journal of Weed Science, 2016
Field study was conducted at Dryland Farming Research Station in Bhilwara, Rajasthan during Kharif seasons of 2010 and 2011 to study the weed control efficiency of different weed management practices including pre-and post-emergence herbicides in blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper]. Among herbicidal weed control treatments, the lowest weed density and dry matter, and highest yield attributes, seed yield and economic return with B:C ratio was recorded with quizalofop-ethyl 50 g/ha 30 DAS and it was statistically at par with interculture at 15 DAS fb imazethapyr 100 g/ha 30 DAS, interculture at 15 DAS fb quizalofop-ethyl 50 g/ha 30 DAS, imazethapyr 100 g/ha 20 DAS and weed free. Whereas, highest weed control efficiency was recorded with alachlor 1.0 kg/ha PRE fb imazethapyr 100 g/ha 30 DAS. All herbicidal treatments reduced weed biomass and improved seed yield and yield attributing parameters as compared to weedy check. Weedy check registered the highest values of weed count and biomass and lowest seed yield and yield attributing characters. Rainfall was directly related to weed count and weed dry matter accumulation with the coefficient of 0.65 and 0.61, respectively.
Response of Different Weed Management Strategies on Growth & Yield of Black Gram at Dehradun, India
A field experiment was conducted during Kharif season of 2021 at research farm, Department of Agriculture Dev Bhoomi Uttrakahnd University, Dehradun, Uttrakhand, in order to investigate the response of different weed management strategies on growth & yield of black gram at Dehradun. The layout of experimental field was laid randomized blockdesign (RBD) with 10 treatments and 3 replications. Consisting of T1 Pendimethalin PE@(1000g/ha), T2 Pendimethalin PE@(500g/ha), T3 Pendimethalin PE@(500g/ha)+ Hand Weeding @ 40 DAS, T4 Imazethapyr P.OE @(500g/ha), T5 Imazethapyr P.OE @(1000g/ha), T6 Pendimethalin PE@(1000g/ha)+ Hand Weeding @ 20 DAS, T7 Hand Weeding @ 20 DAS& 40 DAS, T8 Hand Weeding @ 40 DAS, T9 Hand Weeding @ 20 DAS, T10 Weedy check (control plot). The results indicated that among all the treatments, T6 (Pendimethalin PE@(1000g/ha)+ Hand Weeding @ 20 DAS) overall was found best for farmer point of view with respect to plant height (60.66cm), branches/plant (15.66), seed yield (1...
A field experiment was conducted at Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, Jharkhand during rainy & winter seasons of 2015-16 and 2016-17. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with 12 treatments i.e. haloxyfop 81 g/ha, haloxyfop 108 g/ha, haloxyfop 135 g/ha, haloxyfop 270 g/ha, fenoxaprop-p-ethyl 61.9 g/ha, quizalofop-ethyl 43.8 g/ha, imazethapyr 100 g/ha each applied at 20 DAS, pendimethalin 1000 g/ha, oxyfluorfen 100 g/ha each applied at 3 DAS, two mechanical, two hand weeding each performed at 25 and 45 DAS and weedy check, replicated thrice. Black gram var. Birsa Urd-1 was sown at 30 cm using 30 kg seed/ha fertilized with recommended level of nutrients N:P2O5:K2O:Si.e. 25:50:25:25 kg/ha. Mustard var. Pusa-Bold was sown at 30 cm using 5 kg seed/ha fertilized with recommended level of nutrients N:P2O5:K2O:S i.e. 80:40:20:20 kg/ha. The experimental field was mainly infested with Eleusine indica, Echinocloa spp. Commelina spp., Alternanthra sessilis and Cyperus spe...
Weed management in blackgram and its residual effect on succeeding mustard crop
Indian Journal of Weed Science, 2017
The investigation was undertaken at Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi during Kharif, 2014 and 2015. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with sixteen treatments replicated thrice. The treatments comprised of pre-and post-emergence of imazathepyr 50, 70 and 80 g/ha; pre-and postemergence of ready mix imazethapyr 35% + imazamox 35% (Odyssey) 50, 70 and 80 g/ha; pre-emergence (PE) of pendimethalin 1000 g/ha, ready mix imazethapyr 2% + pendimethalin 30% (Vallor) 1000 g/ha, hoeing twice and weedy check. Post-emergence (PoE) of imazethapyr 35% + imazamox 35% 70 g/ha similar to PE of imazethapyre 80 g/ha, imazethapyr 35% + imazamox 35% 70 g/ha, imazethapyr 35% + imazamox 35% 80 g/ha, pendimethalin 1000 g/ha and PoE of imazethapyr 80 g/ha, imazethapyr 35% + imazamox 35% 50 g/ha recorded 69.86 and 126.72% significantly higher seed (1.12 t/ha) and straw yield (2.33 t/ha) respectively, 168.63% higher net return (` 24,126/-) and 192.41% higher B:C ratio (2.31) compared to weedy check owing to 87.29 and 86.08% weed control efficiency.
Evaluation of Mulching Effects on Weed Control in Blackgram Production under Irrigated Condition
International Journal of Enviornment and Climate Change, 2023
A field experiment with the objectives to understand the evaluation of mulching effects on weed control in blackgram production under irrigated condition involving two factors viz., mulching (paddy straw mulching, sugarcane trash mulching, no mulching) and herbicidal treatments (pendimethalin pre-emergence (PE) @ 1.0 Kg/ha, pendimathalin + Imazethapyr (pre-mix) pre-emergence Valor 32% EC 1.0 Kg/ha, Hand weeding on 15 and 30 days after sowing, weedy check) was undertaken in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) design with three replications at the instructional farm of Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Coimbatore region of western Tamil Nadu during the cropping seasons of Rabi 2022-23. Results revealed that paddy straw mulching sequential application of Pendimathalin + Imazethapyr (pre-mix) pre-emergence Valor 32% EC and sugarcane trash mulching sequential application of pendimathalin + imazethapyr (pre-mix) preemergence Valor 32% EC recorded lower weed density, weed dry weight and maximum crop yield as well as net returns over rest of the mulching and herbicidal treatments.
Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 2019
Tamil Nadu to evaluate the weed management practices in irrigated blackgram in Cauvery delta zone. The results revealed that all growth and yield characters of blackgram were significantly affected by distinct weed control practices. A similar trend was also observed in weed parameters. Higher seed yield (853 kg ha-1) and higher weed control efficiency (87%) were recorded under application of pendimethalin @1 kg ha-1 on 3 DAS (fb) acifluorfen sodium (16.5%) + clodinafop propargyl (8% EC) @ 187.5 g ha-1 on 20 DAS and which comparable with pre emergence application of pendimethalin @ 1 kg ha-1 fb propaquizafop (2.5%) + imazethapyr (3.75% ME) @ 125g ha-1 on 20 DAS and hand weeding twice on 15 & 30 DAS. However, higher weed density observed for entire the crop season brought 49 percent decline in seed yield under unweeded plot. Among the various weed control measures, pendimethalin @ 1 kg ha-1 on 3 DAS followed by acifluorfen sodium (16.5%) + clodinafop propargyl (8% EC) @ 187.5 g/ha on 20 DAS may possibly able to control weed menace which in turn increased weed control efficiency as well as yield and benefit-cost ratio for the irrigated blackgram.