Application of life cycle assessment to the Portuguese pulp and paper industry (original) (raw)

Opportunities and Limits In The Application Of The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Method Adopted To Pulp Demanded By the German Paper Production Industry


The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) approach is the most important tool in the evaluation of environmental (sustainability) impacts of products and processes. We used the method to conduct an impact analysis with regard to raw material inputs (pulp) for the German paper production industry. In our analysis, we compare the environmental effects of primary sulphate pulp, scrap paper pulp and grass-based pulp and estimate their impacts in the impact categories “greenhouse gas emissions”, “eutrophication” as well as “energy and water consumption”. Furthermore, we discuss the opportunities of the methodical approach and some general problems and limits of the application of a LCA. In conclusion, we found environmental advantages for the use of grass as an alternative resource in the German paper production industry, especially in the fields of transport and water consumption.

Evaluation of the environmental performance of printing and writing paper using life cycle assessment

Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 2004

The potential environmental burdens over the whole life cycle of printing and writing paper produced in Portugal from Eucalyptus globulus were quantified, using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology. The main stages considered in the life cycle were: forest, pulp production, paper production, final disposal, energy production, chemical production and transports. The results suggest that pulp production processes have an important contribution to water emissions, resulting in a major contribution to eutrophication. Besides, it plays a major role in renewable energy consumption. Energy production in the grid, printing and writing paper production and transports contribute significantly to air emissions and to non-renewable energy consumption, and, consequently to global warming, acidification and non-renewable resource depletion. Wastepaper landfilling assumes the predominant role in photochemical oxidant formation.

Life cycle assessment of paper production from treated wood

Energy Procedia, 2017

The potential health and environmental impacts associated with the improper management of chemically treated wood waste demands the adoption of recycling, and disposal practices. Chemically treated wood waste has several physical and chemical properties which makes it usable for the manufacture of another product to multiple use, among which the production of paper and fuel. This paper presents the initial life cycle assessment (LCA) study on wood waste used for paper production. The study boundary is limited with raw materials (raw wood or waste wood) processing and paper production itself, thus corresponds to "gate-to-gate" life cycle with a special focus on life cycle inventory data on waste wood treatment via hydrolysis process. The results of the analysis demonstrate competitiveness of the waste wood use for paper production vs. raw wood in such environmental categories as human health and ecosystem quality.

Comparison of life cycle inventory (LCI) methods for carbon footprint calculation:-the case of pulp and paper sector in Spain

Greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions induced by human activities are the major causes of climate change. The unsustainable production and consumption patterns are the main driver behind it. Despite being on the policy agenda since the first earth summit in 1992, the reduction of emissions caused by production and consumption is too slow as most policy instruments are usually created without regard to the environmental impact of individual agents and productive sectors. Imposing an environmental tax which reflects the true costs of products and services could be a way to influence both producers and consumers to alter their behaviours and to move a step forward to sustainability. Environmental tax should be proportional to products' carbon footprint and should reveal their true costs by internalizing all the external loads to the environment and to the society that are not included in their price. The main challenge is how to estimate the carbon footprint of each product or service in the economy. There are different methods to assess carbon footprint, such as process based life cycle analysis (LCA), Environmental Input-Output (EIO) and Hybrid IOLCA models. Each method has its own strength and weakness compared with others considering criteria of data requirements, source data uncertainty, upstream and downstream system boundary consideration, time and labour intensity, and so on. In this paper we investigate the most relevant approach from environmental tax introduction point of view. A product of pulp and paper industry of the Spanish economy is analyzed using different methods (LCA, EIO product group approach, EIO industrial approach, tiered hybrid IOLCA and IO-based hybrid) and results are compared.

A parametric environmental life cycle assessment of newspaper making in Spain

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2017

Purpose Most LCAs estimate environmental impacts for a specific situation (industry, sector or location) in a generic way, without considering the specific characteristics of the product or service being evaluated. This paper outlines the relevance of the use of parameters and scenarios in environmental assessment for a daily newspaper considering multiple factors. The results of the different environmental impacts were compared with a baseline reference scenario. Methods Different product specifications, sources of raw materials, manufacturing technologies, energy mix, locations of the printing plant, and distribution possibilities of the newspaper have been taken into account. The unit processes and the amounts allocated for each resource may vary depending on the scenarios. Inventory data were obtained directly from measured data for consumption in the printing plant located in Gran Canaria (Spain) and internal inventories and indirectly from information of existing processes and products. As functional units, both 1 kg of printed newspaper and 1 unit of printed newspaper have been used. The environmental impact assessment methodology ReCiPe has been applied in this study. Also endpoint indicators are shown as score (Pt) for different areas of protection. Results and discussion For variations in the number of printed copies, the results show that environmental impacts are very high for small runs. For large runs, the impacts decrease between −14 and −16% with respect to the baseline scenario. The environmental impact of paper in the final product depends on several variables including the use of recycled fiber, the papermaking technology and the energy used in the paper plant. For airlifted daily newspapers, this means an increase of over 98% in the Climate Change impact if it is not printed in the same place of distribution. The electricity mix also depends on the geographical location and significantly affects the impacts, especially in the case of an isolated territory with increments of over 12% compared to interconnected systems. Conclusions An impact assessment should take into account the suppliers and the characteristics of the raw materials the equipment, the technology, the energy mix, and all the variables that may affect the product. From the analysis of the scenarios, it is obtained that the low runs as well as the high pages and weights produce the greatest impacts. The use of recyclable paper, the shorter distance to the printing plant from the raw materials factories as well as the use of renewable energy sources considerably reduce the impacts generated.

To Develop a Greener Recycled Paper Production by Determining Potential Environmental Impacts through Life Cycle Perspective

A huge number of available Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies have shown that data availability for paper products is enormous regionally. In Malaysia, LCA practices are considered uncommon attributed to the lack of data availability and LCA practitioner itself. Therefore, a cradle-to-cradle study has been carried out to determine the potential impacts arise from the recycled paper production in Malaysia. LCA methodology used in this study including goal and scope definition, inventory analysis (LCI), impact assessment (LCIA) and interpretation is based on ISO 14040 and ISO 14044 framework. A series of input-output data collection has been carried out and the collected data was calculated by using Simapro software followed by data evaluation using Eco-indicator 99 method. The results showed that the most significant impacts generated throughout the system were fossil fuel and resources at the midpoint and endpoint level respectively. This can be attributed to a high consumption of chemicals and energy in the pulp and paper manufacturing process. As a consequence, a comprehensive practice in mill specifically on chemicals and resources include water and energy consumption, as well as the waste management and recycling system needs to be addressed explicitly to mitigate the relevant impacts.

Life cycle assessment of offset paper production in Brazil: hotspots and cleaner production alternatives

Journal of Cleaner Production, 2015

This paper describes a cradle-to-gate life cycle assessment of offset paper production in Brazil. The production system is classified into two subsystems: a forest production subsystem, which involves seedling production, soil preparation, seedling planting, forest maintenance, and wood harvesting and transport processes; and an industrial production subsystem, involving wood pulp extraction and bleaching, chemical recovery, and offset paper manufacturing processes. The environmental analysis includes the primary energy demand, environmental impact assessment, and land use indicators. The primary energy demand indicated that the largest amount of both renewable and non-renewable primary energy is consumed by the industrial production subsystem, accounting for 91.0% of the total energy demand. The potential environmental impact assessment included eight impact categories: acidification, ecotoxicity, global warming, human toxicity e cancer effects, human toxicity e non-cancer effects, nutrient enrichment, ozone depletion, and photochemical oxidation. Most of the potential impacts are attributed to the processes of pulp extraction and bleaching, and offset paper manufacturing, mainly due to the production of electricity and thermal energy. As for impacts on land use during the forest activities, a recent developed approach was applied for the regionalized assessment of impacts. Land occupation impacts on erosion resistance, physicochemical filtration, and mechanical filtration showed a reduction in the soil ecological functions, whereas groundwater recharge indicated a credit for the performance of the soil function. With a view to reducing the main life cycle impacts of the industrial production subsystem, an evaluation is made of alternative production scenarios. The best scenario was the substitution of biomass and diesel in the energy generation unit by biomass gasification and optimization of the recovery boiler.

An environmental life cycle optimization model for the European pulp and paper industry

Omega, 1996

Will paper recycling reduce the environmental impact of the European pulp and paper sector? If so, is maximal paper recycling the best policy to optimize the life cycle of the pulp and paper sector? We explore these questions using an approach that combines materials accounting methods and optimization techniques. Environmental impact data are inputs for a linear programming network flow model to find optimal configurations for the sector. These configurations consist of a mix of different pulping technologies, a geographical distribution of pulp and paper production, and a level of recycling consistent with the lowest environmental impacts. We use the model to analyse scenarios with different recycling strategies. Recycling offers a reduction in environmental impact in regions with a high population and a large production of paper and board products. Regions with a large production of graphic products should focus on cleaner virgin pulp production with energy recovery. We conclude that relocation of paper production also offers a reduction in environmental impact. However, the severe effects on the economy make this policy less attractive than a combination of recycling, cleaner pulp production and energy recovery.

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) in Pulp & Paper Mills: Comparison Between MFO With Biomass in Lime Kiln


Pulp and paper mills keeps trying to take advantage of renewable energy as an energy source. One of utilization is used bark as renewable energy source to substitute fossil fuel. Bark from wood preparation utilized in bark gasifier to produced syngas as primary fuel in lime kiln. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effects of biomass utilization to environment using life cycle Assessment (LCA) method. The "gate to gate" approach was used to evaluate two scenarios of different fuel combination: (1) 75% biomass and (2) 100% MFO as primary fuel in the lime kiln for 1000 kg CaO. Evaluation of environment impact related to each scenario using ISO 14040 (2006) that consist of goal and scope definition, inventory analysis, life cycle impact assessment (LCIA) and interpretation. Result shown used biomass to produce syngas as fuel in lime kiln has impact to global warming 4.25E+01 kqCO2 /ton CaO. Its lower than if used MFO that impact to global warming 6.91E+01 kqCO2/ ton CaO. For increased environmental quality, using 100% biomass as primary fuel in lime kiln is recommended.

Use of Life Cycle Assessment to Develop Industrial Ecologies—A Case Study

Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2005

P rinter and letter quality paper represents a high-value component of the waste from commercial premises. Around large cities, exemplified by London, the paper flows are sufficiently large to sustain a dedicated logistics network and plant to recover and recycle graphics-quality paper. Analysis of the fibre flows around the supply system for paper recovery and recycling shows that, given the present low proportion of recycled fibre graphics paper used in the UK, other sources of fibre are not needed to maintain the supply and quality of the recycled material. Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of the recycling system shows that its environmental performance is dominated by energy use and greenhousewarming emissions. Although the detailed results depend on how waste fibre and biomass are otherwise used, this emerges as a case in which recycling really does give environmental benefits. LCA also enables possible changes in the system for recovering and reprocessing paper to be examined, leading to new concepts for more sustainable local management of resource flows.