Reviews of National Policies for Education: Romania. Education and Skills (original) (raw)
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Challenges for the Education System and Educational Policies in Romania
In terms of secondary and higher education performance, Romania is below other countries in the region, due to under-funding and a rigid and overly centralized system. To remedy these deficiencies, we recommend a flexible approach to educational policies, favoring decentralization as well as private initiatives and investment in education at all levels, within a general framework of targets and standards for quality, relevance, impact and access for all. Reform must be supported by increasing spending for education and prioritizing funds allocation for essential objectives, such as the adequate remuneration and training of personnel in education and strengthening the research and international cooperation potential of universities.
Romanian Education Reform Between Policy and Action
Journal Plus Education, 2017
The article presents an overview of the Romanian educational system reforms after 1989 to the present. Analysis of educational reform over 25 years was carried out in relation to educational policy documents. Also, I delimited the previous reforms accession Romania at the EU and of the reforms postaccession Romania at the EU. The problem we face is translating these policies into educational practices. The purpose of this article is to highlight of the educational policy from this period, and the reasons why a lot of this policies have failed. The main cause that makes difficult the road from solutions developed on paper to the classroom is excessive politicization of education. Keeping the centralizing policies and the inability of assuming governance model is a severe barrier to the evolution of Romania. The education reform must be a political action of conjugation of the effort of the experts and long-term political commitment.
An Outlook on the Romanian Education System Reform: Some Considerations
Reform measures to be applied to the Romanian education system represent not only a necessity, but, more often than not, a false problem, an outcome of political changing games, a scapegoat for the irrational spending of the public budget and the lack of administrative skill of the co-ordination and decision forums from the Ministry in charge. The expression that best describes the evolution of the education system in Romania for more than two decades from the change in regime from December 1989 is, undoubtedly, ‘half measure’. Despite good intentions and experiments to make the Romanian education system competitive on a world scale, our system, especially the Higher Education one, does not enjoy international recognition since none of our Universities is listed among the first 500 Higher Education institutions in the world. We do take pride in our results at international Olympiads and in our graduatesespecially in IT and Medical Sciences- who are employed by Western European and N...
The Romanian Educational System. A Critical Analysis
Romania's socio-political context generates a certain degree of ambiguity in all fields, education being one of the most affected areas. The degree of damage is caused by conjuncture-related, economic, psycho-motivational, demographic factors, with varying intensity depending on the background environment and the incidence of societal regression factors (labor migration, decrease in birth rates, and increase in the number of chronic illnesses, school drop-out, increasing functional illiteracy, lowering the overall level of well-being caused by the drop in income).
100 years of Romanian Education: Failures and Achievements
Revista Transilvania, 2019
Recently, in December 2018, the Presidential Administration of Romania launched a public debate regarding the way in which education should develop in the next 20 to 50 years. Entitled “România Educată”, the initiative hasn’t succeeded in generating a national debate regarding this issue. In other words, the Romanian society and political class are not convinced and aware of the fact that education can indeed be a mechanism of social change and of economic development. Nevertheless, in order to “contextualize” and to emphasize an apocalyptical image upon the current system of education in Romania, critics usually tend to uncritically praise previous systems of education from Greater Romania or from the communist regime. The result is a sort of antithetic discourse that offers little incentives for the present debate. For this reason, the main challenge of this study is to find out if the Romanian system of education of the last century was, indeed, conceived as a true investment in the human capital. No matter how vast the subject may sound, the authors would focus on the evolution of the educational ideal in the last century, while contextualizing the performance of the educational systems with statistical and comparative data.
Perspectives and Trends on Education in Romania: A Country in Transformation
Romanian education has changed considerably as the country has transitioned from Soviet influence, from communism, to democracy and now towards European Union standards. New leaders, reform, and a changing political face of Europe have reshaped Romania's education system into a modern entity. This paper discusses how Romanian education has evolved in recent decades with respect to ethnic minorities, foreign language, religious education, as well as the overall restructuring of higher education while still acknowledging Romania's need for further reform as it looks toward a promising future.
Changing and Restructuring of the Romanian Education System
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Romanian society has begun an accelerated phase change of social, economic and educational structures. Educational changes in Romania have produced various joints concerning the mechanism of change. Educational reforms, which were supposed to change ideas, had the slowest rate of evolution. Some of the reasons are the presence of different age groups in the education system and individual differences. Changing conditions were crucial and fostered the changing factors. It was nice to see that the internalization was possible even though this mechanism of change is extremely complex.
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Romania's expertise for education reform in the republic of moldova
The relations with the Republic of Moldova are a strategic priority for Romania's foreign policy, given the multiple cultural and historical ties between the two states and communities. Regardless of the governments in power in the two countries, the collaboration between the two countries has steadily strengthened, gaining a variety of forms. One of these forms of collaboration is that in the field of education in general, in particular, of university education. Protocols of collaboration in education, signed over time, provide for bursary, master and doctorate scholarships, internships for master and doctoral students, academic mobility for teachers, study visits, etc. Beyond these concrete aspects, the collaboration on the educational level also aims at the modernization of the national educational systems, with Romania having the experience, expertise and assistance needed to reform the educational system of the Republic of Moldova, in accordance with European principles and...