Transfer Learning and Distillation Techniques to Improve the Acoustic Modeling of Low Resource Languages (original) (raw)
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This paper presents a study on multilingual deep neural network (DNN) based acoustic modeling and its application to new languages. We investigate the effect of phone merging on multilingual DNN in context of rapid language adaptation. Moreover, the combination of multilingual DNNs with Kullback-Leibler divergence based acoustic modeling (KL-HMM) is explored.
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2013
We propose a novel regularized adaptation technique for context dependent deep neural network hidden Markov models (CD-DNN-HMMs). The CD-DNN-HMM has a large output layer and many large hidden layers, each with thousands of neurons. The huge number of parameters in the CD-DNN-HMM makes adaptation a challenging task, esp. when the adaptation set is small. The technique developed in this paper adapts the model conservatively by forcing the senone distribution estimated from the adapted model to be close to that from the unadapted model. This constraint is realized by adding Kullback-Leibler divergence (KLD) regularization to the adaptation criterion. We show that applying this regularization is equivalent to changing the target distribution in the conventional backpropagation algorithm. Experiments on Xbox voice search, short message dictation, and Switchboard and lecture speech transcription tasks demonstrate that the proposed adaptation technique can provide 2%-30% relative error reduction against the already very strong speaker independent CD-DNN-HMM systems using different adaptation sets under both supervised and unsupervised adaptation setups.
Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies, 2022
Ensuring the best quality and performance of modern speech technologies, today, is possible based on the widespread use of machine learning methods. The idea of this project is to study and implement an end-to-end system of automatic speech recognition using machine learning methods, as well as to develop new mathematical models and algorithms for solving the problem of automatic speech recognition for agglutinative (Turkic) languages. Many research papers have shown that deep learning methods make it easier to train automatic speech recognition systems that use an end-to-end approach. This method can also train an automatic speech recognition system directly, that is, without manual work with raw signals. Despite the good recognition quality, this model has some drawbacks. These disadvantages are based on the need for a large amount of data for training. This is a serious problem for low-data languages, especially Turkic languages such as Kazakh and Azerbaijani. To solve this probl...
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One particular problem in large vocabulary continuous speech recognition for low-resourced languages is finding relevant training data for the statistical language models. Large amount of data is required, because models should estimate the probability for all possible word sequences. For Finnish, Estonian and the other fenno-ugric languages a special problem with the data is the huge amount of different word forms that are common in normal speech. The same problem exists also in other language technology applications such as machine translation, information retrieval, and in some extent also in other morphologically rich languages. In this paper we present methods and evaluations in four recent language modeling topics: selecting conversational data from the Internet, adapting models for foreign words, multi-domain and adapted neural network language modeling, and decoding with subword units. Our evaluations show that the same methods work in more than one language and that they scale down to smaller data resources.
Deep neural network features and semi-supervised training for low resource speech recognition
2013 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2013
We propose a new technique for training deep neural networks (DNNs) as data-driven feature front-ends for large vocabulary continuous speech recognition (LVCSR) in low resource settings. To circumvent the lack of sufficient training data for acoustic modeling in these scenarios, we use transcribed multilingual data and semi-supervised training to build the proposed feature front-ends. In our experiments, the proposed features provide an absolute improvement of 16% in a low-resource LVCSR setting with only one hour of in-domain training data. While close to three-fourths of these gains come from DNN-based features, the remaining are from semi-supervised training.
ArXiv submission, 2022
We propose data and knowledge-driven approaches for multilingual training of the automated speech recognition (ASR) system for a target language by pooling speech data from multiple source languages. Exploiting the acoustic similarities between Indian languages, we implement two approaches. In phone/senone mapping, deep neural network (DNN) learns non-linear functions to map senones or phones from one language to the others, and the transcriptions of the source languages are modified such that they can be used along with the target language data to train and fine-tune the target language ASR system. In the other approach, we model the acoustic information for all the languages simultaneously by training a multitask DNN (MTDNN) to predict the senones of each language in different output layers. The cross-entropy loss function and the weight update procedure are modified such that only the shared layers and the output layer responsible for predicting the senone classes of a language are updated during training, if the feature vector belongs to that particular language. In the low-resourced setting (LRS), 40 hours of transcribed speech data each for Tamil, Telugu and Gujarati languages are used for training. The DNN based senone mapping technique gives relative improvements in word error rates (WERs) of 9.66%, 7.2% and 15.21% over the baseline system for Tamil, Gujarati and Telugu languages, respectively. In medium-resourced setting (MRS), 160, 275 and 135 hours of data for Tamil, Kannada and Hindi languages are used, where, the same technique gives better relative improvements of 13.94%, 10.28% and 27.24% for Tamil, Kannada and Hindi, respectively. The MTDNN with senone mapping based training in LRS, gives higher relative WER improvements of 15.0%, 17.54% and 16.06%, respectively for Tamil, Gujarati and Telugu, whereas in MRS, we see improvements of 21.24% 21.05% and 30.17% for Tamil, Kannada and Hindi languages, respectively. CCS Concepts: • Computing methodologies → Speech recognition.
This paper presents the progress of acoustic models for lowresourced languages (Assamese, Bengali, Haitian Creole, Lao, Zulu) developed within the second evaluation campaign of the IARPA Babel project. This year, the main focus of the project is put on training high-performing automatic speech recognition (ASR) and keyword search (KWS) systems from language resources limited to about 10 hours of transcribed speech data. Optimizing the structure of Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) based feature extraction and switching from the sigmoid activation function to rectified linear units results in about 5% relative improvement over baseline MLP features. Further improvements are obtained when the MLPs are trained on multiple feature streams and by exploiting label preserving data augmentation techniques like vocal tract length perturbation. Systematic application of these methods allows to improve the unilingual systems by 4-6% absolute in WER and 0.064-0.105 absolute in MTWV. Transfer and adaptation of multilingually trained MLPs lead to additional gains, clearly exceeding the project goal of 0.3 MTWV even when only the limited language pack of the target language is used.
Shared-hidden-layer Deep Neural Network for Under-resourced Language the Content
TELKOMNIKA Telecommunication Computing Electronics and Control, 2018
Training speech recognizer with under-resourced language data still proves difficult. Indonesian language is considered under-resourced because the lack of a standard speech corpus, text corpus, and dictionary. In this research, the efficacy of augmenting limited Indonesian speech training data with highly-resourced-language training data, such as English, to train Indonesian speech recognizer was analyzed. The training was performed in form of shared-hidden-layer deep-neural-network (SHL-DNN) training. An SHL-DNN has language-independent hidden layers and can be pre-trained and trained using multilingual training data without any difference with a monolingual deep neural network. The SHL-DNN using Indonesian and English speech training data proved effective for decreasing word error rate (WER) in decoding Indonesian dictated-speech by achieving 3.82% absolute decrease compared to a monolingual Indonesian hidden Markov model using Gaussian mixture model emission (GMM-HMM). The case was confirmed when the SHL-DNN was also employed to decode Indonesian spontaneous-speech by achieving 4.19% absolute WER decrease.
IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 2019
It is well known that automatic speech recognition (ASR) is a resource consuming task. It takes sufficient amount of data to train a state-of-the-art deep neural network acoustic model. As for some low-resource languages where scripted speech is difficult to obtain, data sparsity is the main problem that limits the performance of speech recognition system. In this paper, several knowledge transfer methods are investigated to overcome the data sparsity problem with the help of high-resource languages. The first one is a pre-training and fine-tuning (PT/FT) method, in which the parameters of hidden layers are initialized with a well-trained neural network. Secondly, the progressive neural networks (Prognets) are investigated. With the help of lateral connections in the network architecture, Prognets are immune to forgetting effect and superior in knowledge transferring. Finally, bottleneck features (BNF) are extracted using cross-lingual deep neural networks and serves as an enhanced feature to improve the performance of ASR system. Experiments are conducted in a low-resource Vietnamese dataset. The results show that all three methods yield significant gains over the baseline system, and the Prognets acoustic model performs the best. Further improvements can be obtained by combining the Prognets model and bottleneck features.