Peramalan Produksi Beras di Provinsi Jawa Tengah (original) (raw)
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Analisis Swasembada Beras Di Provinsi Jawa Tengah Tahun 2005 – 2014
Beras merupakan makanan pokok bagi penduduk Indonesia. Provinsi Jawa Tengah sebagai daerah yang difungsikan sebagai lumbung padi nasional, perlu dilakukan analisis swasembada berasnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi kondisi swasembada beras di Provinsi Jawa Tengah, menganalisis distribusi dan aliran pemenuhan beras; serta memprediksikan kondisi swasembada beras tahun 2025 merujuk pada rencana jangka panjang daerah. Penelitian termasuk penelitian analisis deskriptif yang memanfaatkan data sekunder dari BPS dan data spasial Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Analisis data sekunder dilengkapi hasil wawancara dengan Badan Ketahanan Pangan dan Dinas Pertanian, Tanaman Pangan, dan Holtikultura Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Pada tingkat provinsi, seluruh kabupaten di Jawa Tengah mampu berswasembada beras, sementara enam kota lainnya tidak mampu. Daerah yang tidak berswasembada beras, kebutuhannya dipenuhi dari daerah terdekat yang surplus beras dan dihubungkan dengan jalan arteri dan kolektor. Tahun...
Kinerja Rantai Pasok, Dinamika, dan Pembentukan Harga Beras di Jawa Tengah
Analisis Kebijakan Pertanian, 2019
Rice supply chain from producers to consumers in Central Java Province is relatively extensive and it affects rice price establishment. This study aimed to assess rice production performance, dried paddy (GKG) conversion rate into rice, rice supply chain, dynamics of rice prices among seasons and markets, and rice price establishment. This research was conducted in 2018 in rice producing centers in Central Java, namely Sragen, Klaten and Demak Regencies. This province had a rice production surplus and it was marketed mostly to West Java and Jakarta provinces. Conversion rate from paddy to rice varies between 60-65% or an average of 62.74% depending on varieties grown, drying process, and harvesting machine condition. In general, there are six to seven actors in the rice supply chain. During the main harvest in rainy season, paddy and rice prices usually dropped due to abundant supply. However, during the harvest in rain season in 2017/2018, paddy and rice prices remained high. This ...
Kinerja Ketahanan Beras Di Indonesia: Komparasi Jawa Dan Luar Jawa Periode 2005-2017
Jurnal Ketahanan Nasional
The study analyzed rice resiliencei Indonesia using the rice security index indicator to described the performance of rice resilience by comparing Java and Outside Java condition in the period of 2005-2017. The method used was a descriptive approach, based on secondary data in the form of time series data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Ministry of Agriculture (MOA), and Logistics Affairs Agency (Bulog). The data was in the form of rice production, rice consumption, rice stocks, export and import of rice and other relevant data. The study was conducted by compiling a food balance sheet and calculating the ratio of the availability of per capita rice to the consumption of per capita rice, considering the expectation of rice self-sufficiency. The results of the analysis showed that either in Java, Outside Java or at the national level, it indicated that rice production increased due to the increase of productivity, national rice consumption growth -0.0013 percent driven by p...
Simulasi Ketersediaan Beras DI Jawa Timur
East Java province is one of the rice granary and is an important national food buffer. In 2014, East Java targeted to contribute 60% of 10 million tons national surplus in P2NB program. Objective of this research is to predict rice availability in 2013 to 2020 and analyze East Java readiness on achieving the target. Research steps starts from cause-effect diagram, stock and flow diagram, math formulation inside the diagram, verification and validation of the model, and simulation of developed model. Result of dynamical system indicates availability of rice in 2014 is 3,944,377.7 tons. With such availability, East Java target to contribute 60% of 10 million national rice surplus in 2014 cannot be achieved.
Economics Development Analysis Journal, 2012
The threat of food crisis hit Indonesia. Various responses point out that this conditionoccurs because of the ability to produce rice decreased while the amount of rice consumption continues to grow in line with population growth. This situation is exacerbated by the high food prices are causing more and more limited access to food. Central Java Province as one of the largest rice producer in Indonesia has a responsibility to meet the demands of rice consumption. Therefore, the preparation of this study has the objective to analyze the state of food security in Central Java with a focus on the availability of rice at each district / city in Central Java province.Keyword: Availability Ratio, Inventories Rice, Rice Price, Rice Production
Trend Dan Estimasi Produksi Padi Dan Konsumsi Beras DI Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
This study is conducted to determine the trend and estimation of rice production and rice consumption in Central Borneo Province. The study is held in Central Borneo Province by using secondary data from October 2017 to March 2018, using Least Square’s method. The results shows that the trend of rice production in Central Borneo Province in 2001-2015 is increasing. Same as paddy production which is increasing almost every year, rice production increasing almost every year. Estimation rice production in Central Borneo Province in 2016-2020 is also known that five years ahead, rice production will be increasing from year to year. Trend of rice consumption in Central Borneo Province in 2001-2015 is increasing every year, and Estimation of rice consumption in Central Borneo Province in 2016-2020 is known that five years ahead will be increasing from year to year although it can still be balanced with the value of production which is greater than consumption. Even the province of Central...
Prospek Swasembada Beras di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur
Jurnal Agribisnis Indonesia
Rice self-sufficiency in Indonesia remains a national priority program since rice is a staple food of the majority of the population. This national program has become an economic development agenda in almost all local governments at the provincial and district levels. East Kalimantan Province is one of the provinces that set the rice self-sufficiency on the local medium-term planning (RPJMD) 2013-2018. This research generally aimed at analyzing the prospect of rice self-sufficiency in East Kalimantan Province. Specifically, the research aimed to measure the potential for developing rice in East Kalimantan Province and to analyze the production technical efficiency of rice farming. The data used in this research were national and provincial agriculture land area and 337 units of rice farm from Agricultural Census 2013. Using LQ (Location Quotient) method indicated that economically rice was not a basic commodity of East Kalimantan Province. At the provincial level, there were only tw...
Produksi Dan Tataniaga Beras DI Propinsi Lampung
Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, 2011
The objective of this research is investigation the rice production system and distribution chain efficiency in Lampung Province. Respondent sample were taken by purposive and snowball sampling, involved 38 people as farmers and trader in any level. Rice production centre in Pringsewu and Tanggamus Regency, and also Bandar Lampung city as trading centre were choosen as location. Descriptive analysis applied in appraisal the rice production system and distribution chain. The result performed that the rice production in average of years was higher than rice consumption (surplus) in Lampung Province. The rice production system at producent level also performed in good condition. The rice distribution chain tended to inefficient condition because the traders in country level get more benefit than others. The fact that 23,735% rice stock from Lampung distributed to others area such as Bengkulu, Padang, and Riau cause the rice stock in market and society hard to identify and then could be the reason to price instability.
Perkembangan Impor Beras DI Indonesia
AgriMalS, 2021
This study aims to analyze how rice imports have grown in Indonesia. This research was a descriptive case study of Indonesia. The data of development of the rice imports was collected from the last ten years (2010-2019). The data used are secondary sources of data from the Agency for Central Statistics (BPS). Base on the data rice imports in Indonesia have fluctuated, especially from 2018 to 2019. Several factors influenced the increasing amount of imported rice in Indonesia, including population growth as well as an increase in domestic rice prices. As a result the amount of consumption is higher than the quantity of rice produced.