Movies: The Aesthetic Interdisciplinary Device Bridging the Diversity Gap (original) (raw)


The using of short and feature films for educational purposes is a fairly common practice Appleford and Burton (2008), and this practice is traditionally used especially in foreign language teaching. However, it is difficult to chance upon visual materials that were elaborately evaluated and classified, and on in-depth film studies in related literature Lewis (2003). As far as the history shows, the idea of benefiting from cinema films seems to be a source of inspiration for many Western languages (as native or foreign language or second language) teaching methods and techniques and creating related environment Yakar (2013).Similarly, in the last decade it is observed that theory-based academic studies and activities in development of practical system and related environment are accelerating. Naturally it is eligible to common sense to structure and use the short and feature films in teaching of Turkish in order to develop understanding and explaining skills. But at this point, it is enough problematic which film is thought to be selected and by what purpose, by which criteria would be structured selected films and how selected films would be effectively and efficiently used in classroom activities. For as much as in academic studies of films, motion pictures or movies first of all are assumed to carry a sense of semiotic value and to realize it by original expression instruments. At the same time it is specific issue that to which semiotic analysis method would be applied in order to elucidate the meanings and messages of the selected movies and which foreign language learning and teaching theories would be referenced in converting of films into educational materials. It requires specialization in both areas. This study aims to study the suitability of short and feature films as an educational material, and is focused on Barthes’s Semiotics Theory (1957; 1964), Metz’s A Semiotics of Cinema (1968; 1972), Kaes and Rentschler’s Reading a Films Technique (2012). At the result of reading and analyzing of the meanings and messages given to indicators in the filmic images, training materials that will be developed in the case of Teaching of Turkish as a Foreign Language are expected to be an effective tool in achieving the objectives. As a matter of fact, the statistical results of questionnaire evaluations of course materials applied to the Turkish language preparation class students of Foreign Languages High School in Kyrgyzstan-Turkey Manas University during the 2014-2015 academic year, have supported this expectation.

Operating between Cultures and Langugages: Multilingual Films in Foreign Language Classes


Our societies have undergone two major changes during the last decades: firstly, the continuous rise of cultural and linguistic diversity, due to the global economy, migration and universal mobility, and secondly, the steady expansion and gathering impetus of the new communication media (Cope & Kalantzis, 2000, 2012). In consequence, multilingualism, acquired or learned, has shaped our living together and pertains to our learners in the classroom. Similarly, polyglot movies, literatures and other cultural productions have become symbolic expressions for worldwide cross-cultural movements for all age groups. Both the multilingualism and the multi-/transculturalism inherent in the texts and images constitute a rich cultural resource for the Foreign Language (FL) classroom. This article argues that the creative potential of transnational film, to be found in its multilingualism and transculturalism, should be used as a complementary field of teaching film beyond the traditional and cur...

Film Literacy Visual Culture and Film Language

Film Literacy Visual Culture and Film Language, 2020

This chapter, in the age when we experience the supremacy of the visual dominance, sustains the assumption that political power has infiltrated the lives of the individual as a subject in visual representations, and that films, which can be a medium where the individual may oppose the domination against the struggle for power, produce both hegemonic discourses and counter rhetoric. Based on this assumption, it aims to explain the content required for film literacy in general terms. For this purpose, the concept of media literacy covering the mass media and the historical development process are summarized, followed by a brief overview of the history of film and the scope of film literacy. Then cinematographic image and film analysis methods are explained, and finally, the results of the content in the context of film literacy are evaluated and suggestions are offered.

Film-Study as a Source of Formation of Creative Cross-Cultural Skills in Multicultural Context

Creativity Studies, 2016

The authors propose to look at the cinema in the education process in terms of its potential use as a tool of formation of creative cross-cultural competence. Nowadays cinema is not just a synthetic art, it is deeply integrated into the basic structure of modern culture, and forms means capable of becoming an effective source of educational innovations. The article proposes the concept of film-study as a reference for the complex of methodical use of cinema in education. Analysis of different cases of inclusion of cinema in practical lessons allowed the authors to substantiate the connection of film-study method with the formation of students’ creative cross-cultural skills. As stated in the article, techniques of film-study method used by the authors contribute to the development of students’ cross-cultural competence relevant in a multicultural context of their professional and daily activities.

Films As A "Multimodal Way" To Improve Learners' Reading Skills And Enhance Cultural Awareness In English Language And Literature Departments


Yabanci dil olarak Ingilizcenin ogretilmesi bakimindan bir Ingilizce ogretmeninin karsilastigi en buyuk zorluklardan biri, ogrencilerin yasadigi cevrede Ingilizcenin ozgun bir dil olarak kullanilmiyor olmasidir. Bu yuzden ogrencilerin dile maruz kalma acisindan ya da ozgun bir etkilesimde bulunmak icin cok fazla tabii firsatlari olmamaktadir. Dil ogretiminin egitimsel potansiyelini ortaya cikarmak icin, ogrencilerin yabanci dil ve bu dile ait bilgi edinimi, yabanci dil ogretimi ve ogreniminde sosyo-semiyotik bir yaklasim olarak kabul edilen cokmodluluk gibi ogretim metotlarinin uygulanmasiyla gelistirilebilir. Film, nitelikleri dikkate alindiginda, yabanci dil siniflarinda hedef dilin sosyal ve semiyotik ozelliklerini saglamasi bakimindan en onemli cokmodlu yontemlerden biri olup ogretim materyali olarak yaygin bir sekilde kullanilabilir. Bu calisma Selcuk Universitesi Ingiliz Dili ve Edebiyati Bolumu ogrencilerinin okuduklarini anlama becerilerini gelistirmek ve kulturel farkindali...

Short films prodution in the classroom context: cinematographic language reading and fruition

Revista Ibero-Americana de Estudos em Educação, 2018

Brazilian education has been facing a lot of challenges: one of them is the necessity of fostering the use of digital tools at schools on a daily basis, to help emerging or expanding the students’ reading competences from a culture of images in which students live in. From this perspective, this paper focus on describing the elements of cinematographic language that students involved on a project have appropriated after their participation in activities in which the main purpose was the production of short films, from the assumption that this appropriation has allowed them to be proficient in reading the film culture that is within in our society. To accomplish the objective, students answered a survey about three short films produced by them throughout their high school years. Data were analyzed in light of the theories of Habitus and symbolic Capital proposed by Bourdieu (2003 and 2005) and Neves (2007). The results have shown that students understood the cinematographic language ...

Films, Multiliteracies, and Experiences About Fruition, Analysis, and Production in Education

Integrating Video into Pre-Service and In-Service Teacher Training

This paper discusses the relationship between cinema and education based on opportunities for the fruition, analysis and production of video in educational contexts. To do so, it locates different approaches to cinema in schools and analyzes the importance of principles and proposals for working with audiovisual materials in the education of teachers and students. Based on the media-education perspective and on multiliteracies, the paper addresses aspects of an experience with audiovisual production in the initial education of teachers, with students in at a teacher's college, based on the Lumière Minute proposal and the Situated Learning Episodes methodology. Finally, the paper indicates some challenges and possibilities for working with video in education.

Towards a film literacy canon: identification and multicultural analysis of the contents used in film education with pre-university students in Spain

Communication & Society, 2019

In the absence of a state film education plan in Spain, there are numerous initiatives operating in the field of both formal and non-formal education, the aim of which is pedagogy through cinema and about cinema. The European Commission has established the identification of a pantheon of authors of which knowledge is compulsory (canonical competence) as one of the four necessary competencies of this film literacy. This article aims to identify this canon promoted by the entities operating outside the formal curriculum and within the different contexts of nonformal education with early, primary and secondary education students in Spain. For this purpose, 65 entities (N=65) – educational centers, regional programs, museums, film libraries, film clubs, festivals, associations and foundations– have been catalogued and consulted for the first time in the different provinces of Spain. Among the results, 194 film titles and 142 names of directors used by those entities involved in image pedagogy in Spain have been collected. From a multicultural point of view, the analysis of the results points to the promotion of a biological approach to the history of universal cinema, in which national cinematography does not find a place. The primacy of North American and French productions is observed, as well as the absence of images with which to work on historical memory in Spain.

Developing Media Literacy A Project of Cinema and Education at Viana do Castelo Polytechnic

There is a broad consensus on the recognition of cinema as a means of acquiring media literacy. The problematization of cinema as an artistic expression and the promotion of interdisciplinarity between the areas of communication, cinema, education and artistic education in particular, have been established in the field of communication science teaching. In this context, the purpose of this article is to describe an action-research that is repeated annually, when students are confronted with cinema, audio-visual language, analysis of still and moving images, and the follow-up of edition creation with students from a Higher Education Course of Art & Technology. The findings provide useful information on the contribution visual culture analysis strategies bring to art in general and cinema in particular, and that such interdisciplinary approach provides a more critical understanding of society through projects that guarantee a free and flexible teaching-learning program and stimulate much discussion and polemic.