The Importance of Modeling for the Future of Molecular Studies of Learning and Memory (original) (raw)

Molecular mechanisms of learning and memory

Expert Reviews in Molecular Medicine, 2003

Memory is the process by which organisms are able to record their experiences, and use this information to adapt their responses to the environment. As such, it is vital for survival. In recent years, the development of spatially and temporally selective techniques for the regulation of gene expression has allowed the molecular details of this process to emerge. Here we review the molecular mechanisms thought to underlie memory acquisition and storage, as well as discuss recent evidence regarding the mechanisms of subsequent memory consolidation.

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Molecular mechanisms of learning and memory Cover Page

Molecular mechanisms of memory and learning


The aim of the present review is to discuss the molecular mechanisms of learning and memory. The first part of the review investigates implicit memory in Aplysia, a marine snail, studied by Eric Kandel, the Nobel Prize winner. This form of learning can be broadly divided into two temporal phases, an early and a late phase. The molecular mechanisms of each phase will be analyzed in separate sections. The second part of the review investigates hippocampal-dependent explicit memory in ammals and the mechanism that underlies it, known as long-term potentiation (LTP). Similar to the molecular mechanisms in Aplysia, LTP is divided into an early and a late phase. However, LTP in mammals is a very complicated phenomenon that depends on the regulation of many molecular pathways. Moreover, the scientific community cannot always reach a consensus on the role of some of these molecular mechanisms in LTP. Nevertheless, it will be demonstrated that both explicit and implicit memory occur at a syn...

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Molecular mechanisms of memory and learning Cover Page

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Different molecular cascades in different sites of the brain control memory … Cover Page

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Mapping Molecular Memory: Navigating the Cellular Pathways of Learning Cover Page

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Weaving the molecular and cognitive strands of memory Cover Page

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Understanding the Neurobiological Mechanisms of Learning and Memory: Cellular, Molecular and Gene Regulation Implicated In Synaptic Plasticity and Long-Term … Cover Page

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Early genomics of learning and memory: a review Cover Page

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MMM – The molecular model of memory Cover Page

Understanding the neurobiological mechanisms of learning and memory: cellular, molecular and gene regulation implicated in synaptic plasticity and long-term potentiation. Part IV A

Salud Mental, 2004

Extensos estudios celulares y conductuales han llevado a la postulacion de que la memoria es codificada por cambios en la fuerza sinaptica entre las neuronas, como lo ha demostrado la correlacion entre los cambios a largo plazo en la conducta de los animales y en las conexiones neuronales que generan una conducta especifica, en animales invertebrados o vertebrados, en los que los modelos celulares de plasticidad sinaptica, usando aproximaciones geneticas como el fenomeno de potenciacion de largo plazo (LTP), o el fenomeno de la depresion de largo plazo (LTD), han demostrado que dependen de cambios a largo plazo en la actividad sinaptica implicada en las conductas de aprendizaje y memoria. La memoria de largo plazo (LTM) es crucial para la sobrevivencia de los animales y representa un mecanismo fundamental para los eventos neurobiologicos en el sistema nervioso de las especies de vertebrados e invertebrados, incluyendo el del humano. Los cambios a largo plazo en la conectividad sinap...

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Understanding the neurobiological mechanisms of learning and memory: cellular, molecular and gene regulation implicated in synaptic plasticity and long-term potentiation. Part IV A Cover Page

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Protein targeting in the analysis of learning and memory: a potential alternative to gene targeting Cover Page