Study of subsurface structures using seismic reflection data for Kalar–Khanaqin area/Kurdistan region, Iraq (original) (raw)

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Central Zagros fold-thrust belt (Iran): New insights from seismic data, field observation, and sandbox modeling Cover Page

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Uplift-induced residual strain release and late-thrusting extension in the Anaran mountain front anticline, Zagros (Iran) Cover Page

Mystery of Mosul Dam the most Dangerous Dam in the World: General Geology

Mosul Dam project is the most important water resources project in Iraq. It is located on the River Tigris in northwestern part of Iraq, about 60 km north of Mosul city. This project is multipurpose project; to provide water for three irrigation projects in the north of Iraq and many other projects in the middle and south of the country, flood control and hydropower generation. Its storage capacity is 11.11 km3. The oldest exposed rocks in the reservoir area belong to the Pila Spi Formation of Late Eocene age, while at the dam site; the oldest exposed rocks belong to the Fatha Formation (ex-Lower Fars) of Middle Miocene age. The topography of the Mosul Dam and reservoir area is characterized by hilly terrain that rise to low mountainous area; representing physiographically Low Mountainous Province. Tectonically, Mosul Dam site and reservoir area are located within the Cham – Chamal Subzone of the Low Folded Zone of the Outer Platform of the Arabian Plate. The project is located far from Zagros Active Seismic Zone, but still many earthquakes were recorded in areas surrounding the project area.

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Mystery of Mosul Dam the most Dangerous Dam in the World: General Geology Cover Page

Evolution of the Nourooz anticline (NW Persian Gulf) deciphered using growth strata: Structural inferences to constrain hydrocarbon exploration in Persian offshore anticlines

The structural features and kinematic evolution of the Nourooz anticline, an oil producing structure located in the NW Persian Gulf, are unravelled based on the interpretation of a seismic profile grid and well data, construction of a 3D depth model and sequential restoration of a 2D geological section. The Nourooz anticline is a kilometre-scale, slightly asymmetrical fold that comprises pre-growth and growth strata. The main stratigraphic feature is an Upper Cretaceous unconformity. The amplification of the Nourooz anticline from Upper Cretaceous to present-day probably took place by hinge migration with minor contribution of limb rotation assuming that the structure resulted from horizontal compression and maintained constant bed length. The estimated average fold-shortening rate is 0.002 mm/a, assuming that the structure resulted from horizontal shortening, and the average fold-uplift rate calculated is 0.019 mm/a, although the fold amplification rates decreased with time. The anticline does not seem to be related to a detachment at depth and its growth may have been caused by motion along a basement fault, that favoured movement of deep evaporite bodies underneath the anticline, and buckling caused by propagation of the Zagros belt deformation into the foreland basin. The processes involved in the formation of this anticline coincide with those documented for an adjacent structure and seem to be the main processes that controlled the structural style in the Persian Gulf basin.

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Evolution of the Nourooz anticline (NW Persian Gulf) deciphered using growth strata: Structural inferences to constrain hydrocarbon exploration in Persian offshore anticlines Cover Page

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Variation of structural style and basin evolution in the central Zagros (Izeh zone and Dezful Embayment), Iran Cover Page

Geology of the Tigris River with Emphasize on the Iraqi Part

The Tigris River is the longest river in Iraq with 5 main tributaries inside Iraq. The river flows from the Eastern highlands of Turkey then crosses the Iraqi territory from extreme northwestern part to the central part then meets with the Euphrates River in the southern part. The geology of the Tigris River's basin is presented with emphasize on the Iraqi part. Besides, the stratigraphy of the basin, the tectonic style, main geomorphological features and minerals' resources are presented within the basin too. Wide range of rocks; age wise, are exposed in the basin, with different economic potentials at different parts of the basin. This study is a unique one, which deals with the geology of the Tigris River's basin. It is conducted using the most relevant updated geological data.

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Geology of the Tigris River with Emphasize on the Iraqi Part Cover Page

On the role of incompetent strata in the structural evolution of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, Dezful Embayment, Iran

Marine and Petroleum Geology, 2017

The Dezful Embayment is the most important fertile oil province of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt. It includes several incompetent strata as basal and intermediate décollement levels that play a significant role on the structural styles and hydrocarbon preservation. Based on the interpretation of seismic profiles, the influence of the Gachsaran Formation and the evaporitic Kalhur Member of the Asmari Formation on the geometry of deformation was investigated in different parts of the Dezful Embayment. Obtained results revealed that the thickness of the incompetent strata plays a crucial role in the formation and geometry of different types of fold structures (e.g. rounded, box, chevron, detachment fold) in the Dezful Embayment. There is a sharp difference between the geometry of surface and deep-seated structures due to the existence of thick intermediate décollements (e.g. Gachsaran and Kalhur) in the Dezful Embayment. Therefore, fault geometry and fold styles in upper and lower parts of these décollements are totally different. In addition, these incompetent strata act as a barrier level against the propagation of deep-seated faults into the overlying layers. Therefore, it seems that most of the faults exposed on the surface have originated from the upper décollement levels in the study area.

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On the role of incompetent strata in the structural evolution of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt, Dezful Embayment, Iran Cover Page

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Tectonic analysis of shikhan earthquakes Cover Page

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Stratigraphic architecture and fracture-controlled dolomitization of the Cretaceous Khami and Bangestan groups: an outcrop case study, Zagros Mountains, Iran Cover Page

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Control of Cambrian evaporites on fracturing in fault-related anticlines in the Zagros fold-and-thrust belt Cover Page