Mitochondrial Group II Introns in the Raphidophycean Flagellate Chattonella spp. Suggest a Diatom-to- Chattonella Lateral Group II Intron Transfer (original) (raw)

Mitochondrial group I and group II introns in the sponge orders Agelasida and Axinellida

BMC evolutionary biology, 2015

Self-splicing introns are present in the mitochondria of members of most eukaryotic lineages. They are divided into Group I and Group II introns, according to their secondary structure and splicing mechanism. Being rare in animals, self-splicing introns were only described in a few sponges, cnidarians, placozoans and one annelid species. In sponges, three types of mitochondrial Group I introns were previously described in two demosponge families (Tetillidae, and Aplysinellidae) and in the homoscleromorph family Plakinidae. These three introns differ in their insertion site, secondary structure and in the sequence of the LAGLIDADG gene they encode. Notably, no group II introns have been previously described in sponges. We report here the presence of mitochondrial introns in the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (COI) gene of three additional sponge species from three different families: Agelas oroides (Agelasidae, Agelasida), Cymbaxinella (p) verrucosa (Hymerhabdiidae, Agelasida) and Axin...

The Transcriptome of an Amphioxus, Asymmetron lucayanum, from the Bahamas: A Window into Chordate Evolution

Genome Biology and Evolution

Cephalochordates, the sister group of tunicates plus vertebrates, have been called “living fossils” due to their resemblance to fossil chordates from Cambrian strata. The genome of the cephalochordate Branchiostoma floridae shares remarkable synteny with vertebrates and is free from whole-genome duplication. We performed RNA sequencing from larvae and adults of Asymmetron lucayanum, a cephalochordate distantly related to B. floridae. Comparisons of about 430 orthologous gene groups among both cephalochordates and 10 vertebrates using an echinoderm, a hemichordate, and a mollusk as outgroups showed that cephalochordates are evolving more slowly than the slowest evolving vertebrate known (the elephant shark), with A. lucayanum evolving even more slowly than B. floridae. Against this background of slow evolution, some genes, notably several involved in innate immunity, stand out as evolving relatively quickly. This may be due to the lack of an adaptive immune system and the relatively high levels of bacteria in the inshore waters cephalochordates inhabit. Molecular dating analysis including several time constraints revealed a divergence time of ∼120 Ma for A. lucayanum and B. floridae. The divisions between cephalochordates and vertebrates, and that between chordates and the hemichordate plus echinoderm clade likely occurred before the Cambrian.

Confirmation of the first intronic sequence in the bivalvian mitochondrial genome of Macoma balthica (Linnaeus, 1758)

Biology Letters

In 2020, the first male-type mitochondrial genome from the clam Macoma balthica was published. Apart from the unusual doubly uniparental inheritance of mtDNA, scientists observed a unique (over 4k bp long) extension in the middle of the cox2 gene. We have attempted to replicate these data by NGS DNA sequencing and explore further the expression of the long cox2 gene. In our study, we report an even longer cox2 gene (over 5.5 kbp) with no stop codon separating conserved cox2 domains, as well as, based on the rtPCR, a lower relative gene expression pattern of the middle part of the gene (5′ = 1; mid = 0.46; 3′ = 0.89). Lastly, we sequenced the cox2 gene transcript proving the excision of the intronic sequence.