Од Романа до Словена. Археолошки налази из Србије и њихов контекст. (original) (raw)
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Prethodni izvestaj sa istrazivanja praistorijskih lokaliteta na autoputu E 75
Leskovački zbornik
Др Александар Булатовић, виши научни сарадник, Археолошки институт, Београд Др Александар Капуран, научни сарадник Археолошки институт, Београд ПРАИСТОРИЈСКИ ЛОКАЛИТЕТИ НА ТРАСИ АУТОПУТА Е 75 -ПРЕТХОДНИ ИЗВЕШТАЈ З аштитна археолошка истраживања на траси аутопута Е 75 између Гра бовнице код Лесковца и Левосоја код Бујановца обавили су Ар хеолошки институт у Београду и Одељење за археологију Фи ло зофског факултета у Београду, од августа 2011. до новембра 2012. го дине. Том приликом истражено je 28 локалитета, од чега је девет из пра историјског периода. Занимљиво је да се сви праисторијски ло ка ли тети налазе јужно од Грделичке клисуре, а да на траси аутопута кроз ову клисуру није констатован ниједан археолошки локалитет.
Glasnik muzeja Banata 16, 2014
Protective archaeological excavations have been conducted in the south-east part of King Peter I square in Pančevo, during reconstructive works on the heating pipeline in 2013. The research focused on the parts of the foundation wall built out of large ashlar stones, large and small cut and broken rubble, with the part of the wall facing south built in horizontally-laid terracotta bricks. A tombstone was built into the foundations of the wall, with a motif of a three-pointed cross. South-facing part of the foundations displayed a thick layer of construction rubble, unobserved on the northern side. The analysis of the stratigraphic situation visible on the western profile of the dig and the comparison of the archaeological data with the available historical and cartographic documents on Pančevo in XVIII century – most notably Stockhausen’s map of the city from 1761, have provided a chronological and functional context of the uncovered foundations. The protective archaeological excavations from 2013 have confirmed a segment of the southern rampart of the pentagon-shaped fort of Pančevo, dating between 1721 and 1739, in the vicinity of the interconnection with the south-east bastion. The building of the old cavalry barracks, built in 1742, was located in the area of the inner part of King Peter I square. The barracks were torn down in 1788 and were never reconstructed in the same place. Instead, a completely new building – today the building of PIK ‘Tamiš’ – was erected during the regulation of the area surrounding the Main Square. Parts of King Peter I square (the south and south-sast borders) and the directions of the surrounding communications (Masarikova, Branka Radičevića and Svetozara Miletića Streets) were definitely established based on and across the routes of the ramparts of the youngest fort of Pančevo.