Structural Changes in the Romanian Economy Reflected through Corine Land Cover Datasets (original) (raw)
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Trends in the National and Regional Transitional Dynamics of Land Cover and Use Changes in Romania
Remote Sensing
The crucial importance of land cover and use changes, components of the ‘global changes’, for the worldwide sustainable and resilient development results from their negative influence on ecosystem services, biodiversity, and human welfare. Ongoing debates concerning whether the global drivers are more important than the local ones or which are the most prominent driving forces and effects are still ongoing at the global level. In Europe, the patterns of land cover and use changes differ between the west and the east. Property restitution was an important driver of change in Eastern Europe and especially in Romania. This study aimed to look at the land cover and use changes in Romania by their transitional dynamic using Coordination of Information on the Environment (CORINE) data in an attempt to identify long-term spatially and temporally consistent trends. Although generally inconsistent, the results indicate that deforestation and urbanization tend to prevail over other changes, a...
Les changements dans la couverture et utilisation du terrain, les modifications des circuits de l’énergie et les changements climatiques sont constituants des « changements globales », terme incluant tous les impacts humains sous les complexes des systèmes socio-écologiques. La plupart des auteurs faite une connexion entre la pression sous l’environnement et les forces socio-économiques, considérant que le processus de transition économique et la conscience environnementale réduite produisent problèmes environnementaux sérieux. Cette recherche s’agit de l’investigation des impacts environnementaux par les dynamiques de transition dans longues périodes réfléchies par des changements dans la couverture et utilisation du terrain dans la région de développement roumaine sud-ouest, en connexion avec le déclin post-socialiste de l’économie, aggravé par le fait que beaucoup des villes ont perdu leur fonction industrielle. La méthodologie est basée sur l’allocation de des changements dans la couverture et utilisation du terrain indiquées par les données CORINE entre 1990-2000 et 2000-2006 aux dynamiques de transition spécifique, calculant la surface affectée par chaque type, et utilisant le kriging commun pour trouvant les zones le plus affectées. Les résultats indiquent que le plus importantes dynamiques sont le forestage (afforestation ou reforestation), abandon et développement de l’agriculture, déforestation et urbanisation pour la première période, et le forestage (afforestation ou reforestation), déforestation, abandon de l’agriculture et urbanisation pendant la deuxième. Donné que la colonisation naturelle des parcelles agricoles abandonnées par la végétation forestière pourrait être erronément classifiée comme foretage, les causes majeurs peuvent être attribuées au déclin de l’économie, soutenant l’hypothèse de travail.
Lucrările Seminarului Geografic "Dimitrie Cantemir", 2019
Spontaneous urban development, specific to East European cities in the post-socialist period, produces permanent land-use changes. The study aims at analyzing this phenomenon for the particular case of the North East Development Region of Romania. Although as a way of manifestation there are many similarities at regional level, the behavior of urban systems and land-use changes are influenced by many local factors. For this study, updated data provided by Corine Land Cover were capitalized, and the analysis were carried out in temporal stages-1990-2000-2006-2012-2018 using the ArcGis software. In terms of assessing the consequences of urban development, the analysis concentrates on permanent changes that can indicate the penetration of urban space in rural areas. The largest area of land-use category transformed into artificial surfaces belongs to the agricultural sector. The challenge is to analyze the magnitude of this phenomenon, the main consequence being the consumption of productive land, and to see if its perpetuation and intensification contravenes the principles of sustainable development.
Land Cover Changes in Romania Based on Corine Land Cover Inventory 1990-2012
From 1990 to 2012 the European Environment Agency implemented the CORINE Programme (Co-ordination of Information on the Environment). In Romania, the National Reference Centre implemented the national CORINE Land Cover (CLC) inventory to the reference years 1990, 2000, 2006 and 2012 to derive the CLC update and land cover change data base. The information obtained within the project, as digitized land cover maps on scale 1:100 000 for the whole territory of Romania represent a reference data set for spatial and territorial analysis at different territorial levels. Land cover statistics and spatial distribution of classes and trend of changes along the 1990-2012 period are presented.
Land cover and land use analysis of urban growth in Romania
Human Geographies, 2012
While cities appeared and disappeared during the history, and different disciplines, such as ecology and geography attempted to model the process from a systemic perspective, the growth of modern cities, particularly under the form of urban sprawl, is an important phenomenon due to its environmental and socioeconomic impacts. CORINE data allow for analyzing the growth of cities based on the changes in land cover and use. This study aimed to assess the magnitude of long-term urban growth in Romania, chosen as an example of a transition country, hypothesizing that the phenomenon is visible at the national scale. The results locate urban growth in area where the real estate boom is prominent, but its extent is masked by the small share of urban areas from the total territory. If growth is analyzed in relationship to the urban area, its magnitude becomes visible, supporting the underlying hypothesis.
Long-Term Dynamics of Land Use in the Romanian Plain—The Central Bărăgan, Romania
Agriculture, 2021
Changes in land use and agricultural landscapes are primarily the result of socio-political and economic changes. This research is based on the analysis of old maps, pertaining to different historical periods, aiming to capture the dynamics of the landscape in the Central Bărăgan Plain. The cartographic materials used have the Map of Southern Romania from 1864, the Firing Master Plans and the Corine Land Cover dataset (1990, 2000, 2018) as reference. For the case studies, these sources are supplemented by the orthophotoplan from 2012 and the remotely-sensed image acquired by Corona satellites in 1974. The results highlight the fact that between 1864 and 2018, the Central Bărăgan Plain recorded important changes in land resources. The most significant transformations took place in the period between 1864 and 1959, when 58% of the plain area was purposed for another use in that large areas of land were introduced in the agricultural use. If in 1864 the agricultural lands represented l...
Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2016
The smart, sustainable and inclusive growth adopted by Europe 2020 demands new types of information as it is the land use data as an indicator of the land (a primary production factor)-the building block of any economy. Our method is based the article of Salvati & Carlucci (2014) regarding the Urban Growth and Land Use Structure, we develop an Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis ESDA (Method of Choropleth Maps and LISA, Anselin 2003, 2005) for identification of peri-urban areas in Romania at LAU2 level as lattice data (in Arc Gis, GeoDa) and statistical analysis (in SPSS). The main results of this paper consists in suggesting that the indicator land us changes towards covering with buildings could be used as a synthesis monitoring indicator for the divergent growth effects, allowing the identification of the peri-urban areas, as a result of positive agglomeration process formation based on New Economic Geography theory background. The shapes and locations identified offer a quantitative imagine complementary characterized in a qualitative manner by their higher propensity to be with the highest global competitive performance among the national landscape, in the context of free market main driving force expression.
Testing the Environmental Kuznets Curve hypothesis on land use: The case of Romania
The aim of the present study is to test empirically the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) hypothesis for 42 Romanian counties over the 2000-2014 period. Specifically, we investigate the existence of an inverted U-shaped curve relationship between residential built-up land and economic development in a low-income EU country undergoing rapid and profound transition. We do so by making innovative use of spatial panel econometric techniques. Contrary to our expectations, the results indicate an inverted EKC, implying that higher levels of residential built-up area occur for higher levels of wealth. Moreover, we find that the built-up land in Romania mainly reflects processes of urban expansion, such as sprawl or suburbanization, that may have harmful environmental and social consequences. Spatial spill-overs in terms of built-up land arise and spread, albeit to a limited extent, to neighbouring locations. These findings are of potential significance for policy makers, because they highlight the need for coordination among neighbours. Furthermore, strengthening the institutional framework and local tax management, and planning urban regeneration better could curb and even reverse the extensive built-up land expansion and real estate speculation.
Present Environment and Sustainable Development, 2012
The relationship between the natural and anthropic components of territorial systems or complexes of coupled socio-economic and natural systems is changing in time under the effect of socio-economic and political drivers. One way of looking at it is through the changes of land cover and use, which are connected also to the dynamics of the eco-energies during the anthropization process. The aim of this paper is to perform an analysis of long-term land cover and use changes of the Romanian territory, hypothesizing that the transition period, with its more or less benefic economic periods, was characterized by an uncontrolled development resulting in important environmental impacts. The results confirm the hypothesis and underline several phenomena; some of them are antagonistic (decline and development of agriculture, deforestation and afforestation or reforestation), and others, such as urbanization, seem to occur mainly in one direction. The most affected areas are the limit of North-East and Center regions (due to deforestations) and the area around Bucharest and the shoreline (due to urbanization).
Assessing Land-Use Changes in European Territories: A Retrospective Study from 1990 to 2012
Land Use - Assessing the Past, Envisioning the Future [Working Title]
The need to understand what land use is has motivated the development of programmes that aims to identify it and quantify it-CORINE Land Cover (CLC) in 1985. From this official and open geodatabase-through the using of geographic information system (GIS) tools-the amount of area established for each land use has been identified in all the 28 member states of the EU. This mostly corresponds to agricultural and forestry uses. Between 1990 and 2012, it was possible to determine countries with variable land use models such as Finland, Latvia, Portugal and Spain-the rest of the states presenting stable land use models. Additionally, some countries are characterized by the predominance of one or two land uses. Contextually, the proposal aims to develop a retrospective study regarding the land-use changes in the EU territories from 1990 to 2012, through the available tools such as CLC.