New Global Mars control point network (original) (raw)
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Recomputation of the Global Mars Control Point Network
This paper deals with the recomputation of the global controlpoint network of the planet Mars. The existing Mars control point net is based on Viking data and consists of a large number of ground points, which can be easily identifed in the imagery and whose three-dimensional (30) object coordinates (e.g., latitude p , longitude A, and height h with respect to a reference ellipsoid) are known. These coordinates were redetermined in order to eliminate several disadvantages of the former computations and to include the currently best available input data such as improved Viking trajectory information, the Viking occultation data, present rotational parameters, and the Mars Pathfinder lander data.
Local, Regional and Global Point Determination Using Three-Line Imagery and Orbital Constraints
The emphasis of that paper is point determination using spaceborne 3-line imagery and orbital constraints. In order to properly utilize the image information contained in conjugate point coordinates and the orbit information contained in tracking data, both data types have to be evaluated in a combined adjustment process. To this end, the conventional bundle block adjustment algorithm is supplemented by a rigorous dynamical modeling of the satellite motion to take orbital constraints into account. For the forthcoming Mars96 HRSC/WAOSS experiment computer simulations on point determination have been performed to obtain a survey of the attainable accuracy at local, regional and global levels. Since WAOSS will image the entire planet, a closed block covering the entire Martian surface may be processed under ideal circumstances. Because of the extraordinary strength of the closed block and based on the complete image, orbit, attitude and ground control information, 60 m accuracy in X, Y...
Initial Results of Rover Localization and Topographic Mapping for the 2003 Mars Exploration
This paper presents the initial results of lander and rover localization and topographic mapping of the MER 2003 mission (by Sol 225 for Spirit and Sol 206 for Opportunity). The Spirit rover has traversed a distance of 3.2 km (actual distance traveled instead of odometry) and Opportunity at 1.2 km. We localized the landers in the Gusev Crater and on the Meridiani Planum using two-way Doppler radio positioning technology and cartographic triangulations through landmarks visible in both orbital and ground images. Additional high-resolution orbital images were taken to verify the determined lander positions. Visual odometry and bundleadjustment technologies were applied to overcome wheel slippages, azimuthal angle drift and other navigation errors (as large as 21 percent). We generated timely topographic
… and remote sensing, 2005
The Spirit rover has traversed a distance of 3.2 km (actual distance traveled instead of odometry) and Opportunity at 1.2 km. We localized the landers in the Gusev Crater and on the Meridiani Planum using two-way Doppler radio positioning technology and cartographic triangulations through landmarks visible in both orbital and ground images. Additional high-resolution orbital images were taken to verify the determined lander positions. Visual odometry and bundleadjustment technologies were applied to overcome wheel slippages, azimuthal angle drift and other navigation errors (as large as 21 percent). We generated timely topographic products including 68 orthophoto maps and 3D Digital Terrain Models, eight horizontal rover traverse maps, vertical traverse profiles up to Sol 214 for Spirit and Sol 62 for Opportunity, and five 3D crater models. A web-based landing-site Geographic Information System (GIS) has been set up at The Ohio State University to update and disseminate the daily localization and topographic information to support tactical and strategic operations of the mission. Also described in this paper are applications of the data for science operations planning, geological traverse survey, survey of windrelated features, and other science applications. The majority of the instruments onboard both rovers are healthy at this moment, and they will continue to explore the two landing sites on the Martian surface. We expect to report further localization and topographic mapping results to be achieved in the rest of the mission period and in post-mission data processing.
The pushbroom scanner HRSC (High Resolution Stereo Camera) onboard the European Mars Express mission is orbiting the planet Mars since January 2004 and delivers stereoscopic imagery with five panchromatic and four colour channels. This paper describes the process of improving the exterior orientation of the HRSC which is needed in order to derive high quality products such as high resolution Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) and ortho image mosaics from the data. The systematic photogrammetric processing for improving the exterior orientation is divided into two steps: First, a large number of tie points have to be automatically determined in the images using digital image matching. Second, a bundle adjustment is carried out using the globally available MOLA (Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter) DTM as control information. The developed approaches of the matching and the bundle adjustment will be described in this paper. After that, the performance of both methods will be evaluated with respec...
Photogrammetric analysis of horizon panoramas: The Pathfinder landing site in Viking orbiter images
Journal of Geophysical Research, 1999
Tiepoint measurements, block adjustment techniques, and sunrise/sunset pictures were used to obtain precise pointing data with respect to north for a set of 33 IMP horizon images. Azimuth angles for five prominent topographic features seen at the horizon were measured and correlated with locations of these features in Viking orbiter images. Based on this analysis, the Pathfinder line/sample coordinates in two raw Viking images were determined with approximate errors of 1 pixel, or 40 m. Identification of the Pathfinder location in orbit imagery yields geological context for surface studies of the landing site. Furthermore, the precise determination of coordinates in images together with the known planet-fixed coordinates of the lander make the Pathfinder landing site the most important anchor point in current control point networks of Mars.
Improving the exterior orientation of Mars Express orbiter using MOLA data in Bundle Adjustment
The High Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) on board of ESA Mission Mars Express started imaging the surface of planet Mars in color and stereoscopically in high resolution in January 2004. The Institute of Photogrammetry and GeoInformation (IPI) of the University of Hannover and the Department Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (FPF) of the Technische Universitaet Muenchen are jointly processing the data of the HRSC. The primary goal is to register the HRSC data to the Mars Observer Laser Altimeter data (MOLA). In this Paper the HRSC and MOLA data, the concept, and results of photogrammetric point determination regarding to different imaging situations is described.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2010
Mars global planetary mapping stereo imaging digital terrain model orthoimage We report on the results of the Mars Express High-Resolution Stereo Camera (HRSC) experiment pertaining to one of its major aims, mapping the surface of Mars by high-resolution digital terrain models (DTM, up to 50 m grid spacing) and orthoimages (up to 12.5 m resolution). We introduce the specifications and characteristics of these data products and give an overview of the procedures that have been developed and are applied for their derivation. We also address the performance characteristics of the mapping project related to different aspects of internal accuracy, accuracy with respect to the global reference system, and regional aspects. Using adaptive processing techniques for terrain reconstruction and a revised approach to the improvement of orientation data, a mean precision of the resulting 3D points of about 12 m is obtained, exceeding the mean ground resolution of the stereo images. Using Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) data, the HRSC models are firmly tied to the global reference system at the scale of the HRSC DTM grid spacing in the lateral dimension, and to within few meters vertically. HRSC high-resolution DTMs are typically generated using a grid size of about 2 times the mean ground resolution, but usually not larger than 3 times the mean ground resolution, and not smaller than 3 times the precision of the integrated 3D points derived from stereo image analysis. Statistically, every grid cell is based on at least one measured 3D point. Thus, horizontal DTM resolution is well established with regard to the precision and density of the derived 3D points, while the concurrent aim of a detailed terrain representation at maximum possible resolution is pursued. Comparison with the DTM derived from MOLA data allows us to identify specific advancements related to this updated view of Martian topography. We also address the mapping performance of HRSC in comparison to MOLA with respect to latitude and to different surface types and morphologies. Finally, comparison with MOLA highlights typical complementarities of the two different approaches for mapping planetary surfaces.
Attitude and Position Estimation on the Mars Exploration Rovers
2005 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics
software, which unfolded the rover after landing, used the attitude to perform safety checks. The High Gain Antenna (HGA), Pancam Mast Assembly, and Payload software use the attitude and position to point the HGA, cameras, and other science instruments. Abstract-NASA/JPL ' s Mars Exploration Rovers acquire their attitude upon command and autonomously propagate their attitude and position. The rovers use accelerometers and images of the sun to acquire attitude, autonomously searching the sky for the sun with a pointable camera. To propagate the attitude and position the rovers use either accelerometer and gvro readings or gyro readings and wheel odometiy, depending on the nature of the movement ground operators are commanding. Where necessary, visual odometry is performed on images to fine tune the position updates, particularly in high slip environments. The capability also exists for visual odometry attitude updates. This paper describes the techniques used by the rovers to acquire and maintain attitude and position knowledge, the accuracy which is obtainable, and lessons learned after more than one year in operation.