A review on the HR culture: India, US, Europe (original) (raw)


The paper delineates the role effectiveness of culture, values and traditions in the present day business scenario particularly in the Indian context. Whatever might be the change in any field, the prime element is “human beings”, who should not be brushed aside as normal or simple factors. The discussion clearly brings out the fact that the whole transformation on HRM practices portrays a travel from idealism to realism and from the „employees” ascending the status of “co-owners” to match the galloping changes in the sphere of people management practices per forced by the objective of harnessing the best talent, a scarce component commanding an unparalleled demand. To harness and attain this kind of workforce, it is essential for all organisations to have a bastion in terms of the culture, values and attitudes amongst their employees. This paper attempts to accentuate on these vital aspects and their impact on the organisational culture as a whole.

HRD Culture in Higher Educational Institutions of India: An Empirical Study

TEST Engineering and Management, 2020

Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) are facing challenges to attract and retain talented and competent workforce in a competitive technological, digital and industry 4.0 environments in India. HRD Culture is one of the important factors that influence the sustainable growth and success of these HEIs and a collective behavior of human resources towards the organizational norms, beliefs, values, and structure and HR practices. The present study has been undertaken to identify the important factors of HRD culture among the staff of select HEIs. Both primary and secondary data has been used in the study. The secondary data was collected through self developed questionnaire consisting of 16 items through survey method technique. The findings revealed that the four dimensions identified for the study i.e. Climate, HR practices, Commitment for Quality and Human Relations are fully measuring the HRD culture of these HEIs. The line managers chosen for population study of select HEIs are satisfied with HRD climate, HR practices, Commitment for Quality but partially satisfied with good Human Relations. The top management of these HEIs could use these work values and practices for distinctive and dynamic culture for the organizational effectiveness for optimum utilization of human resources. The study is limited to the select HEIs in India. The results of the study will add value in the field of HRD culture in the Institutions of higher Learning and enrich the knowledge of the policy makers to devise suitable strategies for improvement.

INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH CULTURE SOCIETY An Overview of Human Resource Manager's Role in Vigorous Corporate Settings


There is a substantial change between the views and remedies in favour of the "investment in man". Human resources function is well established and completely known, its status is increasing, but nothing makes it possible to think that the most outdated constrictions and priorities were disorganized: the market control, finance necessities and temporary viability, observation of competitors, the opportunity of recruiting a well-educated labor under beneficial conditions: many factors request to found the idea of "approach of human resources". The relationship between apparent adequacy of Human Resource Management practices, person-organization fitness, and person-job fitness has not been observed before. It is a need that the strategic method to human resources issues to be spoken in modern organizations. Changing internal and external environmental circumstances and new problems emerging and compound understanding of management-organization is the most important source of competitive benefit must not forget to give strategic significance to man. In every part of the world as a result of globalization, processes, growth, downscaling, mergers, rearrangement and corporate accountability as the lives in the process, introduced concepts such as vigorous and working each day to try a new practice in the management of human resources in organizations, HRM is becoming a huge important matter and priority. Therefore, human resource management issues to be spoken at the uppermost level in the organization and strategic management decisions are required. As technology represents new results to the organizations, HRM departments started using front-line technology solutions in the market. Purchasing of finest tool in the market seems the best solution. Now a days HRM works has usually focused on the concepts of organizational effectiveness, job satisfaction, and job commitment. The fitness between persons and jobs & persons and organizations and is a ignored area. However, when one studies the envisioned goals of HRM practices, a sense of fitness may be advised as an expected target. Thus, it appears worth studying whether the optimistic views of employees about HRM practices makes a change in terms of their fitness with the organization and the jobs that they accept. 2. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (HRM): Though it was normally accepted that HRM practices had legally started with industrial revolution, the fact is that the backgrounds of HRM from the past. Employees who shared the responsibilities that have to be done in contemporary organizations, humans in early societies also, shared work among themselves. So it can be said that splitting up of labour has been practiced since ancient times. Tasks were assigned as per the skills such as the ability to find plants or food, tap animals and roast but the major input to the growth of the HRM systems is delivered by industrial revolution. The relations of human resource management and human resources have basically substituted instead of personnel management (PM) in the courses of managing people at workplace. Although human resource management is defined as a strategic and intelligible method for the organization's most esteemed assets behind on the workers, there is no explanation of it. Personnel department is typically related to bring about the paperwork around contracting and paying people. Just, organizations contemplate the HR department as performing a major role in staffing, guiding and serving to manage people so that people and the organizations can perform at extreme competence in a highly satisfying

Culture, industrialisation and multiple domains of employees' job satisfaction: a case for HR strategy redesign in India

The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 2010

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Influence of Culture on HRM Practices with Reference to Information Technology Industry, Bangalore

IRA-International Journal of Management & Social Sciences (ISSN 2455-2267), 2018

In this globalised world IT industries have gained competitive advantage over their competitors through Human capital. To manage such human assets, we require vibrant HR practices amongst such industries. Many researchers have identified the importance of culture in developing suitable HRM practices. This empirical research is to make an attempt to study the influence of culture on HRM practices in IT industries, Bangalore. To study the influence The Model of Cultural Fit (Aycan, Sonha & Kanungo 1999) was adopted with three main variables such as Social – cultural dimensions, Employee related assumptions & HRM practices. The results indicates that cultural dimensions of paternalism and power distance has a positive influence on HRM practices such as Job Design, Supervision & Control& Performance reward Contingency.

A Review of Human Resource Development Climate in Indian Organisations

With increasing globalization of economy, marketplace has become increasingly complex, highly uncertain, competitive and transformational. Today, doing business is like a war. What makes the ultimate difference is whether an organization is able to develop and establish competitive differentiator or not. Everything, including capital, technology, product design, and service deliverability can be copied by the competitors, except the talented people. Nobody can emulate a highly competent, charged/ motivated and committed workforce. Such talented people can provide an organization a sustained competitive advantage. However, managing people by any means is not easy. The present study examines the state of Human Resource Development Climate (HRDC) in Indian organisations as perceived by employees in general. The research has been taken in context of three dimensions of Human Resource Development Climate. These dimensions are General Climate, HRD Mechanisms and OCTAPAC (Openness, Confrontation, Trust, Autonomy, Proaction, Authenticity and Collaboration). A humble attempt has been made to present the entire contemporary conceptual framework of human resource development climate in a refreshingly new style so as to facilitate devising of appropriate strategies for the organization which will result in the delivery of a culmination of organizational goals and human resource goals for creating and delivering better value to the various stakeholders of an organization- including shareholders, customers and employees.

HR Practices in Select Domestic and Foreign Companies in India - A Comparative Study.pdf

Human resource is the most precious resource for every business in comparison to other resources like money, material, and technology as it cannot be replicated. Human capital is the only asset involved in all the operations of the enterprise right from the manufacture of goods to delivery to the consumer. Enterprises have realized the significance of this resource and have started investing huge amounts of their budget to develop this resource. These investments will be rewarding only if the human resources are properly managed and effectively utilized. This paper is an attempt to further such investigations. In this paper the researcher intends to investigate the HRM practices in the following three areas: 1. Change Management – developing an adaptable workforce, 2. Innovation and Learning, and 3. Global Integration, in select Indian and foreign companies and whether the nature of firm ownership has an influence on the HRM practice. This paper is aimed at a comparative study of the HR practices in foreign owned and domestic companies in India that address the HR preparedness of these companies in facing the challenges listed above. The outcome of the study would help the organizations to learn from each others strengths and weaknesses and develop on them.