An Inductively Powered Scalable 32-Channel Wireless Neural Recording System-on-a-Chip for Neuroscience Applications (original) (raw)

Wireless Neural Recording With Single Low-Power Integrated Circuit

IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 2000

We present benchtop and in vivo experimental results from an integrated circuit designed for wireless implantable neural recording applications. The chip, which was fabricated in a commercially available 0.6-μm 2P3M BiCMOS process, contains 100 amplifiers, a 10-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC), 100 threshold-based spike detectors, and a 902-928 MHz frequency-shift-keying (FSK) transmitter. Neural signals from a selected amplifier are sampled by the ADC at 15.7 kSps and telemetered over the FSK wireless data link. Power, clock, and command signals are sent to the chip wirelessly over a 2.765-MHz inductive (coil-to-coil) link. The chip is capable of operating with only two off-chip components: a power/command receiving coil and a 100-nF capacitor.

A wireless neural interface for chronic recording

2008 IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, 2008

A primary goal of the Integrated Neural Interface Project (INIP) is to develop a wireless, implantable device capable of recording neural activity from 100 micromachined electrodes. The heart of this recording system is a low-power integrated circuit that amplifies 100 weak neural signals, detects spikes with programmable threshold-crossing circuits, and returns these data via digital radio telemetry. The chip receives power, clock, and command signals through a coil-to-coil inductive link. Here we report that the isolated integrated circuit successfully recorded and wirelessly transmitted digitized electrical activity from peripheral nerve and cortex at 15.7 kS/s. The chip also simultaneously performed accurate on-chip spike detection and wirelessly transmitted the spike threshold-crossing data. We also present preliminary successful results from full system integration and packaging.

An Implantable 64-Channel Wireless Microsystem for Single-Unit Neural Recording

IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2000

This paper reports an implantable microsystem capable of recording neural activity simultaneously on 64 channels, wirelessly transmitting spike occurrences to an external interface. The microsystem also allows the user to examine the spike waveforms on any channel with 8 bit resolution. Signals are amplified by 60 dB with a programmable bandwidth from 100 Hz to 10 kHz. The input-referred noise is 8 V rms. The channel scan rate for spike detection is 62.5 kS/sec using a 2 MHz clock. The system dissipates 14.4 mW at 1.8 V, weighs 275 mg, and measures 1.4 cm 1.55 cm.

Wireless, high-bandwidth recordings from non-human primate motor cortex using a scalable 16Ch implantable microsystem


A multitude of neuroengineering challenges exist today in creating practical, chronic multichannel neural recording systems for primate research and human clinical application. Specifically, a) the persistent wired connections limit patient mobility from the recording system, b) the transfer of high bandwidth signals to external (even distant) electronics normally forces premature data reduction, and c) the chronic susceptibility to infection due to the percutaneous nature of the implants all severely hinder the success of neural prosthetic systems. Here we detail one approach to overcome these limitations: an entirely implantable, wirelessly communicating, integrated neural recording microsystem, dubbed the Brain Implantable Chip (BIC).

A Low-Power Integrated Circuit for a Wireless 100-Electrode Neural Recording System

IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 2000

In the past decade, neuroscientists and clinicians have begun to use implantable MEMS multielectrode arrays (e.g., ) to observe the simultaneous activity of many neurons in the brain. By observing the action potentials, or "spikes," of many neurons in a localized region of the brain it is possible to gather enough information to predict hand trajectories in real time during reaching tasks . Recent experiments have shown that it is possible to develop neuroprosthetic devices -machines controlled directly by thoughts -if the activity of multiple neurons can be observed.

A multi-channel low-power system-on-chip for single-unit recording and narrowband wireless transmission of neural signal


This paper reports a multi-channel neural recording system-on-chip (SoC) with digital data compression and wireless telemetry. The circuit consists of a 16 amplifiers, an analog time division multiplexer, an 8-bit SAR AD converter, a digital signal processor (DSP) and a wireless narrowband 400-MHz binary FSK transmitter. Even though only 16 amplifiers are present in our current die version, the whole system is designed to work with 64 channels demonstrating the feasibility of a digital processing and narrowband wireless transmission of 64 neural recording channels. A digital data compression, based on the detection of action potentials and storage of correspondent waveforms, allows the use of a 1.25-Mbit/s binary FSK wireless transmission. This moderate bit-rate and a low frequency deviation, Manchestercoded modulation are crucial for exploiting a narrowband wireless link and an efficient embeddable antenna. The chip is realized in a 0.35−µm CMOS process with a power consumption of 105 µW per channel (269 µW per channel with an extended transmission range of 4 m) and an area of 3.1 × 2.7 mm 2 . The transmitted signal is captured by a digital TV tuner and demodulated by a wideband phase-locked loop (PLL), and then sent to a PC via an FPGA module. The system has been tested for electrical specifications and its functionality verified in in-vivo neural recording experiments.

In-vivo EEG recording using a wireless implantable neural transceiver

Neural Engineering, 2003. …, 2003

We have recorded continuous in-vivo EEG and singleunit electrical activity from un-tethered rodents using an inductively powered and implantable wireless neural recording device. The device uses an integrated circuit to amplify modulate and transmit neural signals. The IC transmits neural signals (15 µV to 15 mV) at 3.2 GHz to a receiver located outside the environment of a behaving test animal with an input output correlation better than 90%. The design of the IC and the inductive powering are described.

Signal processing transmitter for wireless implantable neural recording systems


Thanks to the fast growth of the technological sector and more precisely of the biomedical electronics, a total improvement of the living conditions of the human being and an appreciable increase of its longevity were carried out. This development allows creating implantable electronic devices for recording neural signals. This paper lies within the scope of acquisition and wireless transmission of these signals. We have developed a multichannel wireless implantable transmitter for digital neural signal processing after simultaneous recording through 16 channels. The simulation results attained are sufficient in terms of integrated design, low power consumption, low noise and high speed. These results confirm that this system is functional and has the aptitude to be extended to 32 channels and even 64.

Low-cost wireless neural recording system and software

Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2009

We describe a flexible wireless neural recording system, which is comprised of a 15-channel analog FM transmitter, digital receiver and custom user interface software for data acquisition. The analog front-end is constructed from commercial off the shelf (COTS) components and weighs 6.3g (including batteries) and is capable of transmitting over 24 hours up to a range over 3m with a 25microV(rms) in-vivo noise floor. The Software Defined Radio (SDR) and the acquisition software provide a data acquisition platform with real time data display and can be customized based on the specifications of various experiments. The described system was characterized with in-vitro and in-vivo experiments and the results are presented.

A Low-Noise, Wireless, Frequency-Shaping Neural Recorder

IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 2018

This paper presents a low-noise, wireless neural recorder that has a frequency dependent amplification to remove electrode offset and attenuate motion artifacts. The recorder has 2.5 GΩ and 50 MΩ input impedance at 20 Hz and 1 kHz for recording local field potentials and extracellular spikes, respectively. To reduce the input-referred noise, we propose a low-noise frontend design with multiple novel noise suppression techniques. To reduce the power consumption, we have integrated an EC-PC spike processor that automatically adjusts the recording bandwidth based on the signal contents. In bench-top measurement, the proposed neural recorder has 2.2 µV input-referred noise integrated from 300 Hz to 8 kHz and consumes 98 µW maximum power. In animal experiments, the output data of the neural signal processor are serialized and connected to a customized WiFi data link with up to 10 Mbps data rate. Through in-vivo experiments, we find the noise generated by the WiFi doesn't prevent brain recordings with microelectrodes and a clear interpretation of the neural signals; however, the noise can mask the weaker neural signals in nerve recordings with epineural electrodes.