Identifying non-Abelian topological order through minimal entangled states (original) (raw)
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Identifying symmetry-protected topological order by entanglement entropy
Physical Review B, 2013
According to the classification using projective representations of the SO(3) group, there exist two topologically distinct gapped phases in spin-1 chains. The symmetry-protected topological (SPT) phase possesses half-integer projective representations of the SO(3) group, while the trivial phase possesses integer linear representations. In the present work, we implement non-Abelian symmetries in the density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) method, allowing us to keep track of (and also control) the virtual bond representations, and to readily distinguish the SPT phase from the trivial one by evaluating the multiplet entanglement spectrum. In particular, using the entropies S I (S H) of integer (half-integer) representations, we can define an entanglement gap G = S I − S H , which equals 1 in the SPT phase, and −1 in the trivial phase. As application of our proposal, we study the spin-1 models on various 1D and quasi-1D lattices, including the bilinear-biquadratic model on the single chain, and the Heisenberg model on a two-leg ladder and a three-leg tube. Among others, we confirm the existence of an SPT phase in the spin-1 tube model, and reveal that the phase transition between the SPT and the trivial phase is a continuous one. The transition point is found to be critical, with conformal central charge c = 3 determined by fits to the block entanglement entropy.
A symmetry principle for topological quantum order
Annals of Physics, 2009
We present a unifying framework to study physical systems which exhibit topological quantum order (TQO). The major guiding principle behind our approach is that of symmetries and entanglement. To this end, we introduce the concept of low-dimensional Gauge-Like Symmetries (GLSs), and the physical conservation laws (including topological terms, fractionalization, and the absence of quasi-particle excitations) which emerge from them. We prove then sufficient conditions for TQO at both zero and finite temperatures. The physical engine for TQO are topological defects associated with the restoration of GLSs. These defects propagate freely through the system and enforce TQO. Our results are strongest for gapped systems with continuous GLSs. At zero temperature, selection rules associated with the GLSs enable us to systematically construct general states with TQO; these selection rules do not rely on the existence of a finite gap between the ground states to all other excited states. Indices associated with these symmetries correspond to different topological sectors. All currently known examples of TQO display GLSs. Other systems exhibiting such symmetries include Hamiltonians depicting orbital-dependent spin-exchange and Jahn-Teller effects in transition metal orbital compounds, short-range frustrated Klein spin models, and p+ip superconducting arrays. The symmetry based framework discussed herein allows us to go beyond standard topological field theories and systematically engineer new physical models with finite temperature TQO (both Abelian and non-Abelian). Furthermore, we analyze the insufficiency of entanglement entropy (we introduce SU (N) Klein models on small world networks to make the argument even sharper), spectral structures, maximal string correlators, and fractionalization in establishing TQO. We show that Kitaev's Toric code model and Wen's plaquette model are equivalent and reduce, by a duality mapping, to an Ising chain, demonstrating that despite the spectral gap in these systems the toric operator expectation values may vanish once thermal fluctuations are present. This illustrates the fact that the quantum states themselves in a particular (operator language) representation encode TQO and that the duality mappings, being non-local in the original representation, disentangle the order. We present a general algorithm for the construction of long-range string and brane orders in general systems with entangled ground states; this algorithm relies on general ground states selection rules and becomes of the broadest applicability in gapped systems in arbitrary dimensions. We discuss relations to problems in graph theory.
Detecting topological entanglement entropy in a lattice of quantum harmonic oscillators
New Journal of Physics, 2014
The Kitaev surface-code model is the most studied example of a topologically ordered phase and typically involves four-spin interactions on a two-dimensional surface. A universal signature of this phase is topological entanglement entropy (TEE), but due to low signal to noise, it is extremely difficult to observe in these systems, and one usually resorts to measuring anyonic statistics of excitations or non-local string operators to reveal the order. We describe a continuous-variable analog to the surface code using quantum harmonic oscillators on a two-dimensional lattice, which has the distinctive property of needing only two-body nearest-neighbor interactions for its creation. Though such a model is gapless, it satisfies an area law and the ground state can be simply prepared by measurements on a finitely squeezed and gapped two-dimensional cluster state without topological order. Asymptotically, the continuous variable surface code TEE grows linearly with the squeezing parameter, and we show that its mixed-state generalization, the topological mutual information, is robust to some forms of state preparation error and can be detected simply using single-mode quadrature measurements. Finally, we discuss scalable implementation of these methods using optical and circuit-QED technology.
Topological minimally entangled states via geometric measure
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2014
Here we show how the Minimally Entangled States (MES) of a 2d system with topological order can be identified using the geometric measure of entanglement. We show this by minimizing this measure for the doubled semion, doubled Fibonacci and toric code models on a torus with nontrivial topological partitions. Our calculations are done either quasi-exactly for small system sizes, or using the tensor network approach in [R. Orús, T.-C. Wei, O. Buerschaper, A. García-Saez, arXiv:1406.0585] for large sizes. As a byproduct of our methods, we see that the minimisation of the geometric entanglement can also determine the number of Abelian quasiparticle excitations in a given model. The results in this paper provide a very efficient and accurate way of extracting the full topological information of a 2d quantum lattice model from the multipartite entanglement structure of its ground states.
Quantum entanglement in topological phases on a torus
Physical Review B, 2016
In this paper we study the effect of non-trivial spatial topology on quantum entanglement by examining the degenerate ground states of a topologically ordered system on torus. Using the stringnet (fixed-point) wave-function, we propose a general formula of the reduced density matrix when the system is partitioned into two cylinders. The cylindrical topology of the subsystems makes a significant difference in regard to entanglement: a global quantum number for the many-body states comes into play, together with a decomposition matrix M which describes how topological charges of the ground states decompose into boundary degrees of freedom. We obtain a general formula for entanglement entropy and generalize the concept of minimally entangled states to minimally entangled sectors. Concrete examples are demonstrated with data from both finite groups and modular tensor categories (i.e., Fibonacci, Ising, etc.), supported by numerical verification.
Entanglement entropy for (3+1)-dimensional topological order with excitations
Physical Review B, 2018
Excitations in (3+1)D topologically ordered phases have very rich structures. (3+1)D topological phases support both point-like and string-like excitations, and in particular the loop (closed string) excitations may admit knotted and linked structures. In this work, we ask the question how different types of topological excitations contribute to the entanglement entropy, or alternatively, can we use the entanglement entropy to detect the structure of excitations, and further obtain the information of the underlying topological orders? We are mainly interested in (3+1)D topological orders that can be realized in Dijkgraaf-Witten gauge theories, which are labeled by a finite group G and its group 4-cocycle ω ∈ H 4 [G; U (1)] up to group automorphisms. We find that each topological excitation contributes a universal constant ln di to the entanglement entropy, where di is the quantum dimension that depends on both the structure of the excitation and the data (G, ω). The entanglement entropy of the excitations of the linked/unlinked topology can capture different information of the DW theory (G, ω). In particular, the entanglement entropy introduced by Hopf-link loop excitations can distinguish certain group 4-cocycles ω from the others.
Topological Entanglement Rényi Entropy and Reduced Density Matrix Structure
Physical Review Letters, 2009
We generalize the topological entanglement entropy to a family of topological Rényi entropies parametrized by a parameter α, in an attempt to find new invariants for distinguishing topologically ordered phases. We show that, surprisingly, all topological Rényi entropies are the same, independent of α for all non-chiral topological phases. This independence shows that topologically ordered ground-state wavefunctions have reduced density matrices with a certain simple structure, and no additional universal information can be extracted from the entanglement spectrum.
Entanglement entropy of (3+1)D topological orders with excitations
Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2018
Excitations in (3+1)D topologically ordered phases have very rich structures. (3+1)D topological phases support both point-like and string-like excitations, and in particular the loop (closed string) excitations may admit knotted and linked structures. In this work, we ask the question how different types of topological excitations contribute to the entanglement entropy, or alternatively, can we use the entanglement entropy to detect the structure of excitations, and further obtain the information of the underlying topological orders? We are mainly interested in (3+1)D topological orders that can be realized in Dijkgraaf-Witten gauge theories, which are labeled by a finite group G and its group 4-cocycle ω ∈ H 4 [G; U (1)] up to group automorphisms. We find that each topological excitation contributes a universal constant ln di to the entanglement entropy, where di is the quantum dimension that depends on both the structure of the excitation and the data (G, ω). The entanglement entropy of the excitations of the linked/unlinked topology can capture different information of the DW theory (G, ω). In particular, the entanglement entropy introduced by Hopf-link loop excitations can distinguish certain group 4-cocycles ω from the others.
Exact parent Hamiltonians of bosonic and fermionic Moore–Read states on lattices and local models
New Journal of Physics, 2015
We introduce a family of strongly-correlated spin wave functions on arbitrary spin-1/2 and spin-1 lattices in one and two dimensions. These states are lattice analogues of Moore-Read states of particles at filling fraction 1/q, which are non-Abelian Fractional Quantum Hall states in 2D. One parameter enables us to perform an interpolation between the continuum limit, where the states become continuum Moore-Read states of bosons (odd q) and fermions (even q), and the lattice limit. We show numerical evidence that the topological entanglement entropy stays the same along the interpolation for some of the states we introduce in 2D, which suggests that the topological properties of the lattice states are the same as in the continuum, while the 1D states are critical states. We then derive exact parent Hamiltonians for these states on lattices of arbitrary size. By deforming these parent Hamiltonians, we construct local Hamiltonians that stabilize some of the states we introduce in 1D and in 2D.