The 1 April 2014 Iquique, Chile, M 8.1 earthquake rupture sequence (original) (raw)
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The 1 April 2014 Iquique, Chile, M w 8.1 earthquake rupture sequence
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014
On 1 April 2014, a great (M w 8.1) interplate thrust earthquake ruptured in the northern portion of the 1877 earthquake seismic gap in northern Chile. The sequence commenced on 16 March 2014 with a magnitude 6.7 thrust event, followed by thrust-faulting aftershocks that migrated northward~40 km over 2 weeks to near the main shock hypocenter. Guided by short-period teleseismic P wave backprojections and inversion of deepwater tsunami wave recordings, a finite-fault inversion of teleseismic P and SH waves using a geometry consistent with long-period seismic waves resolves a spatially compact large-slip (~2-6.7 m) zone located~30 km downdip and~30 km along-strike south of the hypocenter, downdip of the foreshock sequence. The main shock seismic moment is 1.7 × 10 21 N m with a fault dip of 18°, radiated seismic energy of 4.5-8.4 × 10 16 J, and static stress drop of~2.5 MPa. Most of the 1877 gap remains unbroken and hazardous.
The 1 April 2014 Iquique, Chile,Mw8.1 earthquake rupture sequence
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014
On 1 April 2014, a great (M w 8.1) interplate thrust earthquake ruptured in the northern portion of the 1877 earthquake seismic gap in northern Chile. The sequence commenced on 16 March 2014 with a magnitude 6.7 thrust event, followed by thrust-faulting aftershocks that migrated northward~40 km over 2 weeks to near the main shock hypocenter. Guided by short-period teleseismic P wave backprojections and inversion of deepwater tsunami wave recordings, a finite-fault inversion of teleseismic P and SH waves using a geometry consistent with long-period seismic waves resolves a spatially compact large-slip (~2-6.7 m) zone located~30 km downdip and~30 km along-strike south of the hypocenter, downdip of the foreshock sequence. The main shock seismic moment is 1.7 × 10 21 N m with a fault dip of 18°, radiated seismic energy of 4.5-8.4 × 10 16 J, and static stress drop of~2.5 MPa. Most of the 1877 gap remains unbroken and hazardous.
TheMw8.1 2014 Iquique, Chile, seismic sequence: a tale of foreshocks and aftershocks
Geophysical Journal International
, M w 8.1 Iquique (Chile) earthquake struck in the Northern Chile seismic gap. With a rupture length of less than 200 km, it left unbroken large segments of the former gap. Early studies were able to model the main rupture features but results are ambiguous with respect to the role of aseismic slip and left open questions on the remaining hazard at the Northern Chile gap. A striking observation of the 2014 earthquake has been its extensive preparation phase, with more than 1300 events with magnitude above M L 3, occurring during the 15 months preceding the main shock. Increasing seismicity rates and observed peak magnitudes accompanied the last three weeks before the main shock. Thanks to the large data sets of regional recordings, we assess the precursor activity, compare foreshocks and aftershocks and model rupture preparation and rupture effects. To tackle inversion challenges for moderate events with an asymmetric network geometry, we use full waveforms techniques to locate events, map the seismicity rate and derive source parameters, obtaining moment tensors for more than 300 events (magnitudes M w 4.0-8.1) in the period 2013 January 1-2014 April 30. This unique data set of fore-and aftershocks is investigated to distinguish rupture process models and models of strain and stress rotation during an earthquake. Results indicate that the spatial distributions of foreshocks delineated the shallower part of the rupture areas of the main shock and its largest aftershock, well matching the spatial extension of the aftershocks cloud. Most moment tensors correspond to almost pure double couple thrust mechanisms, consistent with the slab orientation. Whereas no significant differences are observed among thrust mechanisms in different areas, nor among thrust foreshocks and aftershocks, the early aftershock sequence is characterized by the presence of normal fault mechanisms, striking parallel to the trench but dipping westward. These events likely occurred in the shallow wedge structure close to the slab interface and are consequence of the increased extensional stress in this region after the largest events. The overall stress inversion result suggests a minor stress rotation after the main shock, but a significant release of the deviatoric stress. The temporal change in the distribution of focal mechanisms can also be explained in terms of the spatial heterogeneity of the stress field: under such interpretation, the potential of a large megathrust earthquake breaking a larger segment offshore Northern Chile remains high.
The Seismic Sequence of the 16 September 2015Mw 8.3 Illapel, Chile, Earthquake
Seismological Research Letters, 2016
On 16 September 2015, the M w 8.3 Illapel, Chile, earthquake broke a large area of the Coquimbo region of north-central Chile. This area was well surveyed by more than 15 high-rate Global Positioning System (GPS) instruments, installed starting in 2004, and by the new national seismological network deployed in Chile. Previous studies had shown that the Coquimbo region near Illapel was coupled to about 60%. After the M w 8.8 Maule megathrust earthquake of 27 February 2010, we observed a large-scale postseismic deformation, which resulted in a strain rate increase of about 15% in the region of Illapel. This observation agrees with our modeling of viscous relaxation after the Maule earthquake. The area where upper-plate GPS velocity increased coincides very well with the slip distribution of the Illapel earthquake inverted from GPS measurements of coseismic displacement. The mainshock started with a small-amplitude nucleation phase that lasted 20 s. Backprojection of seismograms recorded in North America confirms the extent of the rupture, determined from local observations, and indicates a strong directivity from deeper to shallower rupture areas. The coseismic displacement shows an elliptical slip distribution of about 200 km × 100 km with a localized zone where the rupture is deeper near 31.3°S. This distribution is consistent with the uplift observed in some GPS sites and inferred from field observations of bleached coralline algae in the Illapel coastal area. Most of aftershocks relocated in this study were interplate events, although some of the events deeper than 50 km occurred inside the Nazca plate and had tension (slab-pull) mechanisms. The majority of the aftershocks were located outside the 5 m contour line of the inferred slip distribution of the mainshock.
2014 AGU Fall Meeting, 2014
The 27 February 2010, M w 8.8 Maule earthquake ruptured~500 km along the plate boundary offshore central Chile between 34°S and 38.5°S. Establishing whether coseismic fault offset extended to the trench is important for interpreting both shallow frictional behavior and potential for tsunami earthquakes in the region. Joint inversion of high-rate GPS, teleseismic body waves, interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR), campaign GPS, and tsunami observations yields a kinematic rupture model with improved resolution of slip near the trench. Bilateral rupture expansion is resolved in our model with relatively uniform slip of 5-10 m downdip beneath the coast and two near-trench high-slip patches with >12 m displacements. The peak slip is 17 m at a depth of~15 km on the central megathrust, located~200 km north from the hypocenter and overlapping the rupture zone of the 1928 M~8 event. The updip slip is~16 m near the trench. Another shallow near-trench patch is located~150 km southwest of the hypocenter, with a peak slip of 12 m. Checkerboard resolution tests demonstrate that correctly modeled tsunami data are critical to resolution of slip near the trench, with other data sets allowing, but not requiring slip far offshore. Large interplate aftershocks have a complementary distribution to the coseismic slip pattern, filling in gaps or outlining edges of large-slip zones. Two clusters of normal faulting events locate seaward along the plate motion direction from the localized regions of large near-trench slip, suggesting that proximity of slip to the trench enhanced extensional faulting in the underthrusting plate.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 2014
The 27 February 2010, M w 8.8 Maule earthquake ruptured~500 km along the plate boundary offshore central Chile between 34°S and 38.5°S. Establishing whether coseismic fault offset extended to the trench is important for interpreting both shallow frictional behavior and potential for tsunami earthquakes in the region. Joint inversion of high-rate GPS, teleseismic body waves, interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR), campaign GPS, and tsunami observations yields a kinematic rupture model with improved resolution of slip near the trench. Bilateral rupture expansion is resolved in our model with relatively uniform slip of 5-10 m downdip beneath the coast and two near-trench high-slip patches with >12 m displacements. The peak slip is 17 m at a depth of~15 km on the central megathrust, located~200 km north from the hypocenter and overlapping the rupture zone of the 1928 M~8 event. The updip slip is~16 m near the trench. Another shallow near-trench patch is located~150 km southwest of the hypocenter, with a peak slip of 12 m. Checkerboard resolution tests demonstrate that correctly modeled tsunami data are critical to resolution of slip near the trench, with other data sets allowing, but not requiring slip far offshore. Large interplate aftershocks have a complementary distribution to the coseismic slip pattern, filling in gaps or outlining edges of large-slip zones. Two clusters of normal faulting events locate seaward along the plate motion direction from the localized regions of large near-trench slip, suggesting that proximity of slip to the trench enhanced extensional faulting in the underthrusting plate.
Geophysical Journal International, 2014
On 2010 March 11, a sequence of large, shallow continental crust earthquakes shook central Chile. Two normal faulting events with magnitudes around M w 7.0 and M w 6.9 occurred just 15 min apart, located near the town of Pichilemu. These kinds of large intraplate, inland crustal earthquakes are rare above the Chilean subduction zone, and it is important to better understand their relationship with the 2010 February 27, M w 8.8, Maule earthquake, which ruptured the adjacent megathrust plate boundary. We present a broad seismological analysis of these earthquakes by using both teleseismic and regional data. We compute seismic moment tensors for both events via a W-phase inversion, and test sensitivities to various inversion parameters in order to assess the stability of the solutions. The first event, at 14 hr 39 min GMT, is well constrained, displaying a fault plane with strike of N145 • E, and a preferred dip angle of 55 • SW, consistent with the trend of aftershock locations and other published results. Teleseismic finite-fault inversions for this event show a large slip zone along the southern part of the fault, correlating well with the reported spatial density of aftershocks. The second earthquake (14 hr 55 min GMT) appears to have ruptured a fault branching southward from the previous ruptured fault, within the hanging wall of the first event. Modelling seismograms at regional to teleseismic distances (> 10 •) is quite challenging because the observed seismic wave fields of both events overlap, increasing apparent complexity for the second earthquake. We perform both point-and extended-source inversions at regional and teleseismic distances, assessing model sensitivities resulting from variations in fault orientation, dimension, and hypocentre location. Results show that the focal mechanism for the second event features a steeper dip angle and a strike rotated slightly clockwise with respect to the previous event. This kind of geological fault configuration, with secondary rupture in the hanging wall of a large normal fault, is commonly observed in extensional geological regimes. We propose that both earthquakes form part of a typical normal fault diverging splay, where the secondary fault connects to the main fault at depth. To ascertain more information on the spatial and temporal details of slip for both events, we gathered near-fault seismological and geodetic data. Through forward modelling of near-fault synthetic seismograms we build a kinematic k −2 earthquake source model with spatially distributed slip on the fault that, to first-order, explains both coseismic static displacement GPS vectors and short-period seismometer observations at the closest sites. As expected, the results for the first event agree with the focal mechanism derived from teleseismic modelling, with a magnitude M w 6.97. Similarly, near-fault modelling for the second event suggests rupture along a normal fault, M w 6.90, characterized by a steeper dip angle (dip = 74 •) and a strike clockwise rotated (strike = 155 •) with respect to the previous event.
Geophysical Journal International, 2015
, a magnitude M w 8.1 interplate thrust earthquake ruptured a densely instrumented region of Iquique seismic gap in northern Chile. The abundant data sets near and around the rupture zone provide a unique opportunity to study the detailed source process of this megathrust earthquake. We retrieved the spatial and temporal distributions of slip during the main shock and one strong aftershock through a joint inversion of teleseismic records, GPS offsets and strong motion data. The main shock rupture initiated at a focal depth of about 25 km and propagated around the hypocentre. The peak slip amplitude in the model is ∼6.5 m, located in the southeast of the hypocentre. The major slip patch is located around the hypocentre, spanning ∼150 km along dip and ∼160 km along strike. The associated static stress drop is ∼3 MPa. Most of the seismic moment was released within 150 s. The total seismic moment of our preferred model is 1.72 × 10 21 N m, equivalent to M w 8.1. For the strong aftershock on 2014 April 3, the slip mainly occurred in a relatively compact area, and the major slip area surrounded the hypocentre with the peak amplitude of ∼2.5 m. There is a secondary slip patch located downdip from the hypocentre with the peak slip of ∼2.1 m. The total seismic moment is about 3.9 × 10 20 N m, equivalent to M w 7.7. Between the rupture areas of the main shock and the 2007 November 14 M w 7.7 Antofagasta, Chile earthquake, there is an earthquake vacant zone with a total length of about 150 km. Historically, if there is no big earthquake or obvious aseismic creep occurring in this area, it has a great potential of generating strong earthquakes with magnitude larger than M w 7.0 in the future.