Цель статьи заключается в рассмотрении действия абразивного износа на конвективные поверхности нагрева. Данный процесс рассмотрен на примере Экибастузского угля, являющегося одним из самых абразивных видов топлив. Так же приведены данные о дисперсном составе летучей золы из котлов с пылевидным сжиганием различных топлив, по которым можно сравнить Экибастузский уголь с другими видами топлива. Освещенные в статье методы борьбы с абразивным износом являются наиболее используемыми в практике и одновременно характеризуются достаточной экономичностью в их использовании.



The article considers the foreign economic activity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which represents a set of directions, forms and methods of trade-economic, scientific-technical cooperation, and currency and financial relations with foreign countries. With the participation of any country in the international division of labor arise external relations, which are carried out in a certain area. Foreign economic relations are a special form of realization of relations that arise between countries in the process of foreign economic activity. The analysis of foreign trade and commodity structure of exports and imports of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Due to the formation of low prices for oil and other energy products and reduce the export performance; but also because of the economic crisis in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the slowdown in the economy of the Eurozone countries and China, volatility in exchange rates, foreign trade figures are experiencing significant pressure, in spite of the observed stabilization of oil prices in recent times. The resumption of oil production in the framework of the project the NCSPSA (the Agreement on production section across Northern Caspian sea), namely the development of the Kashagan field, the improvement of the economic situation in Russia in the future may affect the foreign trade of Kazakhstan.



На основе биомиметического, филометаболического и термодинамического анализа современных путей ассимиляции СО2 проведена палеофенотипическая реконструкция древних систем автотрофного метаболизма. В качестве химической основы СО2-фиксирующего палеометаболизма рассматриваются метаболические сети, способные к самовоспроизведению и эволюции; главным фактором саморазвития этой сети является обратимость реакций трансформации ее интермедиатов. Вещества системы С–Н–О, парагенетически связанные с углеводородами, создают фазовое пространство, представляющее собой совокупность универсальных интермедиатов химической сети автотрофного палеометаболизма. Предлагается концепция двух стратегий зарождения и развития палеометаболизма автотрофной фиксации углерода в окислительном (СО2) и восстановительном (СН4) редокс режиме дегазации древней Земли. Показано, что Р-T и редокс условия гидротермальных систем раннего Архея были благоприятны для развития первичного метанотрофного метаболизма.


Izvestiya Tomskogo Politekhnicheskogo Universiteta Inziniring Georesursov, 2019

Актуальность исследования обусловлена отсутствием данных по воздействию многих нефтеперерабатывающих заводов и прочих техногенных объектов на прилегающие почвы для конкретных регионов при изученности общей геохимической специфики промышленных отраслей. Цель исследования состоит в выявлении специфики воздействия нефтеперерабатывающих заводов и некоторых прочих техногенных объектов на почвы путем сопоставления элементного состава с данными условно-фоновой территории и кларком. Объекты: почвы Тюменского федерального заказника и территорий расположения Антипинского, Омского, Ачинского, Павлодарского нефтеперерабатывающих заводов, почвы населенных пунктов Томской области и г. Томска, почвы территории, подверженной воздействию бывшего Семипалатинского испытательного полигона. Методы: выбор и подготовка пробных площадок, отбор и подготовка почв, определение элементного состава инструментальным нейтронно-активационным и атомно-абсорбционным методами, интерпретация результатов. Результаты. И...


Ветеринарный журнал Беларуси, 2019

В статье приведены результаты исследований особенностей состава гельминофауны черепах, соде­ ржащихся в неволе. Установлены основные представители - Tachygonetria spp. Wedl, 1862 и Angusticaecum spp. Baylis, 1920. Определены сезонные особенности интенсивности инвазии, а именно: наивысшей она ста­новится весной, после зимовки, что может быть связано с особенностями резистентности черепах. Прове­ден анализ особенностей паразито-хозяинных взаимоотношений выявленных гельминтов. Проведено клини­ческое испытание топикального способа нанесения антигельминтика «Профендер®» на липофильной основе. Установлены преимущества такой дегельминтизации в сравнении с оральным применением препарата «Фенбендазол». При этом показано, что применение профендера® более эффективно, хотя 100% гельминтоцидного действия достигнуто не было, в связи с особенностями биологического цикла указанных возбу­дителей.


On the model of alloxan diabetes in rats to study the influence of thiocetam (500 mg/kg) and recombinant interleukin-2 (Roncoleukin) (0.01 mg/kg) on the performance of the glutathione system , energy metabolism and protein oxidative modification products. Experimental diabetes was simulated by means of single subcutaneous administration of alloxan monohydrate water solution (Sigma, USA) – 150 mg/kg as 5% acetate buffer solution with pH 4.5. Brain tissue fragments from mesencephalic artery region, homogenized in liquid nitrogen, were used as materials for biochemical researches. This solution was administered after preliminary 24-hour food deprivation with allowed access to water. In order to generate full and stable diabetes, the animals were put on a standard diet for 11 days. Blood glucose level was determined on the 11th day after alloxan administration using glucose meter Optium Omega (Abbot Diabetes Care Inc., USA). For further researches, only animals with high glucose level (> 11 mmol/l) were used. Cytosolic fraction was separated by differential centrifugation (15,000 g) at the temperature of +4ºС on phosphate buffer 0.15 М with pH 7.8. Protein-free extract was obtained by adding exact amount of brain tissue homogenate into perchloric acid (0.6 M) followed by neutalization by 5.0 M of potassium carbonate. To study thiol-sulfide system activity in the rat brain tissue homogenate, levels of reduced and oxidized thiols and glutathione, and activity of glutathione peroxidase (GP) and glutathione reductase (GR) were determined. Content of total SH-groups were measured by spectrophotometry [8]. Concentration of reduced and oxidized glutathione was measured by fluorometry [9]. Activity of TDS enzymes – GP and GR – was measured by spectrophotometry [10]. Content of methionine and cysteine in the homogenate was measured by chromatography [8]. Also, using biochemical methods, content of protein oxidative modification products was measured in the brain homogenate by levels of aldehyde (APhH) and carboxyle (KphH) products [11]. Statistical data processing was carried out by means of Statistica 6.0 software package; comparative group analysis was performed by means of one-way analysis of variance ANOVA using Newman–Keuls test for multiple comparisons. Differences with р<0.05 were considered statistically significant. Found that the development of hyperglycemia in experimental animals was accompanied by destabilization of the glutathione system (increased levels of oxidized glutathione and a sharp decrease in its activity and reduced forms of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase), energy shortages and rising levels of markers protein oxidative modification products – aldehyde (APhH) and carboxyle (KphH) products. Proved that the course administration thiocetam and Roncoleukin contributed to the normalization of activity of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase, levels stabilize energy phosphates (ATP, ADP, AMP) and protein oxidative modification products figures, the maximum activity was observed for Roncoleukin. Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of 7 main mortality causes in most countries of the world and is third among immediate causes of death after cardiovascular and oncological diseases. Nowadays, a body of evidence is amassed in the whole world, as to the fact that effective DM control determines life expectancy of the patients and their performance capability, as well as may keep development of the related complications to a minimum. It is proved, that the most important biological role for antioxidant system is played by reduction-oxidation reactions, during which thiol groups are easily oxidized, generally to form disulfide groupings, and again are regenerated under their reductive splitting. Based on such transformations, a reversible thiol-disulfide system (TDS) is formed. TDS intermediates exhibit transport properties as to nitrogen oxide (NO), thus increasing its bioavailability. Besides, many thiols – glutathione, cysteine, methionine – are able to considerably limit cytotoxicity of NO and its derivatives, thus multiplying neuron chances to survive in case of ischemia. Agents, providing both for damaging effect and cell viability system in the ischemia/hypoxia area, include cytokines – intercellular communication transmitters in health and disease, which establish communication signal network between cells of the immune system and cells of other organs and tissues. According to present-day ideas, nature of immune response and peculiarities of development of the pathophysiological changes in ischemic/hypoxic tissue disorders depends on preemptive activation of the T-lymphocyte subpopulations, their synthesis of cytokines of various types and formation of "cytokine cascade". Primary goal of the effective DM therapy is to block interdependent mechanisms of DM progression – vascular, metabolic events and oxidant stress phenomenon, for which reason increasingly greater attention is paid to medications with antioxidant effect. Agents, providing both for damaging effect and cell viability system in the ischemia/hypoxia area, include cytokines. Therefore, application of cytokine preparations may become effective perspective link in the complex therapy of port-ischemic complications in DM. On the model of alloxan diabetes in rats to study the influence of thiocetam (500 mg/kg) and recombinant interleukin-2 (Roncoleukin) (0.01 mg/kg) on the performance of the glutathione system , energy metabolism and protein oxidative modification products. Experimental diabetes was simulated by means of single subcutaneous administration of alloxan monohydrate water solution (Sigma, USA) – 150 mg/kg as 5% acetate buffer solution with pH 4.5. Brain tissue fragments from mesencephalic artery region, homogenized in liquid nitrogen, were used as materials for biochemical researches. This solution was administered after preliminary 24-hour food deprivation with allowed access to water. In order to generate full and stable diabetes, the animals were put on a standard diet for 11 days. Blood glucose level was determined on the 11th day after alloxan administration using glucose meter Optium Omega (Abbot Diabetes Care Inc., USA). For further researches, only animals with high glucose level (> 11 mmol/l) were used. Cytosolic fraction was separated by differential centrifugation (15,000 g) at the temperature of +4ºС on phosphate buffer 0.15 М with pH 7.8. Protein-free extract was obtained by adding exact amount of brain tissue homogenate into perchloric acid (0.6 M) followed by neutalization by 5.0 M of potassium carbonate. To study thiol-sulfide system activity in the rat brain tissue homogenate, levels of reduced and oxidized thiols and glutathione, and activity of glutathione peroxidase (GP) and glutathione reductase (GR) were determined. Content of total SH-groups were measured by spectrophotometry [8]. Concentration of reduced and oxidized glutathione was measured by fluorometry [9]. Activity of TDS enzymes – GP and GR – was measured by spectrophotometry [10]. Content of methionine and cysteine in the homogenate was measured by chromatography [8]. Also, using biochemical methods, content of protein oxidative modification products was measured in the brain homogenate by levels of aldehyde (APhH) and carboxyle (KphH) products [11]. Statistical data processing was carried out by means of Statistica 6.0 software package; comparative group analysis was performed by means of one-way analysis of variance ANOVA using Newman–Keuls test for multiple comparisons. Differences with р<0.05 were considered statistically significant. Found that the development of hyperglycemia in experimental animals was accompanied by destabilization of the glutathione system (increased levels of oxidized glutathione and a sharp decrease in its activity and reduced forms of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase), energy shortages and rising levels of markers protein oxidative modification products – aldehyde (APhH) and carboxyle (KphH) products. Proved that the course administration thiocetam and Roncoleukin contributed to the normalization of activity of glutathione peroxidase and glutathione reductase, levels stabilize energy phosphates (ATP, ADP, AMP) and protein oxidative modification products figures, the maximum activity was observed for Roncoleukin. Keywords: interleukin-2, Roncoleukin, experimental alloxan diabetes, glutathione.



The relationship between the temperature of silicic acid gel deposition and the structure of silica formed, has been studied. It has been shown that, with increasing deposition temperature of silicic acid gel, structural parameters of silica samples obtained change greatly. The mechanism of structure formation has been considered and the main causes responsible for this process have been identified. It has been found that with increasing concentration of sodium silicate solution at constant precipitation temperature, the sorption capacity of samples increases while the specific surface area decreases. It has been shown that treatment of washed silica gel in boiling water improves its adsorption capacity and reduces its specific surface.В работе впервые изучено формирование структуры силикагеля в зависимости от температуры осаждения кремнегеля. Показано, что с ростом температуры осаждения кремнегеля структурные параметры полученных образцов силикагеля сильно изменяются. Рассмотрен ме...


Kazakhstan Archeology, 2020

В статье затрагиваются вопросы об авторстве, истории открытия грота Эмба (Толеубулак), а также приводятся данные о многочисленных палеолитических стоянках и местонахождениях региона, обозначены перспективы дальнейших исследований археологических памятников. Основная цель археологической экспедиции Института археологии им. А. Х. Маргулана с участием заинтересованных специалистов управления культуры и историко-краеведческого музея Актюбинской области, Национального музея РК в 2020 г. заключалась в повторном обследовании грота Эмба (Толеубулак) и его окрестностей, разработке плана и включения наиболее ярких памятников археологии в туристические маршруты в рамках Государственной программы «Тұган жер». В статье приводятся новые сведения о результатах исследования памятника в 2020 г.