Um diálogo com Ubiratan D'Ambrosio: uma conversa brasileira sobre etnomatemática A dialogue with Ubiratan D'Ambrosio: a Brazilian conversation about ethnomathematics (original) (raw)

Etnologia Brasileira: Behind the Scenes

Tipití: Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America, 2017

This text reflects on the changing role of anthropologists carrying out research with indigenous peoples in Brazil and on the increasing constraints that they are subjected to, both in terms of the legislation they must comply with and in terms of the way they are envisioned by contemporary indigenous peoples and non-anthropologists. At the time of this writing, sixty-seven people in Brazil who have acted in defense of the rights of indigenous peoples and Maroon descendants (Quilombolas) face bogus criminal charges. Frequently anthropologists are denigrated and accused of using the knowledge acquired during their research for personal enrichment and academic promotion. While the Code of Ethics (Resolution No. 510) of April 7, 2016 passed by the Brazilian Conselho Nacional de Saúde (National Health Council) that now guides conduct in the field purports to recognize the specificity of the social and human sciences, in reality it is an intromission of biomedicine and bioethics into anthropology, sociology, and related sciences. The bureaucratization involved, if followed to the letter, would discourage people from undertaking research. Field researchers must already avoid thorny issues such as polygamy, abortion, and the use and traffic of illegal drugs. Meanwhile, evangelical churches are undeterred in their zeal to convert Amerindians. They interfere in their way of life, often with devastating effects, and, acting in league with the bloc of large agribusiness interests (ruralistas), have become a force with which to be reckoned. The witch hunt against anthropologists has increased since the ousting of President Dilma Rousseff in May 2016, and the demarcation of Indigenous Lands (Terras Indígenas or TI) has ground to a halt. While miners and loggers invade existing Indigenous Lands with impunity, the 2016 Code of Ethics is a straitjacket that fails to come to grips with various legitimate ethical issues that concern anthropologists. In the present article, I draw on my several decades of research and university teaching in Brazil to explore the contradictions at the heart of anthropological work with indigenous peoples.

Ethnomathematics: A Political Tool For Latin America (Translation: Molly Tun)

We analyze how the political dimension of ethnomathematics can be an effective tool for eurocentrism. Our thesis is that ethnomathematics is a useful tool for defending the mathematical knowledge of the communities in Latin America that are facing globalization, the specialization of the sciences, colonization, official histories, and the existence of a single truth, and can be used to develop a more inclusive, pertinent, and meaningful mathematics education. To support this thesis, we present three experiences where ethnomathematics played a main role in creating awareness of and revaluing this knowledge. In addition we present a work proposal to be used in the classroom that shows how to go from using ethnomathematics like a motivating element to an element of cultural valorization. We conclude by showing how ethnomathematics, and its political dimension in particular, contributes to the search for a better education, in line with the educational goals established by the Organization of Iberoamerican States (OEI). RESUMO Analisamos como a dimensão política da Etnomatemática pode ser uma ferramenta eficaz para enfrentar o eurocentrismo. A nossa tese é que a Etnomatemática é uma ferramenta útil para a defesa dos conhecimentos matemáticos das comunidades da América Latina frente à globalização, à especialização das ciências, à colonização, às histórias oficiais, bem como à existência de uma única verdade, que podem ser utilizados para desenvolver uma educação matemática mais abrangente, pertinente e significativa. Para apoiarmos essa tese, apresentamos três experiências em que a etnomatemática desempenhou um papel importante para a conscientização e para a reavaliação desse conhecimento. Além disso, apresentamos uma proposta de trabalho

Um semeador da antropologia: os antropólogos como nativos e seus ritos

Mana-estudos De Antropologia Social, 2008

Since the eighteenth century, a huge mass of documentary records-reports, numerical data, images, and collections-on Brazil's indigenous peoples has been produced by naturalists and travelers of diverse kinds. Despite this enormous diversity, some characteristics are common to these gazes that represent themselves as rootless and foreign. First, they result from voyages: in other words, from short-term contact with the observed populations or even with the region or country where they were located. Second, the subject/narrator of these experiences was primarily in dialogue with the literate European public among whom his or her potential readership was almost exclusively located, along with visitors to museums and scientific exhibitions. Third, the political implications of the discourses produced by the travelers were only indirect, mediated by the readings of the ruling national elite, since the subjects/narrators do not pertain to the same legal and administrative units to which the described populations are subject. The combination of these characteristics allowed the crystallization of an atemporal, distant, and supposedly objective view, an exercise in "pure knowledge" without practical and political intentions or repercussions. Later, in the twentieth century, this was internalized by Americanist ethnologists as the preconditions for a narrative genre-ethnography-and for the ambitions and outlook of a scientific discipline. The foreign gaze anticipated and to a certain extent shaped the gaze of Americanist ethnology, infusing it with the premises and directives of its founding project.


caletroscópio, 2019

The question of the relationship between ethnography, discourse and education has been an area of an ongoing development for the last four decades. This paper addresses a series of questions proposed by the editors of this special issue of Calestrocópio Journal. These questions led us to a reexamination of key arguments by Shirley B. Heath, Brian V. Street and Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt, who have influenced how ethnography can inform epistemological approaches to studying language in use in everyday settings in and out of school. In addition, we revisited the distinction between ethnography in and of education, proposed by Green and Bloome (1997), in the light of a recent reformulation focused on Anthropology in Education, of Education and for Education. This article focuses on the logic of inquiry central to understanding ethnography as epistemology. Keywords: Ethnography in and out of school; logic of inquiry; discourse; education. Resumo: A discussão sobre a relação entre etnografia, discurso e educação tem sido, nas últimas quatro décadas, uma área em desenvolvimento. Este artigo aborda um conjunto de questões que foram propostas pelos editores deste número especial da Revista Caletroscópio, que nos levou a uma reavaliação dos argumentos principais feitos por Shirley B. Heath, Brian V. Street e Kathryn M. Anderson-Levitt, que têm contribuído para a compreensão de como a etnografia embasa abordagens epistemológicas para o estudo da linguagem em uso em contextos dentro e fora da escola. Além disso, revisitamos essa distinção entre etnografia dentro e fora da escola, como proposta por Green e Bloome (1997), a partir de uma reformulação recente com foco na Antropologia em Educação, da Educação e pela Educação. Este artigo baseia-se na importância da lógica de investigação para o entendimento da etnografia como epistemologia. Palavras-chave: Etnografia dentro e fora da escola; lógica de investigação; discurso; educação. When I (Judith L. Green) received the invitation from Adail Sebastião Rodrigues-Júnior and Clézio Roberto Gonçalves, the Editors-in-chief of this journal, to share my view of ethnography in and of education, I saw this as a unique opportunity to step back and to (re)think where my understanding of ethnographic research in and of education that David Bloome and I proposed in 1997 is over two decades later. In framing this as an interview, the editors provided a series of questions to guide my understanding of their goals for this interview.

A guide to anthropology in Brazil

For a long time anthropology was defined by the exoticism of its object of study and by the distance, conceived as cultural and geographical, which separated the researcher from his/her group. This situation has changed. Even (and perhaps mostly) in the socially legitimate centers of anthropological production, the ideal of an encounter with some sort of radical alterity is no longerconsidered an essential dimension of the anthropological perspective. Anthropology is not about an object, it is about difference.

Brazilian English: uma antropofagia línguo-cultural

Entrepalavras, 2013

Resumo: O presente artigo tem como objetivo indicar, a partir da metáfora antropofágica oswaldiana, algumas reflexões a respeito do inglês como língua franca (ILF), e da eclosão do Brazilian English como resultante dos usos linguísticos operados no contexto local. Através dessa perspectiva, o artigo propõe uma discussão baseada nas noções de interculturalidade, falante intercultural e da relação estabelecida entre a língua-cultura materna e a língua-cultura alvo. Assim, estabelecendo uma interlocução com os aspectos socioculturais no processo de comunicação do inglês, propomos uma visão dessacralizada da língua, a partir de exemplos no uso do ILF, relacionados à inglesidade produzida no Brasil. Assim, com o reconhecimento dessa produção linguístico-cultural, este trabalho empreende uma reflexão acerca de uso linguístico, contexto de produção e expressão identitária na língua alvo.

In keeping with character -early encounters with ethnography in Os brahamanes *1 Dentro do seu papel -primeiros encontros com a etnografia no romance Os brahamanes

VIA ATLÂNTICA, SÃO PAULO, N. 30, 65-84, 2016

Abstract: This essay suggests that instead of seeing the early novel in India as a secondary development to empirical representation, or as a flawed imitation of European literary models, studies can profitably trace how these influences generated structures internal to the novel, as it emerged simultaneously with other genres of writing and representation. Os brahamanes by Francisco Luís Gomes marks an encounter between the early colonial novel and ethnography, before realism became the dominant manifestation of empirical description in the novel. The novel absorbs and anticipates the work of ethnography in petrifying conceptions of an Indian polity and opens up the possibility of examining a continuum of narrative strategies between the report and the novel. Resumo: Este ensaio propõe ler o primitivo romance indiano não enquanto desenvolvimento secundário face aos modelos da representação empírica, ou enquanto imitação imperfeita dos modelos literários europeus, mas antes rastrear a forma como tais influências geraram estruturas internas ao romance, o que aconteceu em simultâneo com outros gêneros da escrita e da representação. Os brahamanes, de Francisco Luís Gomes, marca um encontro entre o romance colonial e a etnografia, antes de o realismo se ter tornado a manifestação dominante da descrição empírica no romance. A obra absorve e antecipa o trabalho da etnografia em solidificar concepções de entidade política nacional, abrindo-se a possibilidade de examinar um continuum de estratégias narrativas entre o relatório e o romance.