Problematika Isbat Nikah Dalam Optik Perundang-Undangan (original) (raw)
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Isbat Nikah Dalam Perspektif Kompilasi Hukum Islam Hubungannya Dengan Kewenangan Peradilan Agama
As one of the executors of judicial power in the courts in the Indonesian Religious Court is given the jurisdiction over civil causes of Islam, one of which is in the field of marriage. As an Islamic court, the substantive law that is used Islamic law, then it is often defined as fiqh, which are certainly vulnerable difference. To bridge differences and to create legal certainty, as well as to realize the Islamic law, then Compilation of Islamic Law (KHI) was born which positively main themes of Islamic law in Indonesia and as one of the law applied in the Religious Court. Especially with regard to matters of marriage is a matter of legalization of marriage in Islamic Law Compilation qualified as a remedy called "the isbat of marriage". Of a jurisdictional basis isbat marriage cases as authority Religious Court Compilation of Islamic Law is one of the sources of law which raised more detailed reasons filing. Although the Compilation of Islamic Law is not included in the hi...
Marital Itsbat is still necessary as a policy, even for marriages conducted prior to the entry to force of Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage. Changes regarding the provision of Itsbat are necessary to ensure that the law could still act as the guardian of legal certainty to achieve justice for citizens. In reality, a policy of legitimizing marital. Itsbat is necessary in Indonesia’s legal politics, which is not only based on past marital laws (iusconstituendum), current laws but must also encompass the need to regulate future marriages (iusconstitutum. Considering thse needs, the policy in question must not only fulfill the needs of Muslims, but also those who are deprived of the chance to legitimize their marriages’ documentation; whether due to poverty, ignorance or other factors (such as the religious validity of the couple), migration or other issues. This material change of Itsbat should still be based on the principle of protection and non-discrimination towards women so that it...
Polemik di Seputar Hukum Isbat Nikah dalam Sistem Hukum Perkawinan Indonesia
Al-Manahij: Jurnal Kajian Hukum Islam, 2017
(KHI), padahal kedudukan hukum KHI bukan termasuk dalam tata urutan perundangan. Hakikat isbat nikah adalah penetapan. Hal ini berarti bahwa perkawinan yang diisbatkan tetap sah karena perkawinan yang diisbatkan berfungsi administratif. Kedudukan isbat nikah merupakan bagian dari perlindungan hukum dan kepastian hukum. Kedudukan KHI yang mengatur lebih rinci tentang isbat nikah berfungsi regulatif di tengah kekosongan hukum materil peradilan agama. Selain itu, hakim dapat menentukan dikabulkan atau ditolaknya permohonan isbat nikah. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa hakikat isbat nikah adalah bagian dari diskresi hukum.
Pernikahan Tanpa Pencatatan: Isbat Nikah Sebuah Solusi?
Musãwa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam, 2013
The Indonesian Islamic family law, through the kompilasi and the Law of Marriage of 1974, states that a marriage must be concluded in the presence of an official marriage registrar or must be registered. However, the laws differentiate between the religious validity and the state legality of marriage. They therefore do not consider a marriage as a religiously invalid if the parties concerned fail to register their marriage. In fact, considered illegal by the state, unregistered marriages are not seen as unlawful by religious authorities. It seems clear that the kompilasi is anxious not to deviate from the classical doctrine of marriage. This paper discusses unregistered marriage according to Indonesian State Islamic family law and in practical level and its legal impacts. It criticizes the rules on registration of marriage and its solution. Presenting a number of cases of unregistered marriages and some views of relevant authorities, it argues that there have been abuses in the ...
Binamulia Hukum, 2021
Isbat nikah adalah salah satu upaya hukum pihak-pihak yang telah melangsungkan perkawinan di bawah tangan. Permasalahan isbat nikah yang timbul apabila permohonan isbat nikah yang dilakukan oleh para pemohon ditolak berdasarkan analisis yang dilakukan prosedur permohonan isbat nikah di Pengadilan Agama dilakukan melalui tahapan sebagai berikut: 1) Pengajuan permohonan; 2) Penerimaan perkara; 3) Pemeriksaan perkara dalam persidangan; 4) Kesimpulan dan kemudian keputusan hakim. Sedangkan pertimbangan hakim untuk tidak mengabulkan permohonan isbat nikah pemohon yaitu terdapat larangan ataupun pelanggaran dalam perkawinan tersebut, di mana wanita tersebut masih terikat perkawinan dengan pria lain. Penolakan permohonan isbat nikah nantinya menimbulkan dampak atau akibat hukum yaitu perkawinan tersebut tidak mempunyai kekuatan atau kepastian hukum, status hukum anak tidak jelas.
Legalitas Pencatatan Perkawinan melalui Penetapan Isbat Nikah
Al-Mujtahid: Journal of Islamic Family Law
Isbat nikah sangat dibutuhkan oleh masyarakat olehnya itu hakim Pengadilan Agama melakukan “ijtihad” dari ketentuan hukum yang berlaku, kemudian mengabulkan permohonan isbat nikah berdasarkan ketentuan Pasal 7 Ayat (3) huruf (e) Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI), yaitu apabila perkawinan yang dimohonkan untuk diisbatkan itu tidak ada halangan perkawinan sebagaimana diatur dalam Undang-Undang Perkawinan, maka Pengadilan Agama akan mengabulkan permohonan isbat nikah meskipun perkawinan tersebut dilaksanakan pasca berlakunya Undang-undang Perkawinan (UUP). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui legalitas dari pencatatan perkawinan melalui isbat nikah. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian normatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa legalitas dari pencatatan perkawinan melalui penetapan isbat menurut sebagian ahli hukum berpendapat bahwa KHI tidak termasuk kedalam hierarki Peraturan perundang-undangan yang disebutkan dalam Pasal 7 Ayat (1) Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2011 Tentang P...
Yurisprudensi Isbat Nikah Dalam Pasal 7 Kompilasi Hukum Islam
Pasal 7 KHI tidak memberikan definisi isbat nikah secara implisit melainkan hanya berupa ketentuan-ketentuan yang masih bersifat umum. Dengan adanya pasal ini akan memberikan peluang bagi pelaku nikah di bawah tangan atau nikah sirri> serta poligami liar untuk mendapatkan penetapan atas pernikahan yang telah dilakukan dari Pengadilan Agama. Sehingga pasal KHI ini perlu adanya pembatasan dalam penerapannya. Isbat nikah merupakan penetapan atas pernikahan yang dilakukan oleh suami-isteri. Dimana pernikahan yang dilakukan oleh para pihak telah memenuhi syarat dan rukun nikah. Hal ini dilakukan karena berkaitan dengan unsur keperdataan yang merupakan wewenang dari Pengadilan Agama. Dalam ketentuan pasal 7 KHI tentang isbat nikah terdapat kerancun dan ketidaktepatan. Sehingga pasal ini perlu adanya pembatasan dalam penerapannya agar tidak menimbulkan problem baru dalam masyarakat. Permohonan isbat nikah adalah perkawinan yang terjadi sebelum berlakunya UU No. 1 Tahun 1974 tentang Perk...
Isbat Nikah DI Kalangan Masyarakat Minoritas
Marriage is a strong consent until the marriage must be listed on the marriage registration of religious affairs office, in terms of marriage which has been done in accordance with Islamic shari'a, but has not been recorded until the marriage book is not published. Marriage issues include "voluntary" things which means that this case is a case of an application and where there is no dispute so there is no opponent, the voluntary product is a number of provisions. Based on the author's information obtained from the city's religious court, there were some marriages in 2015 that were disconnected and 3 out of 27 of them were weddings before the enactment of Law No. 1 of 1974 on Marriage and marriage after the law was passed. Invite him to be declared. This study can be categorized as field research. Here the writer will describe the writer's data that is found and analyze it using the chosen theory to get the right conclusions. The location used as an object o...
Isbat Nikah Pasangan Mualaf dalam Hukum Islam dan Hukum Positif di Indonesia
Al-Adl : Jurnal Hukum
Marriage certificates are usually given to husbands and wives who have entered into a marriage contract according to Islam but are not legally registered by the state. In the end, the marriage has no legal force. As a result, when a problem arises in the marriage between the husband and wife, they cannot solve it legally because they need a marriage certificate. Marriage cases delegated to the Religious Courts to be confirmed marriages that have been held according to Islam but have yet to be known to the Marriage Registrar. This is different from the case in stipulation Number 14/Pdt.P/2017/PA.Jmb mentions a husband and wife marriage that was held according to Buddhism before both embraced Islam and without renewing the marriage contract according to Islam. This study aims to understand the juridical and normative considerations of the Panel of Judges in granting the request for confirmation of marriage and how to analyze the stipulation. This research is a case study using a norma...