Postgraduate training in remote sensing—a British perspective (original) (raw)

A Learning Platform for the Introduction of Remote Sensing Principles in Higher Education

International Journal of Web-Based Learning and Teaching Technologies, 2009

The goal of this study is the presentation of a learning tool for satellite Remote Sensing. The target group of the learning platform is students of Higher Education Institutions in Greece. The purpose of this work is to use technology as a way to create an environment in which students can learn by doing, receiving feedback, continually refining their understanding and building knowledge. The learning environment is interactive and supports collaborative experiences. Evaluation constitutes a key element of the entire work, as a means to investigate, provide evidence and make judgments about the tool’s effectiveness and benefits. A series of features characterizing the learning platform have been considered in order to assess its function and potential usability. The scores achieved showed that the platform’s design and structure were quite satisfactory and indicated its potential use as a good learning tool for the distribution of knowledge in the field of remote sensing.

Remote assessment during pandemic context: the case of a professional master's program in environment

Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe - HAL - Université Paris Descartes, 2022

At the University Center for Training in Environment and Sustainable Development (CUFE), as in many other faculties and departments, the remote changeover imposed in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, has helped to relaunch various pedagogical reflections, in particular those related to assessment practices. The following article presents a synthesis of an empirical research carried out at the CUFE during the year 2021. The purpose of this research was to identify the evolution of the conceptions of teachers in a pandemic context with regard to the methods of evaluation alternatives to the classroom exam.

Territorial dimensions of cross-border work-linked training


Ce papier s’intéresse à la construction de dispositifs de formation dans un contexte transfrontalier. Il se focalise sur la Grande Région Saar-Lor-Lux au carrefour de quatre pays (la France, le Luxembourg, la Belgique et l’Allemagne) en raison de la forte croissance du travail frontalier. Il montre que la construction de qualifications transférables d’un territoire à un autre est un enjeu fondamental pour ces territoires qui s’inscrit dans un véritable processus de construction territoriale multi-acteurs et multi-niveaux. Cette analyse montre que l’élaboration de ces programmes de formation comme l’apprentissage a été permise par une forte volonté politique régionale et européenne. Cette dernière a apporté un cadre à de nombreuses initiatives localisées stimulées par une coopération transfrontalière de proximité. Les territoires ont été ainsi capables d’apprentissage et d’invention.This paper focuses on the construction of training systems in a cross-border context. It focuses on th...

Perspectives Diachroniques Sur L’Enseignement Forestier Superieur a Distance : Qualite et Performance


Les particularites de l’ingenierie forestiere sont representees par l’imbrication d’une pluralite de disciplines, biologiques, techniques, sociales et economiques. Le cumul de ces particularites avec la specificite de l’enseignement a distan ce implique l’integration de l’enseignement forestier a distance dans le contexte universitaire, tout en y imprimant ainsi un grand niveau d’adaptabilite, sans affecter la qualite du processus formatif. Depuis 2000, la Faculte de Sylviculture de l’Universi te « Ştefan cel Mare » de Suceava deroule l’unique programme d’etudes superieures forestieres a distance de Roumanie, un programme performant dont la qualite et le serieux des activites ont engendre l’accreditation consecutive, demarche institutionnelle propre a l’enseignement superieur roumain, resultat des deux evaluations effectuees consecutivement par les institutions superieures habilitees. Notre communication vise la presentation diachronique de l’implementation et l’evolution des partic...