Globaalin biopolitiikan ja ilmastonmuutoksen haaste (original) (raw)
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Alue ja Ympäristö, 2021
Pääkirjoitus Alue ja Ympäristö -lehden teemanumeroon 2/2021 Kohti ekohyvinvointivaltiota.
Elintarviketuotannon vaikutus ilmastonmuutokseen ketjuvaiheittain
Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, 2006
Kasvava kulutus ja kansalaisten käyttämät tuotteet ovat ympäristöongelmien takana. Suomessa elintarvikekulutus aiheuttaa valtaosan kotitalouksien kulutuksen ympäristövaikutuksista. On tärkeää tuntea, mistä elintarvikeketjun osista ja prosesseista ympäristövaikutukset syntyvät, jotta niihin voidaan puuttua. Tässä artikkelissa tarkastellaan elinkaaren eri osien merkityksiä ympäristövaikutusten synnyssä käyttäen esimerkkinä muutamaa erityyppistä elintarviketta, nimittäin juustoa, kaurahiutaleita ja -puuroa, perunagratiinia ja virvoitusjuomia. Tarkastelu perustuu näistä tuotteista tehtyihin elinkaaritutkimuksiin, joissa ympäristökuormitustiedot hankittiin tuotantoketjujen todellisista prosesseista.Eri elintarvikkeiden typpi- ja fosforikuormitus ja vesistöjen rehevöitymisvaikutus aiheutuvat valtaosin alkutuotannosta, erityisesti peltoviljelystä. Sitä vastoin elintarviketuotannon ilmastonmuutos- ja happamoitumisvaikutus aiheutuvat ketjun eri osista vaihdellen merkittävästi. Silloin kun ko...
Maailmanluokan koulutuspolitiikkaa
Elinikäinen oppiminen on tätä nykyä keskeisin kansainvälinen signaali, joka ohjaa OECD-maiden hallitusten käsityksiä koulutusjärjestelmän kehittämisestä. Koulutusta arvostetaan ja se on nostettu niin taloudellisen kuin sosiaalisenkin yhteiskuntakehityksen temppelinharjalle. Keskustelu koulutuksen laadusta virisi OECD:n toimesta 80-luvun puolivälissä. Se johti järjestöä kehittämään nykyisen koulutuspoliittisen lippulaivansa: koulutusjärjestelmäindikaattorit. Myös OECD:n maakohtaiset koulutuspolitiikan analyysit luetaan huolella kussakin järjestön jäsenmaassa.
Ekologiset kompensaatiot Suomen rannikolla ja merialueilla
Ecological compensations in coastal and open sea areas of the Baltic Sea The need to protect biodiversity is increasing worldwide. Human activities, especially eutrophication, have strongly and adversely impacted the marine environment in the watershed, coastal and open sea areas of the Baltic Sea. The existing marine protection area (MPA) network is a central component in sustaining the biodiversity values of the Baltic Sea. However, even though the MPA network protects important marine and coastal habitats and species, further measures are needed to reduce the rapid decline of biodiversity. One additional measure to halt biodiversity loss is ecological compensation or offsetting, where damage caused by human activity is compensated by restoring or protecting biodiversity elsewhere. The aim of ecological compensations is to produce ecological benefits to ecosystems (and/or species) and secure the essential ecosystem services in situations where human activities cause degradation to natural environments. General recommendation is that ecological compensations should be used as a final measure to minimize biodiversity loss. According to the mitigation hierarchy avoidance, mitigation and restoration on site should all be applied to minimize the damages prior to compensation. Furthermore, compensations should be measurable, permanent and of similar magnitude as the damages. The impact should be estimated based on ecological criteria, which separates ecological compensations from for example nutrient or carbon compensations. This report considers potentially usable measures that can be taken in the Baltic Sea watershed and coastal areas when planning ecological compensation. The compensation of marine ecological functions and values can be more complicated than compensations in terrestrial environments, because marine ecosystems are dynamically and three dimensionally connected ecological entities, which are characterized by strong spatio-temporal connectivity. The interconnectedness of terrestrial and marine systems is taken into account: the report includes measures for the watershed area because they can form an important part of a holistic approach in offsetting planning: reducing the effects of eutrophication on a local level by restricting the inflow of nutrients from the watershed can increase chances to actually achieve the offsetting goals than if only local coastal or marine measures are taken. Furthermore, concrete compensation measures are presented for sheltered and open coastal areas and different underwater habitats, including key habitats for fish. Finally, compensation measures for individual species are discussed shortly, although only a limited number of examples exist. Most of the measures presented in this report can be utilized also in other levels of the mitigation hierarchy when reducing and limiting the effects of human activities. It is thus essential that the chosen measures are planned and used to offset ecological functions and values and the planning, realisation and monitoring of the whole compensation procedure is well defined and carried out according to the principles of the mitigation hierarchy.
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The development of Finnish water management in international contextWater management in both clean and waste water is an essential technological system in any urban society. In this article the longterm development of Finnish water management technologies is discussed in a wider international context. The article discusses variousessential facets of water management systems from the 19th century to the present day. These are technology development and transfer between experts, the role of environmental factors to methodsand technologies chosen, the construction of relevant institutions and management infrastructures, and the significance of societal factors to the system and vice versa. Finland presents a particular case in the international context with widespread rural systems managed my municipally built and end-user owned co-operatives. Finnish clean and waste water management in any given locality is typically combined to one managing entity. The waste water fee act of 1974 can...