Stream geomorphology and fish community structure in channelized and meandering reaches of an agricultural stream (original) (raw)

A Multiscale Conceptual Framework for Integrated Ecogeomorphological Research to Support Stream Naturalization in the Agricultural Midwest

Environmental Management, 2002

The complexity of fluvial systems necessitates interdisciplinary research in fluvial geomorphology and aquatic ecology to develop a fundamental understanding of interconnections among biotic and abiotic aspects of these systems. Integrated knowledge of this type is vital for environmental management of streams in human-dominated environments. A conceptual framework is presented for integrating geomorphological and ecological research on streams in East Central Illinois, USA, a glaciated low-relief agricultural landscape. The framework embodies a multiscale perspective in which a geomorphological conception of the fluvial system is used to define a hierarchy of characteristic spatial scales for exploring important linkages between stream geomorphology and aquatic ecology. The focus ecologically is on fish, because a rich body of historical information exists on fisheries in East Central Illinois and because past work has suggested that availability of physical habitat is a major factor influencing the community characteristics of fish in this human-altered environment. The hierarchy embodied in the framework includes the network, link, planform, bar unit, bar element, and bedform/grain scales. Background knowledge from past research is drawn upon to identify potential linkages between geomorphological and ecological conditions at each of these scales. The conceptual framework is useful for guiding integrated ecogeomorphological research at specific scales and across different scales. It also is helpful for illustrating how widespread human modification of streams has catastrophically altered the scalar structure of fluvial systems in East Central Illinois. Knowledge emerging from the integrated research provides a basis for environmental-management schemes directed toward stream naturalization.

Geomorphology, habitat, and spatial location influences on fish and macroinvertebrate communities in modified channels of an agriculturally-dominated watershed in Ohio, USA

Ecological Engineering, 2014

We evaluated relationships between in-stream habitat, spatial distribution, and geomorphic features at 28 study sites within a predominantly agricultural watershed in Ohio. Objectives were to: (1) measure and compare the physical structure and biotic communities of highly modified drainage channels to those of minimally impacted channels, (2) identify significant environmental factors influencing fish and invertebrate assemblages in modified channels, and (3) relate them to biotic communities in a multivariate statistical model and then to compare fish species and macroinvertebrate taxa models to common multi-metric bioassessment index models. We used canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and variance partitioning to relate environmental variables to fish and macroinvertebrate community attributes. Geomorphically, minimally impacted sites were statistically different than bench and trapezoidal sites. Bench sites were statistically different than trapezoidal sites in floodplain width and depth ratios indicating that bench formation provided some amount of attached floodplain for the inset channel and functioned more similar to how natural streams would function. Key ecological drivers for macroinvertebrate communities were stream size, gradient and connectivity to a floodplain. Key ecological drivers for fish communities were quality of in-stream habitat variables; however, stream size and connectivity to a floodplain also were important. Larger, perennial sites tended to support more aquatic biota and more diverse assemblages either as primary habitat or as conduits between higher quality upstream or downstream locations. The latter can be critical to sustaining biota in highly modified agricultural watersheds. In smaller systems, in-stream habitat was a limiting factor but, more importantly, they experienced smaller discharges and can become intermittent during dry months. We hypothesized that leaving vegetated benches in the agricultural ditch would improve local ecology, but our data do not support this hypothesis as measured benches were either intermittent or too small to be important fluvial features. In the agriculturally-dominated modified headwater systems studied, we hypothesize that the proximity to a nearby patch of high quality habitat might be the main driving factor.

Catastrophic Human-Induced Change in Stream-Channel Planform and Geometry in an Agricultural Watershed, Illinois, USA

Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 2003

The adverse effects of channelization on the environmental quality of streams and rivers at a global scale are well documented, but the magnitude of human-induced changes in river systems relative to the efficacy of geomorphological processes has yet to be ascertained quantitatively. Stream channelization is a common feature of the agricultural landscapes of the midwestern United States. This study shows that channelization in the Embarras River basin of east central Illinois has altered stream channel and planform geometries to an extent that exceeds background rates of change for unchannelized reaches by one to two orders of magnitude. The average rate of change in channel position resulting from stream responses to channelization also greatly exceeds the average rate of change for unchannelized reaches, yet the spatial extent of stream adjustments to channelization is limited, and most straightened or relocated channels persist in their altered state for decades following channelization.

Stream geomorphology, bank vegetation, and three-dimensional habitat hydraulics for fish in midwestern agricultural streams

Water Resources Research, 2003

Citation: Rhoads, B. L., J. S. Schwartz, and S. Porter, Stream geomorphology, bank vegetation, and three-dimensional habitat hydraulics for fish in midwestern agricultural streams, Water Resour.

Habitat Alterations and Fish Assemblage Structure in the Missouri River System, USA: is Ecomorphology an Explanation?

Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science, 2018

Sampling was conducted over a two-year period to determine if fish body morphology (as indicated by the Fineness Ratio (FR), an index of fish streamlining) and habitat alterations can interact to influence fish assemblage structure in three human-altered segments of the Missouri River. It was hypothesized that segments with more variability in depths, velocities, and substrates would have a fish assemblage characterized by more diversity in streamlining. Conversely, it was hypothesized that fish assemblages in more altered river segments would exhibit less diversity in streamlining, i.e., less variability from optimal values because of more uniform habitat conditions. In faster more uniform habitats, fewer variations from optimal streamlining would be adaptive. The three flowing segments studied encompassed the mouth of the Yellowstone River (YSS; moderately altered), the area below Garrison Dam, North Dakota (GOS; below dam-highly altered) and the segment from St. Joseph to Kansas ...

Geomorphology and fish assemblages in a Piedmont river basin, U.S.A

Freshwater Biology, 2003

1. We investigated linkages between fishes and fluvial geomorphology in 31 wadeable streams in the Etowah River basin in northern Georgia, U.S.A. Streams were stratified into three catchment sizes of approximately 15, 50 and 100 km 2 , and fishes and geomorphology were sampled at the reach scale (i.e. 20-40 times stream width). 2. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) identified 85% of the among-site variation in fish assemblage structure and identified strong patterns in species composition across sites. Assemblages shifted from domination by centrarchids, and other pool species that spawn in fine sediments and have generalised food preferences, to dartercyprinid-redhorse sucker complexes that inhabit riffles and runs, feed primarily on invertebrates, and spawn on coarser stream beds. 3. Richness and density were correlated with basin area, a measure of stream size, but species composition was best predicted (i.e. |r| between 0.60-0.82) by reach-level geomorphic variables (stream slope, bed texture, bed mobility and tractive force) that were unrelated to stream size. Stream slope was the dominant factor controlling stream habitat. Low slope streams had smaller bed particles, more fines in riffles, lower tractive force and greater bed mobility compared with high slope streams. 4. Our results contrast with the 'River Continuum Concept' which argues that stream assemblages vary predictably along stream size gradients. Our findings support the 'Process Domains Concept', which argues that local-scale geomorphic processes determine the stream habitat and disturbance regimes that influence stream communities.

Habitat Influence on Fish Community Assemblage in an Agricultural Landscape in Four East Central Indiana Streams

The objective of this study was to relate the quality of the fish community with habitat using the Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) and Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI) in four agriculturally influenced streams in east central, Indiana. A total of 48 species was collected from 42 sites. IBI scores ranged from 14 to 48, and QHEI scores ranged from 29 to 83. There was a significant positive correlation between IBI and QHEI scores. Furthermore, we found significant positive correlations between IBI scores and four individual QHEI metrics (channel morphology, substrate, pool/glide and riffle/run quality, and in-stream cover). Habitat influenced the fish assemblages with channelization and substrate being the primary structuring factors. The land use in this area is 70% agriculture, which has heavily influenced lotic character through anthropogenic practices.

Land-use changes and the physical habitat of streams - a review with emphasis on studies within the U.S. Geological Survey Federal-State Cooperative Program

Circular, 2001

Understanding the links between land-use changes and physical stream habitat responses is of increasing importance to guide resource management and stream restoration strategies. Transmission of runoff and sediment to streams can involve complex responses of drainage basins, including time lags, thresholds, and cumulative effects. Land-use induced runoff and sediment yield often combine with channel-scale disturbances that decrease flow resistance and erosion resistance, or increase stream energy. The net effects of these interactions on physical stream habitat-depth, velocity, substrate, cover, and temperature-are a challenge to predict. Improved diagnosis and predictive understanding of future change usually require multifaceted, multi-scale, and multidisciplinary studies based on a firm understanding of the history and processes operating in a drainage basin. The U.S. Geological Survey Federal-State Cooperative Program has been instrumental in fostering studies of the links between land use and stream habitat nationwide. Drainage-basin scale-Hundreds to thousands of kilometers Made up of segments Segment scale-Tens to hundreds of kilometers Made up of reaches Reach scale-Tenths to tens of kilometers

Fish community response to evolving channel complexity in an agricultural headwater system

Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 2011

Headwaters in many watersheds in the midwestern United States are often dominated by ditches that are dredged to drain farmland and are maintained as homogeneous channels. These ditches may provide important headwater habitat for fish but are rarely managed as such. With reduced dredging, these ditches tend to stabilize their cross-sectional profile with patchy sediment deposits and plant growth. We tested the impact of such channel complexity on the structure of fish communities in agricultural ditches of the upper Ottawa River (Ohio), a western Lake Erie tributary, by comparing twelve 20 m (66 ft) channel segments with and without such complexity (heterogeneous [Ht] and homogeneous [Ho], respectively). Fish communities were sampled at low water with block seines in each site eleven times between June 2005 and October 2006. Temperature, pH, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and discharge were comparable between Ht and Ho segments during each sampling event. A total of 10,843 fish representing 24 species were identified, assessed for spawning condition and age class, and released. In spite of the large variability in fish community metrics over time, Ht habitat had a higher species richness (Ht = 6.56 ± 0.63, Ho = 4.17 ± 0.63; p = 0.02), Shannon diversity (Ht = 1.33 ± 0.12, Ho = 0.90 ± 0.12; p = 0.03), and number of feeding guilds (Ht = 3.2 ± 0.20, Ho = 2.2 ± 0.20; p = 0.01). Fish abundance and Index of Biotic Integrity showed no significant effect for habitat. The community was dominated by tolerant cyprinids (Pimephales promelas and P. notatus) but also contained 1,514 Etheostoma microperca, a previously undocumented population and species listed as a "State Species of Concern" in Ohio. The majority (73%) of E. microperca were found in Ht segments. In spite of the prevalence of exotic species in other regional aquatic systems, only 0.7% of the total catch belonged to nonnative species. With the majority of headwaters in the midwestern United States consisting of dredged ditches, balancing management for efficient drainage while allowing some level of channel complexity may benefit native fishes and contribute to surprisingly rich communities.

Effects of Channelization on Fish Biomass in River Ecosystems

Channel straightening in a naturally meandering river is a common historical trigger of channel incision which typically results in stream bank destabilization. Several of the larger river systems in the upland portion of the Yazoo River Basin have subjected channelization resulting in profound changes in the physical and geomorphological characteristics of these systems. Fish were sampled using electroshocking gear and hoop nets to evaluate the impact of stream bank destabilization and loss of habitat heterogeneity resulting from channelization on fish communities. While distinct differences in the fish communities were evident, only the Skuna appeared to have characteristics of a damaged system. More than 95% of the biomass was comprised of species reaching an adult length of less than 300 mm. The lotic omnivorous fishes that dominated the biomass from Skuna are often associated with smaller streams rather than rivers. Furthermore, 72% of the catch consisted of fish preferring littoral zone habitats. The shallow depth and lack of woody debris in Skuna provided a selective advantage for smaller species of fish that could use shoreline habitats as protection from the current. Based on results from the Skuna River, channel straightening that leads to channel incision, bank failure and over widening provide habitats too shallow to support a community of fishes typical of northern Mississippi riverine system. This information may be useful in making comparison of damaged riverine ecosystems and assist managers in determining impairment and success in the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) process.