Building a LLNL Capability in Radioactive Ion Beam Experiments (original) (raw)
Related papers
Nuclear Astrophysics in Rare Isotope Facilities
Acta Physica Hungarica A) Heavy Ion Physics, 2004
Nuclear reactions in stars are difficult to measure directly in the laboratory at the small astrophysical energies. In recent years indirect methods with rare isotopes have been developed and applied to extract low-energy astrophysical cross sections .
The SPES radioactive ion beam project of LNL: status and perspectives
EPJ Web of Conferences, 2016
A new Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facility (SPES) is presently under construction at the Legnaro National Laboratories of INFN. The SPES facility is based on the ISOL method using an UCx Direct Target able to sustain a power of 8 kW. The primary proton beam is provided by a high current Cyclotron accelerator with energy of 35-70 MeV and a beam current of 0.2-0.7 mA. Neutron-rich radioactive ions are produced by proton induced fission on an Uranium target at an expected fission rate of the order of 10 13 fissions per second. After ionization and selection the exotic isotopes are re-accelerated by the ALPI superconducting LINAC at energies of 10A MeV for masses in the region A=130 amu. The expected secondary beam rates are of the order of 10 7-10 9 pps. Aim of the SPES facility is to deliver high intensity radioactive ion beams of neutron rich nuclei for nuclear physics research as well as to be an interdisciplinary research centre for radio-isotopes production for medicine and for neutron beams.
Impact and perspectives of radioactive beam experiments for the rp-process
Nuclear Physics A, 2001
Nuclear Astrophysics is concerned with the study of nuclear processes at stellar temperature and density conditions and its influence on nucleosynthesis and energy generation in stars and stellar explosions. Of particular interest is the understanding and interpretation of hot and explosive stellar scenarios and the concomitant nucleosynthesis involving nuclear processes far off β-stability. Neutron induced explosive processes occur in the neutrino-wind driven shock front of supernova explosions or can be triggered by the merging of two neutron stars. Hydrogen induced explosive processes occur in the thermonuclear runaway on the surface of an accreting white dwarf (novae) and in the hydrogen rich electron degenerate accreted material in the atmosphere of neutron stars (X-ray bursts, X-ray pulsars). The associated nuclear reaction and decay processes are far away from β-stability and need to be measured by using radioactive ion beams or radioactive targets. Limitations for these experiments are low beam intensities and high background radiation. Several radioactive beam facilities are already in operation and more are expected based on improved technological developments allowing reliable studies of reaction processes far off stability. We will discuss recent results of radioactive beam experiments and their implications for explosive stellar hydrogen burning in novae, X-ray bursts, and X-ray pulsars. We will also identify specific needs for nuclear reaction and decay data of specific importance for explosive hydrogen burning for future radioactive ion beam experiments. 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. E-mail address: (M. Wiescher). 0375-9474/01/$ -see front matter 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. PII: S 0 3 7 5 -9 4 7 4 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 3 6 3 -3
Intermediate-Energy Nuclear Data for Radioactive Ion Beams and Accelerator-Driven Systems
Hadrons, Nuclei and Applications - Proceedings of the Conference Bologna 2000: Structure of the Nucleus at the Dawn of the Century, 2001
Formation cross sections of isotopes produced in inverse kinematics from the spallation/fragmentation and fission of 197 Au (at 800 A⋅MeV), 208 Pb (at 1 A⋅GeV) and 238 U (at 1 A⋅GeV) are presented. These data are extremely important for the design of acceleratordriven systems and new radioactive-ion-beam facilities. The data have been measured at GSI with the FRagment Separator, which allows precise measurements of the cross sections of the fragments and of their velocities. The knowledge of the velocity enables to deduce the reaction mechanisms and leads to a better understanding of the physics of intermediateenergy nuclear reactions. Thanks to this, nuclear models capable to predict the isotopic formation cross sections have been implemented and benchmarked with the measured data. Results are presented.
Low-energy radioactive ion beam induced nuclear reactions
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 1998
Low-energy post-accelerated radioactive ion beams have been used to study nuclear reactions addressing important nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics questions. A highgranularity, large-solid-angle silicon strip detector array has been used to account for the low reaction products' yields. First experiments using a 6 He beam on thin 12 C targets show the feasibility of direct reaction studies with good angular resolution and a detection limit in access of 0.1 mb sr −1 cross sections. The measurement of the six α-decay channel in a 13 N-induced reaction on a 11 B target shows the capabilities of this experimental technique even for sophisticated reaction studies. The study of stellar properties in ground-based experiments, in particular break-out reactions from the hot-CNO, i.e. 15 O(α, γ) 19 Ne, can be pursued using these beams. Experiments are being performed to study these reactions by measurement of d(18 Ne, p) 19 Ne * (α) 15 O and α(18 Ne, p), which might provide an alternative breakout route.
Research with fast radioactive isotope beams at RIKEN
Progress of Theoretical and Experimental Physics
The RIKEN RI Beam Factory (RIBF) provides intense radioactive isotope (RI) beams with energies around 200 MeV/nucleon in a wide range of unstable nuclei. Part of the facility started routine operation in 1987 and, in 1990, RI beams from this part became available, with energies of a few tens of MeV/nucleon and the world's highest intensities at the time for many light exotic nuclei. To exploit the research opportunities available with such fast RI beams, various experimental devices have been constructed and several new methods have been developed. A number of modern aspects of nuclear structure, such as the neutron halo and the disappearance/appearance of magic numbers, have been investigated. Several attempts to approach astrophysical nuclear processes involving short-lived nuclei have been made. The present RIBF facility was completed in 2006. It far exceeds other existing facilities in the world in its RI beam production capability. A variety of research programs have been started, and several groundbreaking results have already been obtained.
Physical Review C, 2008
This work presents the cross-sections for radioactive nuclide production in 56 Fe(p,x) reactions determined in six experiments using 300, 500, 750, 1000, 1500, and 2600 MeV protons of the external beam from the ITEP U-10 proton accelerator. In total, 221 independent and cumulative yields of radioactive residuals of half-lives from 6.6 min to 312 days have been obtained. The radioactive product nuclide yields were determined by direct g-spectrometry. The measured data have been compared with the experimental data obtained elsewhere by the direct and inverse kinematics methods and with calculation results of 15 different codes that simulated hadron-nucleus interactions: MCNPX (INCL, CEM2k, BERTINI, ISABEL), LAHET (BERTINI, ISABEL), CEM03 (.01, .G1, .S1), LAQGSM03 (.01, .G1, .S1), CASCADE-2004, LAHETO, and BRIEFF. Most of the data obtained here are in a good agreement with the inverse kinematics results and disprove the results of some earlier activation measurements that were quite different from the inverse kinematics measurements. The most significant calculation-to-experiment differences are observed in the yields of the A<30 light nuclei, indicating that further improvements in nuclear reaction models are needed, and pointing out as well to a necessity of more complete experimental measurements of such reaction products. ''' 221 2 21222 ''' /
Nuclear astrophysics with radioactive beams
Nuclear Physics A, 2002
The quest to comprehend how nuclear processes influence astrophysical phenomena is driving experimental and theoretical research programs worldwide. One of the main goals in nuclear astrophysics is to understand how energy is generated in stars, how elements are synthesized in stellar events and what the nature of neutron stars is. New experimental capabilities, the availability of radioactive beams and increased computational power paired with new astronomical observations have advanced the present knowledge. This review summarizes the progress in the field of nuclear astrophysics with a focus on the role of indirect methods and reactions involving beams of rare isotopes.