The dynamics of inter-regional collaboration: an analysis of co-patenting (original) (raw)
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Cooperation, Specialization and Patenting in German Technology Regions
We investigate cooperative behavior within technology regions in patenting activities. Case studies of local innovation systems point out certain characteristics fruitful to innovation and regional growth but often pronounce historical singularities as major influence. We provide evidence on the same theoretical basis in an econometric study. Based on a theoretical discussion of research cooperation hypotheses are derived which relate a regions technological characteristics to that regions account of research cooperation. Patent data are used to define the technological specialization of German regions and identify cooperations within and between them. Most cooperations tend to take place in modestly specialized regions, indicating a need for similar technological capabilities between partner firms.
The Role of Patent Co-inventorship Networks in Regional Inventive Performance
International Regional Science Review, 2018
Patent co-inventorship networks are important for knowledge acquisition and can influence the innovative performance of regions. However, collaborative networks play a different role depending on the regional characteristics. Thus, we analyze the relationship between the properties of technological collaboration networks and the inventive performance for core and peripheral regions. We also classified the regions using a typology created from their potential to access knowledge in the intra- and interregional networks. The collaborative networks were constructed by means of patent application data for Brazil in the period 2000–2011. The main results show that the external links in the co-inventorship networks are essential for regions that do not have autosufficiency to innovate. Therefore, the regions lagging behind can benefit from the diffusion of knowledge created in core regions by means the interregional collaborations with such regions.
Dynamics of Collaborative Invention Tracking Growth of Cooperative and Total Patents in the Region
The paper targets the relationship between growth of cooperation and later growth of innovation at the regional level. Patent data for German regions and eleven subsequent years is used to identify collaborative activity as well as the innovative output in each region. The results confirm to some extend previous expectations based on the assumption of an inverted U-relationship. Depending on the regional level of cooperation there are positive and negative effects of a change in regional cooperation behaviour in the industries Radio, Television and Communication Equipment and Machinery and Equipment. No significant results are obtained for the industries Chemicals and Chemical Products as well as Medical, Precision and Optical Instruments.
Cooperation and specialization in German technology regions
Journal of Evolutionary Economics, 2004
We investigate cooperative behavior within technology regions in patenting activities. Case studies of local innovation systems point out certain characteristics fruitful to innovation and regional growth but often pronounce historical singularities as major influence. We provide evidence on the same theoretical basis in an econometric study. Based on a theoretical discussion of research cooperation hypotheses are derived which relate a regions technological characteristics to that regions account of research cooperation. Patent data are used to define the technological specialization of German regions and identify cooperations within and between them. Most cooperations tend to take place in modestly specialized regions, indicating a need for similar technological capabilities between partner firms.
The Geography and Co-Location of European Technology-Speci fic Co-Inventorship Networks
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
This paper contributes with empirical findings to European co-inventorship location and geographical coincidence of co-patenting networks. Based on EPO co-patenting information for the reference period 2000-2004, we analyze the spatial configuration of 44 technology-specific co-inventorship networks. European co-inventorship (co-patenting) activity is spatially linked to 1259 European NUTS3 units (EU25+CH+NO) and their NUTS1 regions by inventor location. We extract 7.135.117 EPO co-patenting linkages from our own relational database that makes use of the OECD RegPAT (2009) files. The matching between International Patent Classification (IPC) subclasses and 44 technology fields is based on the ISI-SPRU-OST-concordance. We confirm the hypothesis that the 44 co-inventorship networks differ in their overall size (nodes, linkages, self-loops) and that they are dominated by similar groupings of regions. The paper offers statistical evidence for the presence of highly localized European co-inventorship networks for all 44 technology fields, as the majority of linkages between NUTS3 units (counties and districts) are within the same NUTS1 regions. Accordingly, our findings helps to understand general presence of positive spatial autocorrelation in regional patent data. Our analysis explicitly accounts for different network centrality measures (betweenness, degree, eigenvector). Spearman rank correlation coefficients for all 44 technology fields confirm that most co-patenting networks co-locate in those regions that are central in several technology-specific co-patenting networks. These findings support the hypothesis that leading European regions are indeed multi-field network nodes and that most research collaboration is taking place in dense co-patenting networks.
The Role of R&D Collaboration Networks on Regional Innovation Performance
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014
In this study, we consider R&D collaboration networks as a mechanism that modifies knowledge flows in space, and hence as another source of interaction among regional innovation processes. Our objective is to understand the relative role of spatial neighbors and network neighbors on patenting performance of regions. We make use of data on R&D collaborations supported by the European Union's Framework Programs (FP) and empirically investigate the patent activity of 213 European regions in the field of ICT during 2003-2009. Concerning the short length of the time frame we adopt a static modeling strategy and specify a spatial Durbin Model. As spatial neighbors intersect with network neighbors we decompose neighbor regions into three sets: spatially proximate regions that are not collaboration partners, spatially proximate regions that are collaboration partners, and distant collaboration partners. We express the weight matrix as a convex combination of these three sets and by means of gridding we compare how model fit changes as we move from a purely space based view to a purely network based view to express the dependence structure. The weight matrix that performs the best accords 60% weight to distant collaboration partners, 30% weight to proximate collaboration partners and 10% weight to proximate regions with whom there is no FP collaboration. This result reveals that the interaction (proximate and distant) among European regions within FP networks in the field of ICT is key for understanding dependence among their patenting performances.
Collaboration over distance is difficult to maintain in innovation projects which require a great deal of regional collaboration. However, patent documents reveal that a number of inventor teams are able to overcome long distances. Earlier literature started to investigate factors, which increase the probability of longdistance innovation cooperation. The paper at hand is restricted to patents with academic participation, but takes a close look at two types of factors in the environment of the inventors: (1) the characteristics of the university that employs the academic inventor(s), and (2) the influence of the regional environment. Research on the impact of these factors is still underdeveloped in the literature. By considering only patents with at least one academic inventor we have a relatively homogeneous subset of patents and can concentrate on the external impacts. We find that a similar research area structure, a high absorptive capacity as well as a high start-up rate foster intra-regional collaboration. More TTO staff and a larger university lead to more long-distance collaboration while the industry orientation of the university does not exert an influence on the distance between inventors.
Interregional inventor networks as studied by patent coinventorships
Research Policy, 2006
We study the structure of the interregional inventor networks in Sweden by examining the residence of inventors and coinventors involved in Swedish patent applications to the European Patent Office. Several factors are found to influence the spatial affinity of regions.
Annals of Regional Science, 2014
In this study, we focus on the pattern of cross-regional R&D collaborations through which voluntary knowledge flows and accompanying spillovers might occur. Our aim is to investigate the processes that give rise to the observed network configuration in order to identify hampering factors of knowledge diffusion, with a particular interest in the role of geographical proximity and differences in territorial features. We make use of the data on project proposals submitted to the 7th Framework Programme in the field of biotechnology. We build a non-valued interregional R&D cooperation network among a set of European regions and study its formation through exponential random graph models (Frank and Strauss in
Collaboration over distance is difficult to maintain in innovation projects which require a great deal of regional collaboration. However, patent documents reveal that a number of inventor teams are able to overcome long distances. Earlier literature started to investigate factors, which increase the probability of longdistance innovation cooperation. The paper at hand is restricted to patents with academic participation, but takes a close look at two types of factors in the environment of the inventors: (1) the characteristics of the university that employs the academic inventor(s), and (2) the influence of the regional environment. Research on the impact of these factors is still underdeveloped in the literature. By considering only patents with at least one academic inventor we have a relatively homogeneous subset of patents and can concentrate on the external impacts. We find that a similar research area structure, a high absorptive capacity as well as a high start-up rate foster intra-regional collaboration. More TTO staff and a larger university lead to more long-distance collaboration while the industry orientation of the university does not exert an influence on the distance between inventors.