Sexual dimorphism in visual and olfactory brain centers in the perfume-collecting orchid bee Euglossa dilemma (Hymenoptera, Apidae) (original) (raw)
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Sexual dimorphism in the olfactory system of a solitary and a eusocial bee species
Journal of Comparative Neurology, 2013
Sexually dimorphic sensory systems are common in Hymenoptera and are considered to result from sex-specific selection pressures. An extreme example of sensory dimorphism is found in the solitary bee tribe Eucerini. Males of long-horned bees bear antennae that exceed body length. This study investigated the pronounced sexual dimorphism of the peripheral olfactory system and its representation in higher brain centers of the species Eucera berlandi. Eucera males have elongated antennae, with 10 times more pore plates and three times more olfactory receptor neurons than females. The male antennal lobe (AL) comprises fewer glomeruli than the female AL
Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2021
Male euglossine bees exhibit unique adaptations for the acquisition and accumulation of chemical compounds from “perfume flowers” and other sources. During courtship display, male bees expose perfume mixtures, presumably to convey species-specific recognition and/or mate choice signals to females. Because olfaction regulates both signal production (in males) and signal detection (in females) in this communication system, strong selective pressures are expected to act on the olfactory system, which could lead to sensory specialization in favor of an increased sensitivity to specific chemical compounds. The floral scents of euglossine-pollinated plants are hypothesized to have evolved in response to the preexisting sensory biases of their male euglossine bee pollinators. However, this has never been investigated at the peripheral olfactory circuitry of distinct pollinating genera. Here, we present a comparative analysis using electroantennography (EAG) of males across the phylogeny of...
The neuroethology of olfactory sex communication in the honeybee Apis mellifera L
Cell and Tissue Research, 2021
The honeybee Apis mellifera L. is a crucial pollinator as well as a prominent scientific model organism, in particular for the neurobiological study of olfactory perception, learning, and memory. A wealth of information is indeed available about how the worker bee brain detects, processes, and learns about odorants. Comparatively, olfaction in males (the drones) and queens has received less attention, although they engage in a fascinating mating behavior that strongly relies on olfaction. Here, we present our current understanding of the molecules, cells, and circuits underlying bees' sexual communication. Mating in honeybees takes place at so-called drone congregation areas and places high in the air where thousands of drones gather and mate in dozens with virgin queens. One major queen-produced olfactory signal-9-ODA, the major component of the queen pheromone-has been known for decades to attract the drones. Since then, some of the neural pathways responsible for the processing of this pheromone have been unraveled. However, olfactory receptor expression as well as brain neuroanatomical data point to the existence of three additional major pathways in the drone brain, hinting at the existence of 4 major odorant cues involved in honeybee mating. We discuss current evidence about additional not only queen-but also drone-produced pheromonal signals possibly involved in bees' sexual behavior. We also examine data revealing recent evolutionary changes in drone's olfactory system in the Apis genus. Lastly, we present promising research avenues for progressing in our understanding of the neural basis of bees mating behavior.
Nature Communications, 2020
Sexual signaling is an important reproductive barrier known to evolve early during the formation of new species, but the genetic mechanisms that facilitate the divergence of sexual signals remain elusive. Here we isolate a gene linked to the rapid evolution of a signaling trait in a pair of nascent neotropical orchid bee lineages, Euglossa dilemma and E. viridissima. Male orchid bees acquire chemical compounds from their environment to concoct species-specific perfumes to later expose during courtship. We find that the two lineages acquire chemically distinct perfumes and are reproductively isolated despite low levels of genome-wide differentiation. Remarkably, variation in perfume chemistry coincides with rapid divergence in few odorant receptor (OR) genes. Using functional assays, we demonstrate that the derived variant of Or41 in E. dilemma is specific towards its species-specific major perfume compound, whereas the ancestral variant in E. viridissima is broadly tuned to multiple...
Antennal response to fragrance compounds in male orchid bees
Chemoecology, 2005
Male orchid bees (Euglossini) are attracted to floral and non-floral odours, which they collect and accumulate in hind tibial cavities for subsequent exposure during courtship. Fragrance preferences are species-specific, leading to relatively specialised pollination of euglossophilous plants. We tested the hypothesis that preferences for attractive compounds have led to species-specific sensory adaptations that are measurable by electroantennography (EAG). All of 16 synthetic fragrance compounds elicited significant responses on male bee antennae, with some difference of response spectra between individuals of Euglossa spp. and bumblebee (Bombus terrestris) controls, but no difference between three different species of Euglossa. There was no correspondence between a compounds' attractiveness in baiting assays and the size of its electrophysiological response. Our results strengthen the view that fragrance preferences are largely mediated by processes in higher nervous centres. Peripheral sensory tuning to single attractive odorants may be constrained by the need to detect and discriminate between many fragrances, including many that have repellent effects on male bees.
Experience-dependent choices ensure species-specific fragrance accumulation in male orchid bees
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 2005
Male neotropical orchid bees (Euglossini) collect volatile chemicals from orchid flowers and other sources and store them in hind leg cavities. The accumulated fragrance bouquets are later emitted at mating sites. Although most other insects synthesize pheromone blends de novo, specific euglossine perfumes are derived from active choices in a changing fragrance market. Male bees of three species of Euglossa possessed distinctive fragrance phenotypes showing little variation by locality and habitat in mainland Central America. In cage experiments, fragrance choice by male Euglossa imperialis was influenced markedly by a bee's collection history. Collection of a given chemical strongly reduced its attractiveness on subsequent occasions, an effect that was retained over days. Experimentally adding the chemicals directly to bee hind legs produced no effect. We conclude that bees learn and remember chemicals they collect. Innate odor preferences, memory and the avoidance of overcollecting by negative feedback may be the primary mechanisms that ensure unique blends of pheromone analogs in these tropical forest bees.
Species-Specific Antennal Responses to Tibial Fragrances by Male Orchid Bees
Journal of Chemical Ecology, 2006
Male neotropical orchid bees (Euglossini) collect odoriferous substances from orchids and other sources and store them in tibial pouches, accumulating complex and species-specific bouquets. These fragrances are later exposed at display sites, presumably to attract females or conspecific males or both. We hypothesized that the necessity to detect and recognize specific fragrance bouquets has led to peripheral chemosensory specializations in different species of orchid bees. To test this, excised male antennae of four species of Euglossa were stimulated with complete tibial extracts of the same four species in a crosswise experiment. In the majority of the tested extracts, the amplitude of the electroantennogram (EAG) response was significantly different between species and always maximal in males of the extracted species. This effect did not appear to result from a given species' increased sensitivity toward certain attractive components: gas chromatography with electroantennographic detection (GC-EAD) of one extract of Euglossa tridentata evoked similar and generalized response patterns in all four species, encompassing a total of 34 peaks that elicited antennal responses. Therefore, the species effect in EAG responses to complete extracts likely resulted from speciesspecific interactions of compounds at the receptor level. Antennal specialization to conspecific bouquets adds additional strength to the argument that specificity is an important evolutionary aspect of euglossine tibial fragrances.
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2015
Background Insects rely more on chemical signals (semiochemicals) than on any other sensory modality to find, identify, and choose mates. In most insects, pheromone production is typically regulated through biosynthetic pathways, whereas pheromone sensory detection is controlled by the olfactory system. Orchid bees are exceptional in that their semiochemicals are not produced metabolically, but instead male bees collect odoriferous compounds (perfumes) from the environment and store them in specialized hind-leg pockets to subsequently expose during courtship display. Thus, the olfactory sensory system of orchid bees simultaneously controls male perfume traits (sender components) and female preferences (receiver components). This functional linkage increases the opportunities for parallel evolution of male traits and female preferences, particularly in response to genetic changes of chemosensory detection (e.g. Odorant Receptor genes). To identify whether shifts in pheromone composit...
Are body size and volatile blends honest signals in orchid bees
Secondary sexual traits may convey reliable information about males' ability to resist pathogens and that females may prefer those traits because their genes for resistance would be passed on to their offspring. In many insect species, large males have high mating success and can canalize more resources to the immune function than smaller males. In other species, males use pheromones to identify and attract conspecific mates, and thus, they might function as an honest indicator of a male's condition. The males of orchid bees do not produce pheromones. They collect and store flower vola-tiles, which are mixed with the volatile blends from other sources, like fungi, sap and resins. These blends are displayed as perfumes during the courtship. In this study, we explored the relationship between inter-individual variation in body size and blend composition with the males' phenoloxidase (PO) content in Euglossa imperialis. PO content is a common measure of insect immune response because melanine, its de