Development of a Generic Method for recognizing 2D Shapes in a CAD system (original) (raw)

An Automatic Feature Extraction Technique For 2D Punch Shapes


Sheet-metal parts have been widely applied in electronics, communication and mechanical industries in recent decades; but the advancement in sheet-metal part design and manufacturing is still behind in comparison with the increasing importance of sheet-metal parts in modern industry. This paper presents a methodology for automatic extraction of some common 2D internal sheet metal features. The features used in this study are taken from Unipunch ™ catalogue. The extraction process starts with the data extraction from STEP file using an object oriented approach and with the application of suitable algorithms and rules, all features contained in the catalogue are automatically extracted. Since the extracted features include geometry and engineering information, they will be effective for downstream application such as feature rebuilding and process planning.

GAJA: 3D CAD methodology for developing a parametric system for the automatic (re)modeling of the cutting components of compound washer dies

Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A, 2013

For the designing of cutting-dies is a complex and experience-based process, it is poorly supported by conventional 3D CAD software. Thus, the majority of design activities, including the (re)modeling of those cutting die-components that are directly responsible for performing shaping operations on a sheet-metal stamping part, traditionally still need to be carried-out repetitively, separately, and manually by the designer. To eliminate some of these drawbacks and upgrade the capabilities of conventional 3D CAD software, this paper proposes a new methodology for the development of a parametric system capable of automatically performing a (re)modeling process of compound washer dies' cutting-components. The presented methodology integrates CATIA V5 built-in modules, including Part Design, Assembly Design and Knowledge Advisor, publication mechanism, and compound cutting die-design knowledge. The system developed by this methodology represents an 'intelligent' assembly template composed of two modules GAJA1 and GAJA2, respectively. GAJA1 is responsible for the direct input of the die-design problem regarding the shape, dimensions and material of the stamping part, its extraction in the form of geometric features, and the transferring of relevant design parameters and features to the module GAJA2. GAJA2 interprets the current values for the input parameters and automatically performs the modeling process of cutting die-components, using die-design knowledge and the company's internal design and manufacturing standards. Experimental results show that this system significantly shortens the modeling-time for cutting the die-components, improves the modeling-quality, and enables the training of inexperienced designers.


The intelligent feature recognition methodology is the methodology which helps for extraction of features for a given prismatic part by using feature based modeling system as an input. Various researchers have come up with different ways and means to integrate CAD and CAM technology. Automatic feature recognition from CAD solid systems highly impacts the level of integration. CAD files contain detailed geometric information of a part, which are not suitable for using in the downstream applications such as computer aided process planning approach. Different CAD or geometric modeling approach store the information related to the design the prismatic part in their own databases. Structures of these databases are different from each other. This paper proposes an intelligent feature recognition methodology (IFRM) to develop a feature recognition system for a prismatic part by using feature based modeling system as input method.

Developing a Feature-Based System for Automated Machining Feature Recognition (ISO 10303 AP 224) of Prismatic Components

Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012

Manufacturing is one of the main source of income for a developing country, like Malaysia. Start from the beginning of need in the market, a new concept of product is created. From the initial idea based on a need, this idea is hard to be understood if not presented in any form of drawing or prototype. So, computer-aided design (CAD) has the greatest role in helping to visualise the initial concept of a design with presenting the idea in a graphical view. However, this type of data cannot be used directly for the manufacturing process and normally intervention of human effort is needed to define all the manufacturing features from the component drawing again. This work is laborious if not assisted by computer technology. As a result, this paper aims to design a system and database which has the ability to extract geometrical features from drawings and identify all the manufacturing features which is useful for manufacturing process. This project takes a neutral drawing format, ISO 1...

Engineering A 2.5 D Prismatic Part Machining for Computer Aided Process Planning

The geometric information from the given CAD file for a designed component, may not be able to useful directly for process planning. Different CAD or geometric modeling packages store the information related tothe design in their own databases. Then various optimized approaches are much needed to translate geometrical specification into machine cognize. The (B-Rep) Boundary Representation analyze the geometrical information of the part from CAD model into machining module by using a feature recognition system. In this paper a unique identification of Machining Feature discussed that is generated explicitly to extract the features from the geometrical information based on a Geometric Reasoning Approach [GRA] and Object Oriented Design [OOD] in C++. A feature recognition algorithm is used to recognize different features of the part such as step, holes, etc. Finally, a sample application as an illustrative example of 2.5D has been described and presented for demonstrative purpose along with simulation.

Development of Step Hole Recognition System for Computer Aided Process Planning

Jurnal Teknologi, 2005

Current CAD system represents part by set of vertices, lines face and/or volume. This type of presentation is not suitable for most manufacturing application such as Computer Aided Process Planning (CAPP). At manufacturing level, decisions are mainly based on higher entities, which are commonly called manufacturing features. This paper describes the development of STEP Hole Recognition System called S_HoRS for CAPP. S_HoRS will convert geometrical data specifically holes from the STandard for the Exchange of Product model data (STEP) file into feature based model suitable for process planning activities, especially for tool and die components. Rule-based algorithm is used for the recognising process. The output from S_HoRS is the hole's feature data such as radius, height and the coordinates system. Current implementation of the S_HoRS is limited to simple hole features.

Milling Features Recognition Methodology of Rectangular Fillet Blind Pocket for Universal Data Structure

Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology

Various studies have focused on developing an interface system that could integrate the machining process with CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machine tools by producing tool paths using STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data) file as an input function. Studies to recognize features in STEP file by encoding the data of geometric entities of a CAD (Computer-Aided Design) design has been done by many researchers. However, they only focus on Cutter Location (CL) which eventually describes the machining profile in the x and y planes without considering the depth of the machining feature in the z-axis. Identifying and recognizing machining features in the STEP file is important since STEP is a platform for converting industry-standard CAD systems and software data models. The aim of this paper is to identify profiles of geometric machining features for rectangular fillet blind pockets using the Geometric Data Extraction (GDE) approach. Three cases have been carried out na...

Computer-aided process planning in prismatic shape die components based on Standard for the Exchange of Product model data

Advances in Mechanical Engineering

Insufficient technologies made good integration between the die components in design, process planning, and manufacturing impossible in the past few years. Nowadays, the advanced technologies based on Standard for the Exchange of Product model data are making it possible. This article discusses the three main steps for achieving the complete process planning for prismatic parts of the die components. These three steps are data extraction, feature recognition, and process planning. The proposed computer-aided process planning system works as part of an integrated system to cover the process planning of any prismatic part die component. The system is built using Visual Basic with EWDraw system for visualizing the Standard for the Exchange of Product model data file. The system works successfully and can cover any type of sheet metal die components. The case study discussed in this article is taken from a large design of progressive die.

Automation of Sheet Metal Combination Die Design Process

International Journal of Modern Manufacturing Technologies, 2021

This paper proposed a novel methodology for designing and manufacturing of sheet metal dies based on features of sheet parts. Also, combination is designed according to die cupping and punching features of sheet metal parts. The proposed approach is an attempt to make seamless integration of computer aided design with computer aided manufacturing. The features used in this study are taken from MusumiTM Catalogue as well as from various small and medium scale sheet metal industries. Work is divided into two phases. In the first phase, the relevant geometrical and topological data is extracted by reading STEP AP 203. In the second phase, a combine adjacency matrix and rule-based system is developed to recognize sheet metal features for die manufacturing. The system showed excellent performance for all types of features contained in the MusumiTM catalog and for different sheet metal industries. The proposed system for automated design of combination dies for sheet metal parts has been ...

A new methodology for extracting manufacturing features from CAD system

Computers & Industrial Engineering, 2006

In recent years, various researchers have come up with different ways and means to integrate CAD and CAM. Automatic feature recognition from CAD solid systems highly impacts the level of integration. CAD files contain detailed geometric information of a part, which are not suitable for using in the downstream applications such as process planning. Different CAD or geometric modeling packages store the information related to the design in their own databases. Structures of these databases are different from each other. As a result no common or standard structure has been developed so far, that can be used by all CAD packages. For that reason this paper proposes an intelligent feature recognition methodology (IFRM) to develop a feature recognition system which has the ability to communicate with various CAD/ CAM systems. The proposed methodology is developed for 3D prismatic parts that are created by using solid modeling package by using CSG technique as a drawing tool. The system takes a neutral file in Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (IGES) format as input and translates the information in the file to manufacturing information. The boundary (B-rep) geometrical information of the part design is then analyzed by a feature recognition program that is created specifically to extract the features from the geometrical information based on a geometric reasoning approach by using object oriented design software which is included in C++ language. A feature recognition algorithm is used to recognize different features of the part such as step, holes, etc. Finally, a sample application description for a workpiece is presented for demonstration purposes.