Assessment of multiple mission reusable launch vehicles (original) (raw)
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First stage design variations of partially reusable launch vehicles
This paper investigates different types of reusable first stages designed for a near term application with heavy lift launchers. The attached reference expendable space transportation system is a future Ariane 5 with cryogenic core and upper stage, but skipped solid rocket boosters. The design of the so called liquid fly-back boosters (LFBB) is restricted here to the incorporation of rocket motors already under development or in operation. LOX/RP1 and LOX/LH2 combustion in different cycles is looked upon. The analyzed lay-out-variants of the reusable vehicle include attached single as well as dual LFBB-configurations. Catamaran type double fuselage stages are regarded to evaluate the potential in reducing the unsymmetrical thrust load of one side mounted boosters. Beside their primary use to boost heavy lift GTO missions, a second task may be covered by the same vehicle to accelerate the upper stages of small and medium launchers. The additional requirements in designing the same reusable launch vehicle for at least two different missions are studied. The investigation includes trajectory simulations and optimizations for ascent. Return to the launch site by the LFBB is regarded, concerning the propellant requirements and the loads on the vehicle. Different booster geometries are generated by CAD for a preliminary aerodynamic sizing, dimensioning, and mass estimation. Critical flight stability aspects are assessed by static and dynamic simulations. The paper includes a comparison of size and mass, as well as performance data of the different liquid fly-back booster configurations. The relevant rocket engine figures of performance, mass, reusability, and throttling capability are presented. Nomenclature
Ultra-Fast Passenger Transport Options Enabled by Reusable Launch Vehicles
The latest architecture of the SpaceLiner 7 configuration is described including major geometrical and mass data. Some elements of the next iteration step, the SpaceLiner 8, are highlighted, having its focus on most recent analyses, partially not previously published A passenger rescue capsule is intended to be used in case of extreme emergencies. The design of the cabin and the ejection system is refined in a systems engineering approach to obtain a feasible and viable solution. Multibody simulations of the emergency capsule separation are performed in a wide range of flight conditions and technical challenges are identified. The adaptation of the large unmanned booster stage, currently under way might include a new wing lay-out capable of swiveling-out in the lower speed regime. Advantages and technical challenges of this approach are addressed in the paper. Simulated 6DOF ascent trajectories analyze behavior of the Thrust Vector Control system in case of wind and gusts interactin...
A study of air launch methods for RLVs
AIAA Space 2001 Conference and Exposition, 2001
Many organizations have proposed air launch Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLVs) due to a renewed interest generated by NASA's 2 nd Generation Space Launch Initiative. Air launched RLVs are categorized as captive on top, captive on bottom, towed, aerial refueled, and internally carried. The critical design aspects of various proposed air launch RLVs concepts are evaluated. It is found that many concepts are not possible with today's technology. The authors introduce a new air launch concept that is possible with today's technology called SwiftLaunch RLV.
41st Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 2003
An overview of every significant method of launch and recovery for manned sub-orbital Reusable Launch Vehicles (RLV) is presented here. We have categorized launch methods as vertical takeoff, horizontal takeoff, and air launch. Recovery methods are categorized as wings, aerodynamic decelerators, rockets, and rotors. We conclude that both vertical takeoff and some air launch methods are viable means of attaining sub-orbital altitudes and wings and aerodynamic decelerators are viable methods for recovery. These conclusions are based on statistical methods using historical data coupled with time-stepped integration of the trajectory equations of motion. Based on the additional factors of safety, customer acceptance, and affordability, we also conclude that the preferred architecture for a commercially successful manned sub-orbital RLV is Vertical Takeoff using hybrid rocket motor propulsion and winged un-powered Horizontal Landing onto a runway (VTHL).
RETALT: Development of Key Flight Dynamics and GNC Technologies for Reusable Launchers
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
The capability to partially recover and reuse a launch vehicle is currently the most effective way of reducing the cost of access to space, which is a key endeavour to the commercialization of space. Despite this, it remains a great technical challenge, with only two US companies (SpaceX and Blue Origin) having developed the necessary technology to carry out routinely successful recovery missions, both using retro-propulsive vertical landing as the recovery strategy, and both reporting significant cost savings due to the reusability effort. In this context, the RETALT (Retro Propulsion Assisted Landing Technologies) project, funded by the EC Horizon 2020 programme under grant agreement No 821890, had the goal of investigating and maturing key technologies to enable reusability in Europe. One of the great technical challenges in this endeavour lies in the capability to define a feasible mission to safely and robustly return the launcher, and to develop a recovery Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) system to perform a precision landing in a fast-dynamic environment, with extremely limited fuel margins, and with significant unknown dispersions accumulated during prior phases. In particular, the project aims to increase the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) of the GNC technologies needed for recovery up to 3. The baseline configuration and the main focus of the project and this paper is RETALT1. The vehicle operates similarly to a typical launcher until separation, after which two scenarios for the first stage recovery are considered: Downrange Landing (DRL) and Return to Launch Site (RTLS). The latter differs in the use of a post-separation flip manoeuvre and boostback burn that modifies the ballistic arc to allow a landing at or near the launch site, while the former foresees a landing at sea on a floating barge. Both scenarios employ a re-entry burn, in order to reduce velocity and dispersions, and an active aerodynamic descent phase enabled by the use of control surfaces. Finally, the first stage recovery mission ends with an engine-powered descent, which slows the vehicle down to a pinpoint and soft vertical landing. The focus of this paper will be the methodology implemented to assess the feasibility of the recovery mission, identify the mission design envelope for the wide range of launch missions that the system could target, and define a mission solution for representative re-entry conditions, as well as the design, development and test of the GNC solution, that was demonstrated capable of guaranteeing the necessary performance to recover the system.
Development Trends of Reusable Launch Vehicles
Journal of the Korean Society of Propulsion Engineers
The primary function of the Space Shuttle is to deliver payloads to Earth orbit. On a standard mission, the Orbiter will remain in orbit for 7 days, return to the Earth with the flightcrew and the payloads, land like an airplane, and be readied for another flight in 1 4 days. I 1-4 ORIGINAL PAGE IS OF POOR QUALITY OnJanuary 5, 1972,President RichardM.Ntxon announced thatNASA wouldproceedwiththe development ofa reusable low-costSpace Shuttlesystem. NASA andits aerospace industry contractorscontinued engineering studies throughJanuary and February of 1972; finally, on March 15, 1972, NASA announced that the Shuttle would use two solid-propellant rocket motors. The decision was based on information developed by studies which showed that the solid rocket system offered lower development cost and lower technical risk. A Vorsatllo Vohiole The Space Shuttle (fig. 1-2) is a true aerospace vehicle: it takes off like a rocket, maneuvers in Earth orbit like a spacecraft, and lands like an airplane. The Space Shuttle is designed to carry heavy loads into Earth orbit. Other launch vehicles have done this; however, unlike those vehicles which could be used just once, each Space Shuttle Orbiter may be reused more than 1 O0 times. The Shuttle permits the checkout and repair of unmanned satellites in orbit or their return to Earth for repairs that cannot be done in space. Thus, the Shuttle makes possible considerable savings in spacecraft cost. The types of satellites that the Shuttle can orbit and maintain include those involved in environmental protection, energy, weather forecasting, navigation, fishlng, farming, mapping, oceanography, and many other fields useful to man. Interplanetary spacecraft can be placed in Earth orbit by the Shuttle together with a rocket stage called the Inertial Upper Stage (IUS), which is being developed by the Department of Defense. After the IUS and the spacecraft are checked out, the IUS is ignited to accelerate the spacecraft into deep space. The IUS also will be used to boost satellites to higher Earth orbits than the Shuttle's maximum altitude, which is approximately 1000 kilometers (600 miles). Unmanned satellites such as the Space Telescope, which can multiply man's view of the universe, and the Long-Duration Exposure Facility, which can demonstrate the effects on materials of long exposure to the space environment, can be placed in orbit, erected, and returned to Earth by the Space Shuttle. Shuttle Figure 1-2.-The Space Shuttle vehicle. crews also can perform such services as replacing the film packs and lenses on the Space Telescope. The Shuttle Orbiter is a manned spacecraft, but, unlike manned spacecraft of the past, it touches down on a landing strip. The Shuttle thus eliminates the expensive recovery at sea that was necessary for the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, and Skylab spacecraft. The reusable Shuttle also has a short turnaround time. It can be refurbished and ready for another journey into space within weeks after landing. The Shuttle can quickly provide a vantage point in space for observation of interesting but transient astronomical events or of sudden weather, agricultural, or environmental crises on Earth. Information from Shuttle observations would contribute to sound decisions for dealing with such urgent matters. The Shuttle will also be used to transport a complete scientific laboratory called Spacelab into space. Developed by the European Space Agency, Spacelab is adapted to operate in zero gravity (weightlessness). Spacelab provides facilities for as many as four laboratory specialists to conduct experiments in such fields as medicine, manufacturing, astronomy, and pharmaceuticals. Spacelab remains attached to the Shuttle Orbiter throughout its mission. Upon return to Earth, it is removed from the Orbiter and outfitted for its next assignment. The Spacelab can be reused about 50 times.
A Study of ARTS: A Dual-Fuel Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV) with Launch Assist
39th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, 2003
An independent assessment of the Advanced Reusable Transportation System (ARTS) has been conducted. The ARTS concept is an all-rocket, fully reusable launch vehicle utilizing electromagnetic launch assist. ARTS is fitted with a dual-fuel main propulsion system utilizing flight proven Space Shuttle Main Engines and RD-180s. Nominally, the vehicle is intended to operate without a crew using autonomous guidance and control. Conceptual analysis shows that the vehicle could boost a payload of 48,140 lbs to a 110 nmi circular orbit in its baseline configuration. The DDT&E cost of such a system is estimated to be 8.8B(FY2003)usingexistingliquidrocketengines,whilethetotalcosttothefirstvehicleis8.8B (FY2003) using existing liquid rocket engines, while the total cost to the first vehicle is 8.8B(FY2003)usingexistingliquidrocketengines,whilethetotalcosttothefirstvehicleis11B. An alternative design configuration incorporating an additional SSME in the propulsion system is also explored. With this increased thrust, the payload potential is shown to increase to 60,770 lbs, while the cost to first vehicle rises to $12.1B. A summary of the disciplinary design tools used in this analysis, including mass properties, trajectory simulation, aerodynamics, and non-recurring cost is provided. The implementation of these tools in a collaborative design process is also discussed. NOMENCLATURE CAD
Modern Trends in the Development of Reusable Aerospace System
The project was called "Spiral" and represented as a complex system. Powerful hypersonic aircraft (weight 52 tons, length 38 m, wingspan 16.5 m), which was dispersed to six times the speed of sound (Mach = 6), then from its back at Asian Journal of Applied Sciences (ISSN: 2321 -0893) Volume 02 -Issue 01, February 2014 Asian Online Journals ( 14