WAI-ZEI Paper No. 10: The Future of the Africa-EU Partnership: Learning to think about Opportunities (original) (raw)
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Implementation of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) has taken place in a rapidly evolving political scenario at the global level and specifically within Europe and Africa. The overarching objectives identified in 2007 still remain valid, but concrete priorities now need to be adapted to the new reality. At the strategic level, a refinement of the Africa-EU partnership has become urgent following the adoption of Agenda 2063 and the EU Global Strategy. At policy level, lessons learned from the implementation of the Roadmap 2014-17 and the way ahead indicated in the Joint Communication of May 2017 should be taken into account. Ten years after its adoption and with a view to the next AU-EU Summit, being held in Abidjan on 29-30 November 2017, it is crucial to re-assess the strategy’s validity on the basis of achievements and shortfalls, also in its parliamentary dimension, with regard to the fulfilment of its objectives in an evolving context.
The EU partnership with Africa: a model lost in Translation? (Kapuscinski Development lectures)
Full lecture and debates on video: http://kapuscinskilectures.eu/lectures/eu-partnership-with-africa-model-lost-in-translation/ "During the 2000s , emerging countries and a number of corporate players have come to see the African continent as a frontier and a pioneering front. The lecture argues that such representations do not apply to the analysis of Africa-EU interactions over the same period. Implementation of the ambitious objectives assigned to the first Action Plan of the Joint Africa-EU Strategic Partnership (JAES) launched in 2007 has been hampered by poor involvement and weak mobilisation on the part of both African and European member-states. ""
The EU's 'strategic partnership'with Africa: Model or Placebo?
Africa and Europe in the 21st Century, …, 2010
The Joint Africa-EU strategy (JAES) and its Action Plan were formally adopted at the second Europe-Africa summit in Lisbon with the ambition to inaugurate a 'new era' for Europe-Africa relations. On the eve of the third Africa-European Union summit (Tripoli, November 2010) implementation remains constrained by institution-building without capacity buildin and weak mobilisation on the part of both African Union and European Union member states.
The Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) Partnership for Sustainable Development: An Analysis
Onyilo. H.A, Halidu. A., 2018
The formation and integration of political communities amongst nation-states has become major focal points in the field of international relations. The crisis of the Post War Order led to the emergence of this new global political structure, which has made obsolete the classical Westphalia concept of sovereign states in conceptualizing world politics. This paper examines The Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) adopted at the EU-Africa Lisbon Summit in 2007, as a vision for a long-term relationship between Africa and Europe where by the two are expected to come together in a shared framework for stronger collaboration. The research made use of secondary method of data collection and qualitative analysis. The findings indicate that several agreements within the Strategy signifies a bright starting point for more mutual benefits in the future for both continent in a competitive globalized setting where integration arrangements are becoming increasingly necessary. The findings equally points that Africa's historical heritage and the question of how well the Strategy will be owned by the countries and peoples of Africa and Europe are some of the issues that stands as sources of impediments to the success of South-South Journal of Humanities and international Studies The Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) Partnership for Sustainable Development 236 JAES. The study anchors its analysis on liberal integration framework and engages the crucial contention that the dominating posture of Europe must be watered-down to give room for more liberal consensus and voices by major actors and stakeholders in order to address the issue of lopsidedness and ownership of the Strategy. The paper recommends that for Africa to be more relevant and to benefit meaningfully from this relationship, were Europe occupies a superior position in terms of her level of development, Africa must speak with one voice and in the interest of the broader masses, and AU must look inward by tackling critical problems such as inadequate infrastructures and the fragile economies of most of its members.
O objectivo desta dissertação é estudar a evolução da política da UE para a África num período de sete anos entre 2000 e 2007-desde a primeira à segunda Cimeira Europa-África. A investigação pretende identificar que motivos e forças foram dominantes na UE em formar a Parceria Estratégica Conjunta entre os dois continentes e a sua importância para o posicionamento da UE no mundo. Por um lado, a investigação pretende estudar documentos relativos ao diálogo UE-África, e considerados cruciais para determinar que interesses, ideias e discursos foram dominantes; por outro lado, vai investigar documentos relacionados a estratégias paralelas durante o mesmo período igualmente considerados determinantes para a evolução da política da UE para a África. A tese é que as políticas para a África da UE devem ser vistas num contexto politico mais amplo em que a UE ambiciona projectar-se no mundo como um actor global de peso com o poder para activamente influenciar a política mundial através duma abordagem mais elaborada que passa por integrar, alinhar e coordenar diversos instrumentos de acção externa com estratégias que a conferem uma maior visibilidade no mundo. A investigação conclui que a África representa um núcleo importante de interesses para a UE. Motivos e interesses são mistos e englobam aspectos políticos, económicos, militares, de segurança, sociais, ambientais e morais. A proximidade geográfica da África, as suas relações históricas com Estados Membros da UE e baixo sensibilidade político como região em comparação por exemplo com o Médio Oriente são factores importantes que têm contribuído para um alto nível de consenso entre os Estados Membros sobre a coordenação de diferentes instrumentos políticos como maneira de estabelecer uma política externa coerente e eficaz através de iniciativas que vão desde ajuda para o desenvolvimento e ajuda humanitária a acção militar incluindo iniciativas que abrangem prevenção de conflitos, gestão de conflitos, e missões de paz.
EU and African cooperation By Sadik Hossain
It has been revealed that a new EU strategy would be put in place for Africa. The goal is to build a strong relationship with Africa. Developing a knowledge society and economy is the aim of EU-Africa academic and scientific collaboration, focusing on technical and vocational education and training, as well as on increasing skills development in conjunction with EU firms according to the DAAD report. There have been several collaborations that have taken place throughout time, but in this article, the topic of cooperation will be carefully addressed about the EU and African cooperation in terms of study, research, as well as assistance with the organizational and structural growth of African institutions. This essay also briefly addresses the African democracy which is also related to the EU-Africa cooperation and contribution.
Redefining Europe-Africa relations
36, 2021
The European Union's relations with the African continent are facing distinct challenges, with the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic making it all the more evident that the prevailing asymmetry is no longer acceptable as we move into the future. This analysis takes a closer look at economic relations between the European Union and Africa, which for some time now have been on a downward trajectory, and addresses the impact of the global pandemic at the same time. Additionally, the paper outlines the current political cooperation between the two continents and evaluates the EU's recent strategy proposal. Lastly, the key aspects of more comprehensive strategic cooperation between Europe and Africa are iden tified.