Genetic Variation among Cucurbita pepo Accessions Varying in Seed Nutrition and Seed Size (original) (raw)
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Genetic Variation among Cucurbita pepo Accessions Varying in Seed Nutrition and Seed Size
American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2019
Pumpkin seed (Cucurbita pepo L.) is a nutritionally valuable food and a significant source of income globally. Pumpkin seeds are rich in oil, protein, unsaturated fatty acids and tocopherols, which are associated with improved human health. Understanding the genetic diversity among pumpkin accessions varying in seed nutrition traits is necessary for designing sound breeding strategies for developing superior cultivars. In the current study, 26 simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers were used to assess genetic relatedness among 29 C. pepo accessions varying in seed oil, seed protein, seed-coat phenotype, seed size and fatty acid composition. The SSR markers revealed 102 alleles averaging 3.92 alleles per loci and mean polymorphic information content (PIC) of 0.44. Eleven of the markers had a PIC of ≥0.5. Ward dendrogram and principle component analysis based on seed traits grouped the genotypes into two major clusters corresponding to subspecies pepo and texana, with all the reduced-hull accessions grouping within the former. Collectively, this data suggests wide phenotypic (seed traits) and genotypic variation within C. pepo that may be exploited to develop superior reduced-hull cultivars.
This study was carried out to determine the efficacy of inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) and sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) techniques for molecular characterization some Cucurbita genotypes including naked (hull-less) seed pumpkin. Plant material consisted of sixteen genotypes belonging to Cucurbita pepo L., and four genotypes belonging to Cucurbita moschata Duchesne, and four genotypes belonging to Cucurbita maxima Duchesne. A larger part of the Cucurbita pepo genotypes (7 Turkish and 4 foreign) were seed pumpkin and some of them were naked seed types used as appetizer and/or for oil production. Morphological characterization was also done according to UPOV criteria. The sixty bands were obtained by using 8 ISSR primers and all these bands were found polymorphic. In the SRAP study, 8 primer combinations were used, a total of 71 bands were scored and all these bands were polymorphic. In the ISSR analyses, the genetic similarity coefficients varied between 0.07 and 0.96, while in SRAP it was between 0.13 – 1.0. The correlation coefficient between ISSR and SRAP genetic similarity data was very high (r = 0.947). The genetic variation as measured by ISSR and SRAP markers revealed high diversity among Cucurbita genotypes (H = 0.30, I = 0.46 and 100 % polym.). The genetic diversity among Turkish naked seed pumpkin genotypes (H = 0.09, I = 0.14 and 26.7 % polym.) was only a little less than that of the foreign accessions (H = 0.12, I = 0.18 and 32.1 % polym.). Some differences were observed between molecular and morphological studies, and it was concluded that only morphological or molecular analyses but a combination of both approaches are often more reliable in genetic variability studies in Cucurbita genus.
Genetic variation among pumpkin landraces based on seed qualities and molecular markers
Molecular Biology Reports, 2022
BACKGROUND Germplasm identification is an essential connection linking the conservation and exploitation of crop genetic resources in several plant breeding programs. This study highlights the biochemical and molecular variations in a collection of pumpkin genotypes representing four climate zones. The information could help improve germplasm management and sustainable exploitation of the neglected genotypes. METHODS AND RESULTS Chemical characterization and genetic diversity among nine Egyptian landraces of pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) were estimated using Diode Array (DDA) Near Infra-Red (NIR) technology and the Inter simple Sequence Repeat markers (ISSR). Pumpkin seeds were collected from various geographical parts of Egypt. The spectroscopic properties of pumpkin seeds were used to quantify the fat, moisture, protein, ash, fiber, and total carbohydrate contents. The ten ISSR primers generated a total number of 46 genotype-specific bands, and the total polymorphism produced in the tested landraces was 63.58%. Based on the ISSR data, the polymorphism analysis divided the nine pumpkin landraces into two main groups, two subgroups, and four sub subgroups. The most diverse pumpkin landraces were Alexandria and Sohag, with a similarity percentage of 49.6%. However, the highest calculated similarity value was 88.3% between Matruh and Gharbia. The resultant genotype-specific bands can be used as markers for future genotypic characterization of pumpkins. CONCLUSIONS The study results could be helpful in the chemical phenotypic characterization and the parental selection and planning for future breeding programs for pumpkin improvement.
Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 2018
Twenty one accessions of Cucurbita pepo and eleven accessions of Cucurbita moschata were collected from different regions of Iran and variations in fruit and seed characters evaluated during 2016-2017. The basic statistics of traits has demonstrated considerable variability among accessions. Correlation analysis revealed some important associations among studied traits. In C. pepo, a positive correlation were between seed width and fruit weight, seed weight, fruit flesh thickness, fruit cavity diameter and seed length and in C. moschata, total soluble solid (TSS) was positively correlated with fruit flesh thickness, fruit weight and fruit yield and negatively correlated with fruit weight/seed weight. PCA generalized 15 quantitative characters to five PCs in C. pepo and four PCs in C. moschata having Eigen value > 1 explaining 89.85% and 87.13% of the total variability, respectively. Cluster analysis classified C. pepo accessions into six and C. moschata accessions in five divergent groups. The result showed that in C. pepo accessions we can use cluster II members (P02 and P15) as normal seed types and P03 and P05 as naked seed types for next breeding programmes as well as seed production. Among C. moschata accessions we suggest M05 and M11 for next breeding programmes and consumption as pumpkin, also we suggest cluster I (M02 and M03) as the best accessions for consumption their fruits as pumpkin.
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2015
Cucurbita pepo is a highly diverse, economically important member of the Cucurbitaceae. C. pepo encompasses hundreds of cultivars of pumpkins, squash, and gourds. Although C. pepo has been scrutinized with various types of DNA markers, the relationships among the cultivar-groups of C. pepo subsp. pepo, the more widely grown subspecies, have not heretofore been adequately resolved. We assessed genetic relationships among 68 accessions of Cucurbita pepo, including 48 from C. pepo subsp. pepo, using polymorphisms in 539 high frequency oligonucleotide-targeting active gene (HFO-TAG) fragments, that preferably represent coding regions of the genome. Dissimilarities among accessions were calculated, a dendrogram was constructed, and principal component analyses were conducted.
Multivariate analysis of quantitative traits in Iranian pumpkin lines (Cucurbita spp.)
Pumpkin is an important plant, which is one of the oldest domesticated crops of the Neolithic revolution. In this study, seed yield production and its different components fruit length, fruit diameter, fruit length/fruit diameter ratio (FL/FD), diameter of flesh, diameter of seed core, fruit weight, weight of 1000 seed from 24 lines of pumpkin grown in Iran were examined. Twenty five characters in all plant lines were measured by a Descriptor (UPOV) and data were subjected to cluster analysis. Results showed that plant lines were divided in four groups. In all groups, regression comparisons were made for modeling the effect of different characters on seed yield, results also showed that fruit weight and fruit length in all groups had the most direct effect on seed yield. In conclusion, these traits are suggested as the best indirect selection criteria to improve the seed yield genetically in Cucurbita spp. genotypes especially in preliminary generation of breeding and selection programs.
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Genetic Divergence in Pumpkin (Cucurbita Moschata Duch Ex Poir)
A Field experiment was conducted in Research and Development farm of Lal Teer Seed Ltd. to estimate the genetic divergence among the 21 genotypes of pumpkin were estimated using D2 and principal component analyses. The genotypes under study grouped in to six clusters. The inter-cluster distance was larger than the intra-cluster distance suggesting wider genetic diversity among the genotypes of different groups. The intra-cluster value was maximum in cluster VI and minimum in cluster III. The maximum inter cluster distance average D2 value was observed between cluster I and cluster III (25.75) indicating wide range of genetic diversity between these two clusters. Thus the genetically diverged genotypes could be used as parent in hybridization program for getting desirable segregants. The lowest inter cluster divergence was observed between cluster III and IV (7.14). Cluster I showed the lowest mean values for days to first male and female flowering and highest mean values for flesh thickness, number of seeds per fruit and brix (%), while cluster VI revealed the highest mean vales for fruit diameter, single fruit weight and yield per plant. Germplasms much in use of the above mentioned characters both in cluster I and VI would offer a good scope of improvement of the crop through rational selection for hybrid breeding program.
PLOS ONE, 2020
Winter squash fruits (Cucurbita moschata D.) are among the best sources of vitamin A precursors and constitute sources of bioactive components such as phenolic compounds and flavonoids. Approximately 70% of C. moschata seed oil is made up of unsaturated fatty acids, with high levels of monounsaturated fatty acids and components such as vitamin E and carotenoids, which represent a promising nutritional aspect in the production of this vegetable. C. moschata germplasm expresses high genetic variability, especially in Brazil. We assessed 91 C. moschata accessions, from different regions of Brazil, and maintained at the UFV Vegetable Germplasm Bank, to identify early-flowering accessions with high levels of carotenoids in the fruit pulp and high yields of seed and seed oil. Results showed that the accessions have high variability in the number and mass of seeds per fruit, number of accumulated degree-days for flowering, total carotenoid content, and fruit productivity, which allowed selection for considerable gains in these characteristics. Analysis of the correlation between these characteristics provided information that will assist in selection to improve this crop. Cluster analysis resulted in the formation of 16 groups, confirming the variability of the accessions. Per se analysis identified accessions BGH-6749, BGH-5639, and BGH-219 as those with the earliest flowering. Accessions BGH-5455A and BGH-5598A had the highest carotenoid content, with averages greater than 170.00 μg g-1 of fresh mass. With a productivity of 0.13 t ha-1 , accessions BGH-5485A, BGH-4610A, and BGH-5472A were the most promising for seed oil production. These last two accessions corresponded to those with higher seed productivity, averaging 0.58 .