P.6.032 Complex partial scizure-like symptoms, dissociation and traumatic stress in depressed patients (original) (raw)

Depression, traumatic dissociation and epileptic-like phenomena


OBJECTIVES: According to recent findings trauma and stress are important etiological factors in pathogenesis of depression. As characteristic features of depressive cognition have been reported intrusive thoughts and memory disturbances similar to postraumatic symptoms known in patiens with posttraumatic stress disorder or dissociative disorders. Hypothetically is also suggested a close relationship of traumatic dissociation and epileptic-like phenomena. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: In the clinical study were assessed 70 adult people with a diagnosis of depression and 50 healthy controls. In the assessment were used 6 measures for symptoms of dissociation, depression, traumatic stress and psychosenzoric symptoms of epileptic origin (the so-called complex partial seizure-like symptoms). RESULTS: Reported data show that a great number of depressive patients who met the cut-off score for dissociative disorders (34.2%, N=24) had significantly higher traumatization, depression, subjectively experienced stress and complex partial seizure-like symptoms than the whole group of patients and the controls. Most significant traumatization has been found in patients who met the cut-off score of psychosenzoric epileptic-like symptoms which is characteristic for the epilepsy spectrum disorder (5.7%, N=4). MAIN FINDINGS: Significant correlations of these assessed symptoms suggest close relationship between traumatic stress and dissociation in depression. This close relationship of dissociative symptomatology and traumatic stress also implicates an important role of dissociative processes in depression as a typical manifestation of depressive cognition. Assessed relationship between traumatic distress and complex partial seizure-like symptoms suggests a possible role of epilepticlike phenomena in dissociative states related to depression. CONCLUSIONS: Assessed relationship between traumatization, depression and epileptic-like phenomena in the patients who met cut-off score for epilepsy spectrum disorder can contribute to the problem of indication of several depressive patients to anticonvulsant therapy because of reported evidence that a clear majority of patients with epilepsy spectrum disorder respond well to anticonvulsant treatment. Careful assessment of this test battery thus may be useful also for anticonvulsant treatment strategy.

Textbook of Psychiatry

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Alzheimer's disease and genes involved in neuronal cholinergic transmission: A case-control association study in a Sardinian sample

Background: Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by an extensive loss of cholinergic neurons, and their cortical projections, from the basal forebrain area. The resulting reduction in cholinergic activity is associated with decreased levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine (ACh), decreased activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), and increased butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) activity. In the present study, we investigated the possible involvement of AChE, ChAT and BChE polymorphisms in the pathogenesis of AD. Methods: AD patients (n 1⁄4 158), exclusively of Sardinian ancestry (parents, grandparents and great-grandparents), were recruited from the Unit of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Neurosciences, University of Cagliari, and Division of Geriatrics Local Health Agency 8. Patients were diagnosed according to DSM-IV, and National Institute of Neurologic and Communicative Disorders and Stroke – AD and Related Disorders Association (NINCDS...

Psychiatric Comorbidities of Epilepsy: A Review

One of the most important issues not linked to the pharmocological control of seizures is the assessment of comorbidities in PWE. These patients have an increased risk for cognitive, behavioral, and psychosocial disorders. By the way, not only a poor control of

Efficacy and safety of pharmacotherapy in cancer-related psychiatric disorders across the trajectory of cancer care: A review

International Review of Psychiatry, 2014

At least 25 -30% of patients with cancer and an even higher percentage of patients in an advanced phase of illness meet the criteria for a psychiatric diagnosis, including depression, anxiety, stress-related syndromes, adjustment disorders, sleep disorders and delirium. A number of studies have accumulated over the last 35 years on the use of psychotropic drugs as a pillar in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. Major advances in psycho-oncology research have also shown the effi cacy of psychotropic drugs as adjuvant treatment of cancer-related symptoms, such as pain, hot fl ushes, pruritus, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, and cognitive impairment. The knowledge about pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics, clinical use, safety, side effects and effi cacy of psychotropic drugs in cancer care is essential for an integrated and multidimensional approach to patients treated in different settings, including community-based centres, oncology, and palliative care. A search of the major databases (MEDLINE, Embase, PsycLIT, PsycINFO, the Cochrane Library) was conducted in order to summarize relevant data concerning the effi cacy and safety of pharmacotherapy for cancer-related psychiatric disorders in cancer patients across the trajectory of the disease.