Esta noche ha pasado Raquel Quijano Feliciano: una mirada a Ingeniera del papel/ Raquel Quijano Has Stopped By Here Tonight: A Look to Ingeniera del papel (original) (raw)

Teatro, historia reciente y censura: El tipo que vino a la función (2014) de Raquel Diana


This study of Raquel Diana’s El tipo que vino a la funcion (Florencio Sanchez Prize 2015) is part of a larger project, which directs and frames our inquiry, wherein we investigate the way in which contemporary Uruguayan theater “looks back” in order to (re)imagine and tell the story of the Recent Past —that is, the military dictatorship (1973-1985), its antebellum and its aftermath. Yet, this, and other similar studies intend as well to question a number of established notions about the dictatorship (such as “the cultural shutdown”, the theory of “the two evils”), to illuminate other matters and questions (“other territories” of memory) that have not been explored and registered by theater and other discourses, and lastly, to identify a number of new themes and ways of re/presenting, dealing, and positioning (a new poetics) devised by contemporary playwrights to relate to the past, something that seems to be a sign of the times.

Basura de Nick Quijano: arte, desecho y conciencia

Revista Visión Doble, 2013

La exhibición Basura, del artista Nick Quijano, abrió sus puertas en el Museo de Las Américas, San Juan, el 6 de diciembre de 2012. Esta contiene más de cien obras, entre ellas ensamblaje, instalación, pintura y fotografía realizadas a lo largo de tres décadas de la carrera del artista, en su mayoría utilizando desperdicios encontrados en la Playa Cascajo de La Perla. Abstract: Basura [Trash], an exhibition by artist Nick Quijano, opened doors in The Museo de Las Américas (Museum of The Americas), San Juan, on December 6, 2012. Basura shows more than one hundred artworks, including assemblage, painting and photography, made over three decades of the artist's career, using, in most cases, waste material found in Cascajo Beach, in La Perla.