The substructure of a Quantum Oscillator field (original) (raw)

The Origin of the Color Charge into Quarks

Journal of High Energy Physics, Gravitation and Cosmology

Showing the origin of the mass in an additional coupling between field quantum oscillators, we formulate a hypothesis of a geometrical structure of the oscillators of "fields-particles". In this way, we define the possible structure of quarks and hadrons (as the proton). This hypothesis is reasonable if one admits field oscillators composed by sub-oscillators at semi-quantum (IQuO) and in which a degree of internal freedom is definable. Using the IQuO model, we find the origin of the sign of electric charge in to particles and, in quarks, the isospin, the strangeness and colour charge. Finally, we formulate the structure of the gluons and the variation modality of the colour charge in quarks.

A New Paradigm in the Physics of Hadrons and their Interactions

Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 2020

Here, we report a summary of some works already published. We highlight the existence of a new paradigm in physics of hadrons, based on the idea that quarks, and hadrons are geometric structures of coupled quantum oscillators. The geometric form is "Aurea" (golden), and, so, the representative model is called Aurum Geometric Model (AGM). To realize these structures, the quantum oscillators must be to structure at sub-oscillators, and half-quanta (IQO). To a structure-particle, we associate a structure equation, and, by, an appropriate mathematic procedure, we find the values of hadronic masses, like quarks, mesons, and nucleons.

Algebra of Subquark Charges

Progress of Theoretical Physics, 1980

The algebra of subquark charges is discussed in a subquark model in which leptons and quarks are made of an isospin-doublet spin or subquark "wakem" and a color-quartet scalar subquark "chrom ". The unitarity of the quark (or lepton) mixing matrix for the weak charged currents is shown to hold due to the SU(2) algebra of subquark isospin charges. It is also shown that the mixing matrix element decreases as fast as or faster than the inverse of quark (or lepton) mass difference. If isospin-color changing supersymmetric charges of subquark are included, the algebra is not closed. The energy-momentum operator can, however, be expressed as the supersymmetric charge squared as usual if there are twice as many chroms as wakems, which is the case. Possible symmetry-breaking and quantum number dependence of the lepton and quark mass spectra are conjectured. § l.

Subatomic Particle Structures and Unified Field Theory Based on Yangton and Yington Hypothetical Theory

A hypothetical theory of a Yangton and Yington circulating pair with an inter-attractive “Force of Creation” is proposed as the “Origin of Creation”. When this circulating pair travels in the space it is known as “Photon”. Otherwise, at still, it is known as “Wu’s Particles” also as “Still Photon”, which makes the basic building block of all matters. The structures of Quarks, Neutrinos, Higgs Boson particles, Electron, Positron, Proton, Neutron, and Dark Matters are proposed based on “Wu’s Particles”. Also, it is assumed that “Force of Creation” is the only fundamental force in the universe that could create and unify the Four Basic Forces. Gravitation is formed by the attractive force between two Higgs Boson particles with String Structures that are made of “Wu’s Particles” of the same circulation direction. Electromagnetism is however generated between two atoms both with single outer layer Electron that are attractive to each other while spinning in the same direction and repulsive in the opposite directions. Both the Weak Force between Neutron and Positron as well as the Strong Force between two Neutrons also between Proton and Neutron are proposed and interpreted based on “Wu’s particles” and “Force of Creation”.

The Quantized Structure of the Electron and the Positron. the Neutrino

viXra, 2019

What is an electron? Previously, we believed that an electron has an electric charge and mass that are inseparable from each other. In the theory of Superunification, an entire electric quark is used as the electron charge. An electric quark has no mass. The mass of an electron is formed as a result of spherical deformation of quantised spacetime around a central electric charge-quark. Thus itself electric quark cannot be in a free state without mass inside the quantised space-time. Inside a quantised space-time an electric quark acquires mass. The same applies to the quantized positron structure. When the electron and positron approach each other, they annihilate. After annihilation, electric quarks form an electric dipole in the form of an electron neutrino that has no mass. The destruction of spherical deformation around the electron and positron leads to the release of the electromagnetic energy of their mass through the emission of gamma rays. 4 .1. Introduction This study is a continuation of [1,2] concerned with the theory of Superintegration with special reference to investigations of the structure of the electron and the positron. Regardless of the fact that these particles

Sub quantum space and interactions properties from photon structure to fermions and bosons

Scientific Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences

B S T R A C T This article is based on a concept; "During the conversion of energy into mass, the interaction properties between the Sub Quantum Energies (SQEs) are transferred from photon to fermions and bosons". We have accepted that nature of gravity is quantized, but according to the behavior of photons in the gravitational field, we provide a new definition of gravitons. Then we explain the relationship between gravity and electromagnetic energy. According to the experimental observations, we generalize the Maxwell equations of electromagnetism to the gravitational field. We use the pair production and decay to show that a charged particle acts like a generator, the generator input and output are gravitons and virtual photon. The negative charged particle produces positive virtual photon and positive charged particle produces negative virtual photon. A negative and a positive virtual photon combine with each other in the vicinity of a charged particle and cause the charged particle to accelerate. Although this approach to Quantum Field Theory (QFT) is presented, it has some differences. The mechanism of negative and positive virtual photons interaction is easier and more realistic than exchange particles of QFT, and it also has no ambiguities of QFT. After all, we explain the real photon and its structure by using the virtual photons. Regarding the equivalence of mass-energy and the photon structure, structure of matter was explained. Then we will explain the relationship between speed and spontaneous symmetry breaking, when the particles linear speed is reduced, physical symmetry, one after the other is broken spontaneously.

Remarks on Zwanziger's local quantum field theory of electric and magnetic charge

Physical Review D, 1978

Various aspects of Zwanziger's local Lagrangian formulation of a relativistic quantum field theory of electric and magnetic charge are investigated with a view toward determining the consistency of the theory. A slight generalization of the classical particle theo' is first studied and shown to be equivalent to the morefamiliar nonlocal formulations due to Yan and Schwinger and to Dirac. The actions for each of these theories must first be altered so that the correct Lorentz force law results even if a charged-particle trajectory intersects a solenoidal "string" attached to each monopole. The resultant actions are then seen to be invariant under combined string rotations and (singular) gauge transformations. The duality invariance (i.e,, invariance under interchange of electri'c and magnetic quantities) of these theories is also discussed. For the quantum field theory, it is shown how the boundary conditions are to be chosen so that one has rotational invariance about the string direction n, boost invariance along n, and duality invariance. The condition for full Lorentz invariance is discussed and it is argued that the Lorentz invariance of the classical and firstquantized theories suggests what is necessary in order that the quantum field theory is also Lorentz invariant. The Feynman rules for the theory are confirmed from the Faddeev-Popov ansatz, and their unitarity is explicitly verified. It is also shown that there are no unphysical intermediate states (if duality invariance is maintained), that the bare electric and magnetic charges are renormalized by the same factor, and that the theory is infrared-free.

Charge algebra within infinite particles

Il Nuovo Cimento A, 1973

Smnmary.-This paper is devoted to the study of angular conditions in the saturation of the chiral charge algebra at p~ ~ co within infinite one-particle states. We show that the previously introduced operator u(OZ) cannot suffice to satisfy covarianee oonstraints. The scheme of quarks in a harmonic potential is preserved and a closed but physically unsatisfactory solution is given. Later on, using the whole harmonic-oscillator algebra we present an adiabatic perturbative method which allows us to satisfy angular conditions step by step at any order and overcomes all the difficulties of the first solution. Some phcnomenological considerations are then developed. 1.-Introduction.

The Elementary Particles of Quantum Fields


The elementary particles of relativistic quantum field theory are not simple field quanta, as has long been assumed. Rather, they supplement quantum fields, on which they depend on but to which they are not reducible, as shown here with particles defined instead as a unified collection of properties that appear in both physical symmetry group representations and field propagators. This notion of particle provides consistency between the practice of particle physics and its basis in quantum field theory.