Overtaking Collisions of Ion Acoustic N-Shocks in a Collisionless Plasma with Pair-Ion and (α, q) Distribution Function for Electrons (original) (raw)

Ion-Acoustic Shock Waves in Nonextensive Multi-Ion Plasmas

Communications in Theoretical Physics, 2015

The nonlinear propagation of ion-acoustic (IA) shock waves (SHWs) in a nonextensive multi-ion plasma system (consisting of inertial positive light ions as well as negative heavy ions, noninertial nonextensive electrons and positrons) has been studied. The reductive perturbation technique has been employed to derive the Burgers equation. The basic properties (polarity, amplitude, width, etc.) of the IA SHWs are found to be significantly modified by the effects of nonextensivity of electrons and positrons, ion kinematic viscosity, temperature ratio of electrons and positrons, etc. It has been observed that SHWs with positive and negative potential are formed depending on the plasma parameters. The findings of our results obtained from this theoretical investigation may be useful in understanding the characteristics of IA SHWs both in laboratory and space plasmas.

Nonplanar Ion-acoustic Shock Waves in a Multi-ion Plasma with Nonextensive Electrons and Positrons

Journal of the Korean Physical Society, 2015

The basic features of ion-acoustic shock waves (IASHWs) in a multi-ion nonextensive plasma (containing positive light ions, negative heavy ions, as well as nonextensive electrons and positrons) have been rigorously investigated in a nonplanar geometry. The standard reductive perturbation method has been employed to derive the Modified Burgers (MB) equation. The combined effects of the electron and positron nonextensivity, and the ion kinematic viscosity significantly have been found to modify the basic properties of these electrostatic shock structures. The properties of the cylindrical and the spherical IASHWs are observed to differ significantly from those of one-dimensional planar waves. The findings obtained from this theoretical investigation may be useful in understanding the characteristics of IASHWs both in space and laboratory plasmas.

Ion-acoustic shock waves in nonextensive electron-positron-ion plasma

Chinese Physics Letters, 2015

A rigorous theoretical investigation has been made of ion-acoustic shock structures in an unmagnetized three-component plasma whose constituents are nonextensive electrons, nonextensive positrons, and inertial ions. The Burgers equation is derived by employing the reductive perturbation method. The effects of electron and positron nonextensivity and ion kinematic viscosity on the properties of these ion-acoustic shock waves are briefly discussed. It has been found that shock waves with positive and negative potential are obtained depending on the plasma parameters. The entailment of our results may be useful to understand some astrophysical and cosmological scenarios like stellar polytropes, hadronic matter and quark-gluon plasma, protoneutron stars, darkmatter halos, etc. where effects of nonextensivity can play the significant roles.

Electrostatic shock structures in nonextensive plasma with two distinct temperature electrons

Brazilian Journal of Physics, 2015

The nonlinear dynamics of the dust-acoustic shock waves in a dusty plasma containing negatively charged mobile dust, nonextensive electrons with two distinct temperatures, and Maxwellian ions have been investigated by deriving the Burgers equation. The normal mode analysis is used to examine the linear properties of dust-acoustic (DA) waves. It has been observed that the properties of the DA shock waves (SHWs) are significantly modified by nonextensivity of the electrons, electron temperature-ratios, and the respective number densities of two species of electrons. A critical value of nonextensivity is found for which shock structures transit from positive to negative potential. The shock waves with positive and negative potential are obtained depending on the plasma parameters. The entailments of our results may be useful to understand the structures and the characteristics of DASHWs both in laboratory and astrophysical plasma system.

Ion-acoustic Shock Waves in a Magnetized Plasma Featuring Super-thermal Distribution

AIP Advances (USA), 2021

A theoretical investigation has been made on the propagation of ion-acoustic shock waves in a magnetized pair-ion plasma having inertial warm positive and negative ions and inertialess super-thermal electrons and positrons. The well known Burgers equation has been derived by employing the reductive perturbation method. The plasma model supports both positive and negative shock structures under consideration of super-thermal electrons and positrons. It is found that the oblique angle (δ) enhances the magnitude of the amplitude of both positive and negative shock profiles. It is also observed that the steepness of the shock profiles decreases with the kinematic viscosity of the ion and the height of the shock profile increases (decreases) with the mass of the positive (negative) ion. The implications of the results have been briefly discussed for space and laboratory plasmas.