The Application of Improved Metaphor Analysis in Education Research (original) (raw)

Methodological and Contextual Investigation of Metaphor Analysis Studies in the Field of Educational Administration

Kastamonu Eğitim Dergisi, 2018

Bu çalışma , 2007-2016 yılları arasında Türkiye'de bilimsel dergilerde eğitim yönetimi alanında yayımlanmış olan metafor analizi makalelerinin genel durumunu ortaya koymayı amaçlanmaktadır. Bu çalışma nitel tarama yöntemi ile tasarlanmıştır. Araştırmanın örnek-lemini 38 makale oluşturmaktadır. Veri toplama tekniği olarak doküman incelemesinden yararlanılmıştır. En fazla sayıda makalenin 2014 yılında ve iki yazar tarafından yayımlandığı, en sık tercih edilen yönteminin nitel araştırma yöntemi olduğu, öğretmen adaylarının sıklıkla örneklem seçiminde tercih edildiği ve en çok kullanılan analiz yönteminin içerik analizi olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Metafor aracılığı ile ifade edilen kavramların yoğunlukla işlev ve özelliğine göre temalara ayrıldığı araştırma sonuçları arasındadır.

Metaphor analysis in the educational discourse: A critical review

US-China Foreign Language, 2010

英文摘要 Metaphor analysis is based on the belief that metaphor is a powerful linguistic device, because it extends and encapsulates knowledge about the familiarity and unfamiliarity. Metaphor analysis has been adopted in the educational discourse. The ...

The power of metaphors in the educational discourse

New Trends and Issues Proceedings on Humanities and Social Sciences , 2016

The aim of this study is to analyse metaphors of power present in the educational discourse, with specific emphasis on the Romanian educational landscape. The research involved questionnaires and interviews with students preparing to become teachers, teacher trainees enrolled on the teacher education module at the University of Alba Iulia, Romania, with students of other disciplines and with beginning teachers. The insights into the educational discourse and the way in which different metaphors, used almost unawares by the different discourse participants have provided us with a deeper understanding of how our future, our career path, attitudes and ideals are shaped by the way in which teachers talk to us.

Conceptual Metaphor in Educational Discourse

Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia, 2015

Studying the functions and types of metaphors in the educational discourse (pedagogical metaphorology) is a scientific direction, actively developed in North America, Europe and other regions. Such research is being conducted in Russia as well, but the results are little known abroad. This overview describes the major achievements of the Russian pedagogical metaphorology, differentiates its leading areas of interest, analyzes methods and heuristics. The conclusion describes the system of pedagogical metaphors being dependent on living conditions and educational system, the author's philosophy and personality, his views on education, on the collaboration of teachers, students and parents.

Metaphors as a Bridge to Understanding Educational and Social Contexts

International Journal of Qualitative Methods

Educational researchers and practitioners are frequently asking questions about how better to understand educational theory and practice. Through the years, they have employed a variety of both quantitative and qualitative methods to elucidate the world of education. In this article, the author explores the epistemological legitimacy of metaphor analysis as a viable means for qualitative educational inquiry. In so doing, he explores the concepts of the theory of abduction, educational research and social constructivism, categories of metaphors, and metaphorical analysis in educational research. In addition, a review of the literature on educational research that uses metaphor analysis as the primary methodology revealed five major themes.

High school students conceptions about learning and instruction: A metaphor analysis

Journal of pedagogical research, 2020

In this study, we aimed to investigate the metaphorical conceptions of high school students in Turkey about "learning" and "instruction". For the selection of the participants, stratified sampling, one of the purposive sampling methods, was adopted. The participating students completed the prompts-which were also the data collection instruments-"learning is like… because…" and "instruction is like… because…" to indicate their conceptualizations about learning and instruction. The data were analyzed using content analysis technique. In order to ensure the validity of the study, the data analysis process was described in detail, the findings were presented without any comment on, and an expert's opinion was received to confirm whether metaphors under conceptual categories were represented in conceptual category. To ensure the reliability of the findings, a colleague was asked to match sample metaphorical images with the conceptual categories. The results of the study showed that high school students developed a total of 71 valid metaphors clustered under totally nine (five for learning theme and four for instruction theme) main conceptual categories.

An examination of the validity of metaphor analysis studies: Problems with metaphor elicitation techniques

Metaphor and the Social World, 2011

The last decade has seen a large number of studies employing metaphor elicitation techniques, especially using ‘X is (like) Y’ format to investigate language teachers’ and learners’ understandings of teaching and/or learning. Although a few recent studies have reported the proportion of unsuccessful answers to this type of task, and identified a number of issues connected with task difficulty, there appears to be little published work that has seriously addressed the validity of the method used. The aims of this paper are therefore to explore the discourse and contexts where failure/difficulty with the metaphor elicitation task occurs, to try and understand what causes the problems and to suggest approaches to resolving them. In so doing, this paper reports on two small-scale metaphor analysis studies that were primarily designed to reduce the incidence of difficulty with ‘X is (like) Y’ metaphor prompts, presenting the perceived reasons for the difficulties and discussing possible ...

Metaphors as a Source of Teachers' Representations

Based on the understanding of the metaphor and on representation concepts, this study investigates implicit metaphors which were categorized in order to reveal the representations that the teachers have of their own role. The data were analyzed according to the thematic contents proposed by BRONCKART (1997) in his methodological proposal for linguistic analysis. The reflections are based on data obtained from a questionnaire answered by one group of Brazilian State School English teachers who are participants in a program of continuing education.

The Importance of teaching ‘Metaphors’ in the Educational System

The Fountain Magazine, 2014

Most people have a knowledge of what metaphor is about. Some have encountered them in poetry and literature and most of us take advantage of this figurative language during a conversation. According to Gibbs (1994), a study revealed that people in ordinary discourse make use of 1.08 novel and 4.08 “frozen metaphors” per minute during a conversation. John Lakoff and Mark Johnson published a book on “Metaphors we live by” in the 1980. The theory argues that metaphors are abundant in language due to the fact that they portray metaphorical thoughts. The idea is provided from Lakoff and Johnson’s book; “Metaphors as linguistic expressions are possible precisely because there are metaphors in a person’s conceptual system” (Lakoff and Johnson 2003: 6).A conceptual metaphor exists in the mind of the speaker thus it may be unconscious.