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Sandro Carocci, Marco Vendittelli, Casali, castelli e villaggi della Campagna Romana nei secoli XII e XIII, in Sulle orme di Jean Coste. Roma e il suo territorio nel tardo medioevo, Atti della Giornata di studio, Roma, 29 novembre 2004, a cura di P. Delogu e A. Esposito, Roma 2009, pp. 37-51

CASTIGLIA 2018, “Si legitur in villa: il rapporto tra chiese e ville nella Toscana centro-settentrionale in età tardo antica e altomedievale”, in “Amoenitas. Rivista Internazionale di Studi Miscellanei sulla Villa Romana Antica”, 6 (2017), pp. 43-60.

The present paper aims to outline the relations between roman villas and their subsequent reuse as ecclesiastical buildings during Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages. This is notoriously a theme widely debated among scholars, whose interpretations have been often divergent: on the hand, some argue that until the late 6th century AD the ecclesiastical hierarchies did not have any control over these rural foundations, while, on the other hand, some claim that the foundation of ecclesiae within former settlements couldn’t have been possible without a permission by the bishop. In this paper, we will mainly deal with these topics, relevant to the northern part of present day Tuscany, by analysing the archaeological and historical debate on the territory, then the single known cases and, in the end, we will outline some trends.