Kurikulum Tersembunyi sebagai Strategi Internalisasi Nilai-Nilai Pendidikan Islam (original) (raw)

Internalisasi nilai-nilai Islami adalah upaya untuk memasukkan nilai-nilai yang baik agar menyatu dalam diri manusia dan diwujudkan melalui sikap ataupun perilaku yang sesuai dengan ajaran Islam. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dari proses internalisasi nilai-nilai ini yaitu pengetahuan (knowing) dan keterampilan melaksanakan (doing) kedalam pribadi seseorang (being)”. Dalam hal ini lebih dikenal dengan istilah aspek kognitif, psikomotor, dan afektif. Adapun strategi yang digunakan dalam menginternalisasikan nilai-nilai Islami yaitu melalui: keteladanan, pembiasaan, nasihat, dan hukuman. Dari proses internalisasi nilai-nilai Islami tersebut maka nilai-nilai yang diperoleh ada dua macam yaitu: pertama nilai ilahiyah (nilai beriman dan bertaqwa, bersyukur, ikhlas, taat, dan tawakal), dan yang kedua nilai insaniyyah (nilai Amanah, amal shaleh, tanggung jawab, jujur, pemaaf, serta adil).

The discourse on the hidden curriculum has not yet been scientifically touched upon in studies oriented towards curriculum in the Indonesian context. Therefore, this qualitative research seeks to address the discourse on the hidden curriculum. This study aimed to investigate the implementation of the hidden curriculum in the Islamic religious education subject at SMA Negeri 1 Rejang Lebong. Informants in the study were the Principal of SMAN 1 Rejang Lebong and Islamic Education Teachers. The data were garnered using in-depth interviews with the informants. The data were then analyzed using an interactive model. This study found that SMA Negeri 1 Rejang Lebong had implemented the hidden curriculum effectively. The implementation of the hidden curriculum included the integration of local culture with marriage-teaching materials and the use of references to the Kitab Kuning published by Middle Eastern countries as additions and reinforcements. The hidden curriculum was also implemented...

Berdasarkan perkembangan situasi pendidikan pada masa pandemi Covid 19 dewasa ini, kondisi pembelajaran siswa sangat menghawatirkan, beberapa penelitian menuturkan dampak dari pembelajaran daring yang tidak tersentuh dengan pendidikan karakter anak, dampak dari tidak adanya pendidikan karakter adalah perilaku penyimpangan akan terjadi pada anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan menganalisis bahan primer dan bahan sekunder serta mencari sumber tersier dari surat kabar. Hasil penelitian ini menghasilkan bahwasanya pendidikan karakter sangatlah penting dan diperlukan terutama dengan perkembangan situasi di tengah pandemi covid sekarang ini, solusi alternatif dalam penerapan pendidikan karakter adalah pondok pesantren yang salah satu penerapannya terjadi di pondok Gontor dengan pola pendidikan karakter berbasis hidden curriculum Gontor menerapkan pembentukan karakter yang menghasilkan alumni alumni yang berkualitas dan berakhlakul karimah.

The curriculum is a program that is planned and implemented to achieve goals. Therefore the implementation of an education requires a concept that functions to be a tool that can always be changed according to the times. This study analyzes the concepts of the curriculum and curriculum of Islamic Education which includes understanding, curriculum components, and characteristics. The method used in this study is the library research method and the results obtained that the curriculum includes a variety of detailed student activity plans in the form of educational materials, suggestions for teaching and learning strategies, program settings to be applied, and things that includes activities aimed at achieving the desired target/goal. Similarly, in the Islamic Education curriculum must pay attention to a number of things including in accordance with human nature, including the interests of Muslims in general, are realistic, comprehensive, and continuity.

Students in Islamic schools are expected to achieve the indicators of spiritual intelligence that have been predefined in the Learning Implementation Plan. However, in reality the values internalized to obtain the spiritual competence have not been able to completely change the characters of the students.This study aimed to analyze and to evaluate the achievement indicators of Islamic spiritual value competence, the methods of internalizing Islamic spiritual values, and the factors influencing the internalization of Islamic spiritual values for the students at two private Madrasah Aliyah (Islamic senior high schools), Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa and Darul Ihsan. The study used a qualitative approach, conducted in Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa and Darul Ihsan from April 2016 to August 2018. Data collection techniques were interview, observation, self-assessment, peer assessment, and documentation. Data analysis was done by organizing and codifying the data, enriching the theory, interpreting d...

Social attitude is one of the character values that every student must have as a provision in living life in the community to materialize a harmonious and peaceful community condition. The subjects of Islamic Religious education (PAI) have a very strategic role in the cultivation of social attitudes to the students through the development of the PAI hidden curriculum. This research aims to analyze the implementation of the hidden curriculum of Islamic Religious Education (PAI) at State Junior High School 9 Yogyakarta and its implications for the formation of learners ' social attitudes. This type of research used is qualitative descriptive-analytic. The research subject is chosen purposive, which includes the headmaster, vice-principal of student affairs, PAI teacher, guidance and counseling teacher, and learners. Data collection techniques are conducted through interviews, observations, and documentation and then analyzed using the reduction, presentation, conclusion/verificat...