On the relationship between dense water formation and the “Meridional Overturning Cell” in the North Atlantic Ocean (original) (raw)
Related papers
Climate Dynamics, 2005
We investigate the formation process and pathways of deep water masses in a coupled ice-ocean model of the Arctic and North Atlantic Oceans. The intent is to determine the relative roles of these water masses from the different source regions (Arctic Ocean, Nordic Seas, and Subpolar Atlantic) in the meridional overturning circulation. The model exhibits significant decadal variability in the deep western boundary current and the overturning circulation. We use detailed diagnostics to understand the process of water mass formation in the model and the resulting effects on the North Atlantic overturning circulation. Particular emphasis is given to the multiple sources of North Atlantic Deep Water, the dominant deep water masses of the world ocean. The correct balance of Labrador Sea, Greenland Sea and Norwegian Sea sources is difficult to achieve in climate models, owing to small-scale sinking and convection processes. The global overturning circulation is described as a function of potential temperature and salinity, which more clearly signifies dynamical processes and clarifies resolution problems inherent to the high latitude oceans. We find that fluxes of deep water masses through various passages in the model are higher than observed estimates. Despite the excessive volume flux, the Nordic Seas overflow waters are diluted by strong mixing and enter the Labrador Sea at a lighter density. Through strong subpolar convection, these waters along with other North Atlantic water masses are converted into the densest waters [similar density to Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW)] in the North Atlantic. We describe the diminished role of salinity in the Labrador Sea, where a shortage of buoyant surface water (or excess of high salinity water) leads to overly strong convection. The result is that the Atlantic overturning circulation in the model is very sensitive to the surface heat flux in the Labrador Sea and hence is correlated with the North Atlantic Oscillation. As strong subpolar convection is found in other models, we discuss broader implications.
Ocean Dynamics, 2004
A numerical model of the Atlantic Ocean was used to study the low-frequency variability of meridional transports in the North Atlantic. The model shows a similar behaviour as the ones used in previous studies, and the temporal variability of certain variables compares favorably to observed time series. By changing the depth and width of the sills between the subpolar North Atlantic and the Nordic Seas the mean horizontal and overturning circulation as well as some water mass properties are modified significantly. The reaction of meridional oceanic transports to atmospheric forcing fluctuations, however, remains unchanged. The critical role of the surface heat flux retroaction term for the meridional heat transport in stand-alone ocean models is discussed. The experiments underline the role of atmospheric variability for fluctuations of the large-scale ocean circulation on time scales from years to decades, and they support the hypothesis that the mean overturning strength is controlled by the model representation of the density of the overflow water masses.
Impact of Labrador Sea Convection on the North Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation
Journal of Physical Oceanography, 2007
The overturning and horizontal circulations of the Labrador Sea are deduced from a composite vertical section across the basin. The data come from the late-spring/early-summer occupations of the World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) AR7W line, during the years 1990-97. This time period was chosen because it corresponded to intense wintertime convection-the deepest and densest in the historical record-suggesting that the North Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC) would be maximally impacted. The composite geostrophic velocity section was referenced using a mean lateral velocity profile from float data and then subsequently adjusted to balance mass. The analysis was done in depth space to determine the net sinking that results from convection and in density space to determine the diapycnal mass flux (i.e., the transformation of light water to Labrador Sea Water). The mean overturning cell is calculated to be 1 Sv (1 Sv ϵ 10 6 m 3 s Ϫ1 ), as compared with a horizontal gyre of 18 Sv. The total water mass transformation is 2 Sv. These values are consistent with recent modeling results. The diagnosed heat flux of 37.6 TW is found to result predominantly from the horizontal circulation, both in depth space and density space. These results suggest that the North Atlantic MOC is not largely impacted by deep convection in the Labrador Sea.
Climate Dynamics, 2009
Seawater property changes in the North Atlantic Ocean affect the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC), which transports warm water northward from the upper ocean and contributes to the temperate climate of Europe, as well as influences climate globally. Previous observational studies have focused on salinity and freshwater variability in the sinking region of the North Atlantic, since it is believed that a freshening North Atlantic basin can slow down or halt the flow of the AMOC. Here we use available data to show the importance of how density patterns over the upper ocean of the North Atlantic affect the strength of the AMOC. For the longterm trend, the upper ocean of the subpolar North Atlantic is becoming cooler and fresher, whereas the subtropical North Atlantic is becoming warmer and saltier. On a multidecadal timescale, the upper ocean of the North Atlantic has generally been warmer and saltier since 1995. The heat and salt content in the subpolar North Atlantic lags that in the subtropical North Atlantic by about 8-9 years, suggesting a lower latitude origin for the temperature and salinity anomalies. Because of the opposite effects of temperature and salinity on density for both longterm trend and multidecadal timescales, these variations do not result in a density reduction in the subpolar North Atlantic for slowing down the AMOC. Indeed, the variations in the meridional density gradient between the subpolar and subtropical North Atlantic Ocean suggest that the AMOC has become stronger over the past five decades. These observed results are supported by and consistent with some oceanic reanalysis products.
Climate Dynamics, 2008
A preindustrial climate experiment was conducted with the third version of the CNRM global atmosphere-ocean-sea ice coupled model (CNRM-CM3) for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report (IPCC AR4). This experiment is used to investigate the main physical processes involved in the variability of the North Atlantic ocean convection and the induced variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (MOC). Three ocean convection sites are simulated, in the Labrador, Irminger and Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian (GIN) Seas in agreement with observations. A mechanism linking the variability of the Arctic sea ice cover and convection in the GIN Seas is highlighted. Contrary to previous suggested mechanisms, in CNRM-CM3 the latter is not modulated by the variability of freshwater export through Fram Strait. Instead, the variability of convection is mainly driven by the variability of the sea ice edge position in the Greenland Sea. In this area, the surface freshwater balance is dominated by the freshwater input due to the melting of sea ice. The ice edge position is modulated either by northwestward geostrophic current anomalies or by an intensification of northerly winds. In the model, stronger than average northerly winds force simultaneous intense convective events in the Irminger and GIN Seas. Convection interacts with the thermohaline circulation on timescales of 5-10 years, which translates into MOC anomalies propagating southward from the convection sites.
Ocean Science, 2014
We investigate the respective role of variations in subpolar deep water formation and Nordic Seas overflows for the decadal to multidecadal variability of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (AMOC). This is partly done by analysing long (order of 1000 years) control simulations with five coupled climate models. For all models, the maximum influence of variations in subpolar deep water formation is found at about 45 • N, while the maximum influence of variations in Nordic Seas overflows is rather found at 55 to 60 • N. Regarding the two overflow branches, the influence of variations in the Denmark Strait overflow is, for all models, substantially larger than that of variations in the overflow across the Iceland-Scotland Ridge. The latter might, however, be underestimated, as the models in general do not realistically simulate the flow path of the Iceland-Scotland overflow water south of the Iceland-Scotland Ridge. The influence of variations in subpolar deep water formation is, on multimodel average, larger than that of variations in the Denmark Strait overflow. This is true both at 45 • N, where the maximum standard deviation of decadal to multidecadal AMOC variability is located for all but one model, and at the more classical latitude of 30 • N. At 30 • N, variations in subpolar deep water formation and Denmark Strait overflow explain, on multimodel average, about half and one-third respectively of the decadal to multidecadal AMOC variance. Apart from analysing multimodel control simulations, we have performed sensitivity experiments with one of the models, in which we suppress the variability of either subpolar deep water formation or Nordic Seas overflows. The sensitivity experiments indicate that variations in subpolar deep water formation and Nordic Seas overflows are not completely independent. We further conclude from these experiments that the decadal to multidecadal AMOC variability north of about 50 • N is mainly related to variations in Nordic Seas overflows. At 45 • N and south of this latitude, variations in both subpolar deep water formation and Nordic Seas overflows contribute to the AMOC variability, with neither of the processes being very dominant compared to the other.
Submesoscale modulation of deep water formation in the Labrador Sea
Scientific Reports, 2020
Submesoscale structures fill the ocean surface, and recent numerical simulations and indirect observations suggest that they may extend to the ocean interior. It remains unclear, however, how far-reaching their impact may be-in both space and time, from weather to climate scales. Here transport pathways and the ultimate fate of the Irminger Current water from the continental slope to Labrador Sea interior are investigated through regional ocean simulations. Submesoscale processes modulate this transport and in turn the stratification of the Labrador Sea interior, by controlling the characteristics of the coherent vortices formed along West Greenland. Submesoscale circulations modify and control the Labrador Sea contribution to the global meridional overturning, with a linear relationship between time-averaged near surface vorticity and/or frontogenetic tendency along the west coast of Greenland, and volume of convected water. This research puts into contest the lesser role of the Labrador Sea in the overall control of the state of the MOC argued through the analysis of recent OSNAP (Overturning in the Subpolar North Atlantic Program) data with respect to estimates from climate models. It also confirms that submesoscale turbulence scales-up to climate relevance, pointing to the urgency of including its advective contribution in Earth systems models. Oceanic submesoscale currents (SMCs) occur at horizontal scales of the order of 1 km in the form of density fronts, vortices, and filaments in the surface turbulent boundary layer and of topographic wakes throughout the interior 1-4. Dynamically, SMCs are influenced, but not dominated, by the Earth's rotation and ocean stratification, which results in order 1 Rossby (Ro = U/fl) and Froude (Fr = U/Nh) numbers for these currents (U being a characteristic horizontal velocity scale, l and h horizontal and vertical length scales, f the Coriolis frequency, and N the Brunt-Vaisala frequency). In the presence of energetic boundary layer currents flowing along steep slopes, topographic wakes may become unstable with consequent generation of coherent vortices that are substantially submesoscale in nature and generated by partially unbalanced turbulence but can have size in the mesoscale (> 10 km) range. These vortices can have a long lifespan (> 1 year), travelling long distances from their point of origin, and their cumulative effect could impact the large scale transport and distribution of heat, nutrients and dissolved gases in the ocean. Few studies have focused on these features so far 1-4 , and their global impact has yet to be shown. Here, we attempt to demonstrate it focusing on the Labrador Sea (LS). The LS is one of the two major sites of the North Atlantic where deep convection regularly occurs. Intense surface cooling during wintertime weakens the ambient stratification and induces convective mixing in the central LS and over portions of its shelves 5,6. Convection mixes the surface waters to depths exceeding, in some years, 2000 m 7,8 and forms a fresh, cold and highly oxygenated water mass, the Labrador Sea Water (LSW). The LSW spreads southward across the northwest Atlantic at mid-depths 9 , is a source to the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) and a contributor to the Atlantic portion of the Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Despite its oceanographic and climatic importance, and the relatively good observational record 10-12 , both ocean-only and coupled climate models suffer from biases and divergent behaviors in simulating LSW formation and variability at seasonal to decadal timescales 13-15. A recent analysis 16 indicates that state-of-the-art climate models run by the three USA national laboratory (NCAR, NASA-GISS and GFDL) overestimate the LSW volume by 60 to 300%. The surface circulation in the LS is cyclonic and intensified along the boundaries. Near the surface, the West Greenland Current (WGC) and the Labrador Current flow along the continental slopes, northward and southward, respectively. The WGC transports fresh and cold water from the Nordic Seas along the Greenland coast, while the Labrador Current carries cold and fresh water from Baffin Bay towards Nova Scotia. Underneath and offshore of the WGC, the Irminger Current (IC) carries the warmer and saltier Irminger Sea Water (ISW). The
Climate of the Past, 2007
Using a 3-dimensional climate model of intermediate complexity we show that the overturning circulation of the Atlantic Ocean can vary at multicentennial-to-millennial timescales for modern boundary conditions. A continuous freshwater perturbation in the Labrador Sea pushes the overturning circulation of the Atlantic Ocean into a bi-stable regime, characterized by phases of active and inactive deepwater formation in the Labrador Sea. In contrast, deep-water formation in the Nordic Seas is active during all phases of the oscillations. The actual timing of the transitions between the two circulation states occurs randomly. The oscillations constitute a 3-dimensional phenomenon and have to be distinguished from low-frequency oscillations seen previously in 2-dimensional models of the ocean. A conceptual model provides further insight into the essential dynamics underlying the oscillations of the large-scale ocean circulation. The model experiments indicate that the coupled climate system can exhibit unforced climate variability at multicentennial-to-millennial timescales that may be of relevance for Holocene climate variations.
The variability of Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) in the pre-industrial control experiment of the Flexible Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System model, Grid-point Version 2 (FGOALS-g2) was investigated using the model outputs with the most stable state in a 512-yr time window from the total 1500-yr period of the experiment. The period of AMOC in FGOALS-g2 is double peaked at 20 and 32 years according to the power spectrum, and 22 years according to an auto-correlation analysis, which shows very obvious decadal variability. Like many other coupled climate models, the decadal variability of AMOC in FGOALS-g2 is closely related to the convection that occurs in the Labrador Sea region. Deep convection in the Labrador Sea in FGOALS-g2 leads the AMOC maximum by 3-4 years. The contributions of thermal and haline effects to the variability of the convection in three different regions [the Labrador, Irminger and Greenland-Iceland-Norwegian (GIN) Seas] were analyzed for FGOALS-g2. The variability of convection in the Labrador and Irminger Seas is thermally dominant, while that in the colder GIN Seas can be mainly attributed to salinity changes due to the lower thermal expansion. By comparing the simulation results from FGOALS-g2 and 11 other models, it was found that AMOC variability can be attributed to salinity changes for longer periods (longer than 35 years) and to temperature changes for shorter periods.