Pludselige dødsfald i forbindelse med anholdelse og tvangsfiksering af voldsomt ophidsede personer [Sudden death during apprehension of severely agitated persons] (original) (raw)
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[Clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of sudden cardiac death victims in northen Tunisia]
La Tunisie médicale, 2014
The sudden cardiac death remains a major public health problem. This dramatic event has not been well investigated in Tunisia. The aim of this work is to study the epidemiological and socio demographic characteristics of Tunisian victims. We prospectively collected clinical, socio demographic and pathology data of victims of sudden cardiac death occurring in the northern Tunisia from October 2010 to September 2012. The study population included 392 men and 108 women with a mean age of 52,2 + / - 15,8 years. Three quarters of the victims were sedentary, 57,9% were smoker and a family history of sudden death was identified in 9,8% of cases. Half of victims had a primary school education, only 8,4% has a university education, 65,6% of subjects lived in urban areas and 64% of victims were married. The vast majority of deaths had occurred either in a public place (41,4%) or at home (36,6%). The most frequent circumstance of death was at rest (67%). Only 5,1% of victims were transported b...
[Weekly variation of sudden cardiac death in northen Tunisia]
La Tunisie médicale
The sudden cardiac death remains a major public health problem. Several studies have reported weekly variation of this dramatic event. The aim of this work is to determine the day-of-week variability in sudden cardiac death in northen Tunisia. We prospectively collected clinical, socio demographic and autopsic data of victims of sudden cardiac death occurring in the northern Tunisia between october 1 st ,2010 and september 30,2012. The study population included 392 men and 108 women with a mean age of 52.27 + / - 15.8 years. Three quarters of the victims was sedentary, 57.9% were smoker and a family history of sudden death was identified in 9.8% of cases. The vast majority of deaths had occurred either in a public place (41.4%) or at home (36.6%). Ischemic heart disease was the leading cause of death with 267 cases (53.4%); however a negative autopsy was found in 13.9% of victims. The highest sudden death occurrence was on Sundays (17.8%) and the lowest on Mondays (11.4% p: 0.01).Th...
Point 68 a) de l'ordre du jour Promotion et protection des droits de l'homme : application des instruments relatifs aux droits de l'homme Rapport intérimaire du Rapporteur spécial sur la torture et autres peines ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants Le Secrétaire général a l'honneur de transmettre le rapport intérimaire de M. Juan E. Méndez, Rapporteur spécial du Conseil des droits de l'homme, sur la torture et autres peines ou traitements cruels, inhumains ou dégradants, présenté conformément à la résolution 68/156 de l'Assemblée générale.