Analysis Tools for Next-Generation Hadron Spectroscopy Experiments (original) (raw)
Related papers
Hadron Spectroscopy at Jefferson Laboratory
OSTI OAI (U.S. Department of Energy Office of Scientific and Technical Information), 2004
Recent results on hadron spectroscopy from Jefferson Laboratory's CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) are presented. In particular we present results from the baryon resonance program for both electro-and photo-production. Also, we present very preliminary results on meson spectroscopy in γ p interactions, and new results on the observation of the exotic baryon, the Θ • .
Recent issues in hadron spectroscopy
Nuclear Physics A, 2005
A brief survey is presented of recently discovered hadrons, some of them presumably demonstrating a new kind of internal structure. This includes: spin-singlet quarkonium, mesons with unexpected mass or width, baryons with two heavy quarks, and pentaquark candidates. Flavour configurations with a combination of light and heavy quarks appear as particularly promising.
New trends in hadronic physics at JLab
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2012
The 2014-scheduled 12 GeV upgrade of JLab will allow for a whole new range of experiments, extending our knowledge of nucleon structure. The program for the nucleon form factors and elastic scattering parity-violating asymmetry experiments is presented here, along with the benefits of the new large-acceptance forward spectrometer (Super BigBite, SBS) to be installed in Hall A.
Experimental overview of spectroscopy from heavy hadron decays
Proceedings of XVII International Conference on Hadron Spectroscopy and Structure — PoS(Hadron2017), 2018
We present and discuss some experimental approaches involving spectroscopy from heavy meson decays going to light mesons. In particular we emphasis the scalar resonance f0(980), which have different well determined parameter of mass and width obtained from J/ψ and D decays. We will also show how the CP violation observed in charmless three body decay can be used as tool to understand hadron hadron interaction at low mass region.
Analytic amplitudes for hadronic forward scattering: COMPETE update
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2003
We consider several classes of analytic parametrizations of hadronic scattering amplitudes, and compare their predictions to all available forward data (pp,pp, πp, Kp, γp, γγ, Σp). Although these parametrizations are very close for √ s ≥ 9 GeV, it turns out that they differ markedly at low energy, where a universal Pomeron term ∼ ln 2 s enables one to extend the fit down to √ s = 4 GeV. We present predictions on the total cross sections and on the ratio of the real part to the imaginary part of the elastic amplitude (ρ parameter) for present and future pp andpp colliders, and on total cross sections for γp → hadrons at cosmic-ray energies and for γγ → hadrons up to √ s = 1 TeV.
Physics opportunities with meson beams
The European Physical Journal A, 2015
Over the past two decades, meson photo-and electroproduction data of unprecedented quality and quantity have been measured at electromagnetic facilities worldwide. By contrast, the meson-beam data for the same hadronic final states are mostly outdated and largely of poor quality, or even non-existent, and thus provide inadequate input to help interpret, analyze, and exploit the full potential of the new electromagnetic data. To reap the full benefit of the high-precision electromagnetic data, new high-statistics data from measurements with meson beams, with good angle and energy coverage for a wide range of reactions, are critically needed to advance our knowledge in baryon and meson spectroscopy and other related areas of hadron physics. To address this situation, a state-of-the-art meson-beam facility needs to be constructed. The present paper summarizes unresolved issues in hadron physics and outlines the vast opportunities and advances that only become possible with such a facility.
International Journal of Modern Physics A, 2005
Meson photoproduction was studied at the CEBAF Large Acceptance Spectrometer (CLAS) utilizing a 5.5 GeV/c photon beam incident on a hydrogen target. Here we report on the partial wave analyzes (PWA) performed on the exclusive final states π+π+π-n and K+K-π+n. In addition, CLAS has data on the final state π+π0π-p which will be reported in the near future. The analysis of the π+π+π- system shows clearly the a2(1320), as well as evidence for the a1(1260) and the π2(1670). The π1(1600), previously observed in π-p interactions, is seen very weakly here. In the K+K-π+n channel there is is evidence for the Θ+(1540) S=+1 baryon pentaquark. The PWA of this system gives an excellent description of the background which rules out mesonic reflection as a source of the signal.
Extraction of In-Medium Nucleon-Nucleon Amplitude From Experiment
The in-medium nucleon-nucleon amplitudes are extracted from the available proton-nucleus total reaction cross sections data. The retrieval of the information from the experiment makes the estimate of reaction cross sections very reliable. Simple expressions are given for the in-medium nucleon-nucleon amplitudes for any system of colliding nuclei as a function of energy. Excellent agreement with experimental observations is demonstrated in the ion-nucleus interactions. Form Approved OMB No. 07704-0188 Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to