Hypertext Access and the New Oxford English Dictionary (original) (raw)
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After the invention of printing, culture mainly spread through books. From a cultural point of view it would be interesting to think about the possible changes that would occur at the death of the {paper) book and at :the coming of the hypertext age. l will not deal with this macroscopic subject from a philosophic or sociologie point of view. I will start from a simple operation the 'conversion' of a literary text to a hypertext to reach the condusion that similar methods are not only universal ( they can be used for analysing texts of any form and content) but also extremely innovative.
From DOC files to a modern online dictionary
The aim of this paper is to describe the process of development of software for the Comprehensive English-Georgian Online Dictionary, posted on the Internet in 2010. The Dictionary engine is built on PHP/MySQL platform and combines three major branches: user interface, administrative interface and billing system, thus making it an integrated and dynamic resource. User functionalities include: bidirectional search; auto suggestions; auto corrections; online payments, etc. The administrative interface of the Dictionary holds a number of administrative functionalities, such as: dictionary vocabulary management functionalities; generation and conversion tools necessary for editors; user registration management functionalities, etc. The Online Dictionary databases were generated from the DOC files which contained raw text data: words, grammatical characteristics of words, pronunciations and descriptions, altogether and separated by spaces just as in any sentence. After thorough analysis ...
Sihen: A Hypertext System for Creating Encyclopedias
Hypermedia, 1994
This paper presents the development of a hypertext system for processing information and creating encyclopedias and dictionaries. It shows how nodes are inserted, deleted and modified as well as the description of the structures and procedures for making efficient searches and for maintaining and managing the information related with the implemented links.
Transforming text into hypertext for a compact disc encyclopedia
ACM SIGCHI Bulletin, 1989
A hypertext version of a multi-volume engineering encyclopedia on a compact disc is described. The methods for characterizing the explicit and implicit structure of the document, the novel user interface to the compact disc version, and the design and development lessons that apply to any hypertext project involving realistic amounts of text and graphics are discussed.
Edition of Structured Documents in a Hypertext Environment
This paper presents the TWlST (Technical Writer's Integrated Support Tool) project. The system developed within TWlST can be viewed as a high level hypertext system intelface, as well as an environment for the edition of structured documents. This paper explains in which way the two points of view are addressed. In particular, it describes TWIST objectives and the means carried out to reach them. This presentation will led us to introduce the hypertext and stmctured edition concepts
A System for Converting and Recovering Texts Managed as Structured Information
Scientific Reports, 2022
This paper introduces a system that incorporates several strategies based on scientific models of how the brain records and recovers memories. Methodologically, an incremental prototyping approach has been applied to develop a satisfactory architecture that can be adapted to any language. A special case is studied and tested regarding the Spanish language. The applications of this proposal are vast because, in general, information such as text way, reports, emails, and web content, among others, is considered unstructured and, hence, the repositories based on SQL databases usually do not handle this kind of data correctly and efficiently. The conversion of unstructured textual information to structured one can be useful in contexts such as Natural Language Generation, Data Mining, and dynamic generation of theories, among others. Written communication is a type of information that has a basic structure well defined in each language which is useful in information processing 1. Additionally, some other types of communication can be totally or partially converted into text whereupon the final processing is carried out 2,3. Several applications have been developed in information processing following principles or attributes of the text, for instance, to build ontologies or micro-theories 4-7 which are convenient for automatic decision-making tasks 8. Furthermore, In process automation, the speed at which the information is produced reduces human performance and delays the decision-making processes, this has generated the urgent need to delegate some decisions to machines and create applications for resolving these problems 9-11. The information retrieval and the generation of natural language promote the generation of sentences/phrases with meaning from a large amount of data generated by interactivity, shared repositories, and homogeneous or heterogeneous data sources, one of these types of application is presented in 12 where is exposed a framework able to generate three classes of question and answers from corpora: fill in the gaps, multiple choice, and shuffled sentences. The framework aims to create a pedagogical tool able to automatically generate tests in the context of a topic, the parser divides texts according to the processed language and prepares the type of question selected. These approaches that allow recording and recovering of fragments or whole texts from a repository, conceiving and improving strategies applied in recovering unstructured information are very important in the current Computer Science. This article introduces an architecture that allows building applications capable of dissociating texts/sentences in subsets of cores with properties and simple operations such as those that the algebraic groups incorporate. These operations are preferable because they have properties that promote a straightforward and reliable manner to retrieve a whole text or part of it by keeping the structure of the language. Additionally, relationships between subsets are incorporated because they play an essential role in maintaining the meaning of the recovered text/ sentences. The main objective of this manuscript is to show the design of a system with the capability of processing sentences (part of the text), storing them in databases, and finally, recovering them while keeping the original text's basic meaning. To reach that, it is reviewing some previous concepts and experiences about linguistic computational to support the architectural design; it is described and justified how the algebraic groups help in the organization of the components of sentences for storage and recovering them while keeping the meaning and structure; Also, it is treated how to design an architecture for a processing system the objects/data as structured information (into structured databases), and finally, it is shown the functionality of a system for some illustrative instances and test cases for the Spanish language.
Hypertext for Hypertext: a Figured Thesaurus
Database and Expert Systems Applications, 1991
On the basis of a heraldic encyclopedia, a hypertext has been built. The existence of an exact heraldic grammar allows a classification of the coats-of-arms, but it is not easy to be used from not skillful users, and it makes particularly critic the user interface. The constitution of a figured thesaurus, hypertext structured, allowed the realization of a concept browsing interface, which accomplish the functions of didactic and support instrument for the formulations of queries.
This paper treats of a disadvantage called the problem of date and context, of using XML to encode the historical lexicography of Old, Middle and Early Modern Irish. This problem was brought to light during the creation of an electronic Lexicon of medieval Irish, and it occurs when certain units of a hard-copy text develop a new significance when represented in a digital environment. The disadvantage of encoding such information in XML is that the power of XML and its related technologies, such as XSLT, can enable transformations of information that are not, in linguistic terms, meaningful. But how can such a caveat be encoded in an electronic edition of a dictionary or lexicon? In order to answer this question, a new methodological approach to encoding some historical dictionaries will be proposed and a limitation of an influential theory of text, that forms the theoretical foundation of mark-up schemes such as the Textual Encoding Initiative’s Guidelines for electronic text encoding and interchange1, will be observed. Further, some conceptual differences that lie at the heard of a hard copy dictionary and its digital representation will be discussed.
BRAQUE: A Hypertext-based Interface for Accessing Large Text Databases
The amount of literature indexed in bibiiographic and text collections contìnues to grow, is complex and multidisciplinary in nature. The access to such sources of information, their consultation, is required by rn.ore and more professionals. T ools like persona! cornputers and high speed networks to connect to on--line catalogues and bibliographic collecrions are easily available. Neverthe!ess a professional knowledge of collection contents, indexing methods and query language is normally required to aBow a fmitful access to large text collectìons and retrieval of reievant inf ormation. This paper addresses the personal computer version (MS Windows) of the BRAQVE (BRowse And QUEry) imerface designed to overcome tbe above mentioncd problems and give significant results in the information gathering process to the pmfessiona1 information hunter as well to the occasionai searcher. BRAQUE relies on the implementation of a two ìevel hypertext model to support the hypertext metaphor in a ...
A Hypertext Environment for Interacting with Large Textual Databases
Information Processing and Management, 1992
paper presents a design and implementation project based on a two-level conceptual architecture for the construction of a hypertext environment for interacting with large textual databases. The conceptual architecture has been proposed to be used for a semantic representation of the informative content of a collection of documents and for the organisation of the document collection itself. The hypertext environment is based on a set of functions that permits one to exploit the potential capabilities of the two-level architecture. Those functions are presented in detail. The paper reports some results of a more general project whose final goal is the definition of a new model for information retrieval: a model with information retrieval capabilities embedded within a hypertext environment. Finally, an outline is presented of the characteristics of a prototype, named HYPERLINE, of the hypertext environment. This prototype has been developed by the Information Retrieval Service of the European Space Agency (ESA-IRS)