Interview by Michael Penn on Imperial Japan's Muslim World Policy (original) (raw)
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New Trends in Japanese Scholarship on Islam
When there is talk about Islam, Japan is not a country that comes instantaneously to our minds. Nevertheless, there are many substantial bonds and links between Japan and the Islamic world. Japan’s resource diplomacy, which centres mainly on petroleum and oil, is one of these. Perhaps, that is why various aspects of Islam including history and culture as well as the relationship with the Muslim world have been some of the important areas of scholars’ interest in Japanese academia, particularly in the last few decades. There have been three peaks in the history of Japanese scholarship regarding Islam: first is before the Second World War, the second is post-war period after the “oil shock” and the last is after 9/11. Although, Islam was not studied as a religion in early stages because the role of comparative religion was minor and the Japanese scholarship in general was mainly confined to publications in Japanese language. However, gradually the situation has improved. The academic activities in recent years are different from earlier as the spectrum of research has widened studying Islam from various approaches such as methodological and typological. Another recent trend is the production of quite reasonable amount of material in English. This brief survey on Japanese scholarship on Islam shall trigger the attention of Pakistani scholars for further studies and be helpful to understand how Islam is perceived in Japan.
Japanese Opinions about Islam before and during World War II
Annals of Japan Association for Middle East Studies, 2013
Recently the relationship between Japan and Islam, including the study about “the Japanese Policy toward Muslims,” has been the focal point for various studies. It is possible to classify these studies into into four groups: first, central institutions related to Islam; second, central figures related to the policy toward Islam; third, the reaction or opinion of Japanese people to the policy toward Muslims or Islam in general; and, fourth, the activities of Muslims in Japan. Unfortunately, it is difficult to obtain results for the third type of study. We need to adopt media research to fill the gap. We intend to elucidate the Japanese opinion about Islamic affairs before and during World War II through the articles of Buddhist Daily Newspaper Chûgai Nippô (1937-1945), using its bibliographical database. We would like to introduce some examples of this interesting newspaper in this paper.
Japan’s Relations with Muslim Asia: Trans-Continental Normativity and Policy
and his team at LJC America in Salt Lake City, and Dr. Sonya Nieves from Broward College. Also, the Consulate General of Japan in Miami has also been instrumental in providing a network of connections. Furthermore, I would be remiss without extending my deep appreciation to the Mohsin and Fauzia Jaffer Center for Muslim World Studies, in the Green School of International and Public Affairs at FIU. The Jaffer Center provided financial assistance in several cases, including a research trip to Tokyo, but the Jaffer Center also facilitated a gathering of scholars eager to broaden dialogue on Islam and global affairs. Through the Jaffer Center, I was given ample opportunity to present this work and discuss it with scholars of Islam who provided insightful perspectives and showed a keen interest in the project. I am eager to see the developments at the Jaffer Center in coming years. v
Bu calismada, modern donemden itibaren Japonlarin Muslumanlar ile tarihsel etkilesimi/munasebeti ve Japonya’da Islam ve Muslumanlar ile ilgili bilgisel alt yapi, anlatilmaktadir. Modern Japonya’nin dogusu olarak kabul edilen Meiji Donemi (1868-1912) ile birlikte bolgesel guc halini alan Japonya’da, Muslumanlar ile dogrudan munasebetler kurulmus ve Islam dini ya da Musluman nufus hakkinda gecmise kiyasla daha dogru bilgiler edinilmeye baslanmistir. 1904-05 Rus-Japon Savasi’ndan itibaren emperyel bir guc olarak Dogu ve Guneydogu Asya cografyasinda yayilmaci bir politika gutmeye baslayan Japonya, bilhassa 1930’lardan 1940’larin ilk ceyregine kadarki vetirede Cin ve Rus tahakkumundeki Muslumanlara karsi “Buyuk Dogu Asya Ortak Refah Bolgesi”’nin insasi icin politik propagandalarda bulunmustur. Bu dogrultuda Muslumanlara yonelik siyasi argumanlarla harmanlanmis bir bilgi havuzunun olustugunu belirtmek gerekir. Ikinci Dunya Savasi’nda alinan agir yenilgi sonrasi adeta sifirdan ulkeyi insa ...
The Archive of the Source Materials about the Greater Japan Muslim League (1)
The Archive of the Source Materials about the Greater Japan Muslim League (1), 2024
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